Christian Love !!

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
[ame=]Shabir Ally gets some Christian love - YouTube[/ame]

Do you think that all christians are like that ?
Shabir Ally gets some Christian love - YouTube

Do you think that all christians are like that ?

How wonderful! The Muslim converted to Christianity and the other one didn't kill him but hugged him? Is that the story? If it is it should make international news! Didn't your prophet tell you guys to kill anyone who tried to leave Islam? Yes. He did. Good to know that the Muslims are going to accept their family decisions to leave Islam like Christians are. Yes, all Christians believe in the free will of the individual no matter what family they were born into. To choose their own faith. Reformation in your own religion was needed. Good news. Congrats to the new christian!
Maybe these guys could make a public apology to the world on behalf of Islam for the mass murder at Boston Marathon the other day? It seems to be missing so far. Thanks. - Jeri
Shabir Ally gets some Christian love - YouTube

Do you think that all christians are like that ?

How wonderful! The Muslim converted to Christianity and the other one didn't kill him but hugged him? Is that the story? If it is it should make international news!

Did the muslim in the video above convert to polytheism ? who told you that ?

Did you watch the video ?

Polytheism? No. If he converted to Christianity from Islam he left idolatry ( moon god worshiper ) for the One true God of Bible. That is Christianity. Our God is One.

As to the video, no I am not watching anymore videos from Muslims until I watch the one where your religion takes responsibility for the mass murder - maiming of our american people at Boston Marathon - in the name of Islam - how many people has your religion slaughtered in cold blood now? Oh more people than Hitler, that's a record! Where is the APOLOGY? The silence is deafening from your Bunch!

Pretty damning confession for a religion but yours actually accomplished such a feat.

So when you people get some reformation going in that religion of yours - abbrogate the 109 murder verses, quit beating your wives, raping your daughters and children & then murdering them to protect the honor you think you have ( but don't ) ........ you know .........that sort of thing........then we will be interested in hearing what you have to say. Until then? NOT INTERESTED. - Jeremiah
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