"Christian" Religions which reject the Trinity Doctrine

Mormonism - Latter-day Saints

Jehovah's Witnesses

Christian Science



Oneness Pentecostals

Unification Church

Unity School of Christianity

Scientology - Dianetics

Are you saying this is a bad thing about rejecting the Trinity? I've not heard of some of these, but would agree the weirdness of Scientology. Personally I think Mormonism & JW get a bad rap (being they are the 2 most popular). Ultimately they are still of a 'Protestant' variety of Christianity.

Isn't there something in the Bible about God saying He is known by many names? (or something similar?)

Ya gotta admit that whole Father/Son/Spirit as one, is a hard pill to swallow. But then I wasn't raised in the (any) church either, but came to it as an adult so I have a different perspective than those who were. I grappled with this whole Triune idea for years and the only thing that made it make sense was that they may or may not have actually been one person/being or as separate beings IDK.... but all three are one in agreement. That and I've read the Lost Books of Eden, that go much further into the story of Adam & Eve than what's given in Genesis. In that God promises to come back to earth in human form.....and tells so much more that the Bible leaves out.

I try to remember this.......

Heaven's Surprise
By Rod Hemphill

I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all, nor the lights or its decor.

But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp--
The thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics and the trash.

There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice.

Herb, who I always thought was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine, looking incredibly well.

I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal? I would love to hear your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here? God must've made a mistake.

'And why's everyone so quiet, so somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said, 'they're all in shock. No one thought they'd be seeing you.'


Remember...Just going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car.
"Christian" Religions which reject the Trinity Doctrine

If you thought here that I rambled off topic....not really. Unless of course this thread wasn't for discussion purposes, but for you to 'enlighten' us to the religions that don't believe in the Trinity. IDK since there wasn't much lead in, in your OP.
I didn't think you rambled off topic.

This thread is a way for me to learn about the beliefs of others to better understand their motivations.

AH, now that's a good idea I have wondered much the same of different religions & just what makes them different. I just couldn't figure out why you had quoted me and only included a link back to this thread.

I have heard from some Mormons/LDS that they believe we chose our lives here on earth, while in Heaven before we're born. Then of course, other Mormons never heard of that.......so IDK, but an interesting concept
I provided the link to show you that I had already responded to one person who thought I was judging their beliefs.

I have good friends who are Mormons. Good people.
I've been to LDS services and my ex is Mormon. Some of the teachings are good and some are strange. I have a book by Gordon B. Hinkley he was a pretty kind man.

Also attended Christian Science sunday school as a kid.

Now me and my mom just visit new mainstream churches. I am learning what mainstream church people believe. Since I was not raised in mainstream religion some of it seems strange to me and some seems great.


But, according to the assorted deviants posting here daily, Xian churches are full of nasty evul old ladies and bigots who hate everybody else, especially strangers and those from other denominations, and all church services in America end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running around lynching hapless innocent homos, blacks, and atheists, and Sunday evening services are reserved for burning them at the stake, so this can't be true ...
I've been to LDS services and my ex is Mormon. Some of the teachings are good and some are strange. I have a book by Gordon B. Hinkley he was a pretty kind man.

Also attended Christian Science sunday school as a kid.

Now me and my mom just visit new mainstream churches. I am learning what mainstream church people believe. Since I was not raised in mainstream religion some of it seems strange to me and some seems great.


But, according to the assorted deviants posting here daily, Xian churches are full of nasty evul old ladies and bigots who hate everybody else, especially strangers and those from other denominations, and all church services in America end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running around lynching hapless innocent homos, blacks, and atheists, and Sunday evening services are reserved for burning them at the stake, so this can't be true ...

I've only been to one mainstream church that was like that and we crossed it off our lift of churches to visit. I am going there to feel uplifted and hear something positive. All week long I hear nothing but negative shit so if a church makes me feel shitty I don't go back.
I've been to LDS services and my ex is Mormon. Some of the teachings are good and some are strange. I have a book by Gordon B. Hinkley he was a pretty kind man.

Also attended Christian Science sunday school as a kid.

Now me and my mom just visit new mainstream churches. I am learning what mainstream church people believe. Since I was not raised in mainstream religion some of it seems strange to me and some seems great.


But, according to the assorted deviants posting here daily, Xian churches are full of nasty evul old ladies and bigots who hate everybody else, especially strangers and those from other denominations, and all church services in America end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running around lynching hapless innocent homos, blacks, and atheists, and Sunday evening services are reserved for burning them at the stake, so this can't be true ...

I've only been to one mainstream church that was like that and we crossed it off our lift of churches to visit. I am going there to feel uplifted and hear something positive. All week long I hear nothing but negative shit so if a church makes me feel shitty I don't go back.

I've never run into that except at congregations in rich sections of town. And, from Catholic priests, oddly; as a group they seem very obnoxious. Not the congregations, mostly just the priests.
I've been to LDS services and my ex is Mormon. Some of the teachings are good and some are strange. I have a book by Gordon B. Hinkley he was a pretty kind man.

Also attended Christian Science sunday school as a kid.

Now me and my mom just visit new mainstream churches. I am learning what mainstream church people believe. Since I was not raised in mainstream religion some of it seems strange to me and some seems great.


But, according to the assorted deviants posting here daily, Xian churches are full of nasty evul old ladies and bigots who hate everybody else, especially strangers and those from other denominations, and all church services in America end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running around lynching hapless innocent homos, blacks, and atheists, and Sunday evening services are reserved for burning them at the stake, so this can't be true ...

I've only been to one mainstream church that was like that and we crossed it off our lift of churches to visit. I am going there to feel uplifted and hear something positive. All week long I hear nothing but negative shit so if a church makes me feel shitty I don't go back.

I've never run into that except at congregations in rich sections of town. And, from Catholic priests, oddly; as a group they seem very obnoxious. Not the congregations, mostly just the priests.

I've only been to a Catholic church once nobody greeted us lol. It seemed stiff there and kind of monotone.
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I've been to LDS services and my ex is Mormon. Some of the teachings are good and some are strange. I have a book by Gordon B. Hinkley he was a pretty kind man.

Also attended Christian Science sunday school as a kid.

Now me and my mom just visit new mainstream churches. I am learning what mainstream church people believe. Since I was not raised in mainstream religion some of it seems strange to me and some seems great.


But, according to the assorted deviants posting here daily, Xian churches are full of nasty evul old ladies and bigots who hate everybody else, especially strangers and those from other denominations, and all church services in America end with howling mobs bursting out the doors and running around lynching hapless innocent homos, blacks, and atheists, and Sunday evening services are reserved for burning them at the stake, so this can't be true ...

I've only been to one mainstream church that was like that and we crossed it off our lift of churches to visit. I am going there to feel uplifted and hear something positive. All week long I hear nothing but negative shit so if a church makes me feel shitty I don't go back.

I've never run into that except at congregations in rich sections of town. And, from Catholic priests, oddly; as a group they seem very obnoxious. Not the congregations, mostly just the priests.

I've only been to a Catholic church once.nobody greeted us lol. It seemed stiff there and kind of monotone.

Indeed. Some are trying to change, though, and taking a lesson from the Charismatics. They may be nuts, but they are always entertaining and open.
... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

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... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

Only if they are misrepresenting Catholic belief and then only to correct the error.

Many people have poor opinions of Catholics. It is nothing new. If you believe as I do that God uses everything for the good of those who love him, then it all works itself out in the end.
Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?
... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Only if they are misrepresenting Catholic belief and then only to correct the error.

They are defaming as the Nazis did. The propagandistic trick is not to argue with logic but to color with emotions in a social intrigant way. I could call it "war propaganda" - truth is the first what dies in case of war. As far as I can see what they say has nothing to do with truth - they chose their words because of propagandistic effects. They ignore god in a similar way how the Islamists ignore god. Godless people.

Many people have poor opinions of Catholics. It is nothing new. If you believe as I do that God uses everything for the good of those who love him, then it all works itself out in the end.

I am a German Catholic. My ancestors were German Jews. And as far as I see this US-American Nazis are a problem a machine sword could solve. Why to wait until this Anti-Christians had eliminated everyone who shares not their idiotic aggressive view of the world? I don't have the impression mankind has a better chance to be able to survive with such men. How dangerous are such people? Will they kill us all? Should we not kill them before we let them kill us finally?

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... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

Where am I being anti-catholic? I just shared an experience I had.

You shared a not existing experience in a mind manipulating evil minded way. Because this is a normal lifestyle of many people in the world you are perhaps not able to see your own tragedy any longer.

I attempted to discuss this issue with a Jehovah Witness once. She told me Catholics overthink things which leads to getting it wrong.
All things were created by Him (Jesus) and for Him. And without Him was not anything made that was made.
I attempted to discuss this issue with a Jehovah Witness once. She told me Catholics overthink things which leads to getting it wrong.
Question. Adam sinned against God. So God would be the only one who could pay the price for that sin. Now, if Jesus is not God incarnate, then a created being died for your sin. Correct? Are you OK with that?
... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

Where am I being anti-catholic? I just shared an experience I had.

You shared a not existing experience in a mind manipulating evil minded way. Because this is a normal lifestyle of many people in the world you are perhaps not able to see your own tragedy any longer.

wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?
... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

Where am I being anti-catholic? I just shared an experience I had.

You shared a not existing experience in a mind manipulating evil minded way. Because this is a normal lifestyle of many people in the world you are perhaps not able to see your own tragedy any longer.

wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

I'm truly sorry for how you felt. I'm not Roman Catholic; however, I can imagine that sometimes people feel intimidated in approaching strangers. It can be unsettling. What if one says the wrong thing or comes across as pushy. And others maybe just visiting too... I always try to say hello to those around me before and after services, but I find I'm terrible with names ----- and that I find is an embarrassment to myself and perhaps to the one I'm trying to encounter. But I try and I find that any effort is far better than none at all. Honestly, I'd rather be run through with a sword than slight anyone. I can only pray that those I meet truly understand this...
... wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

Besides that in every church service everyone greets people all around - also strangers - you went as a stranger to a Catholic community, because your sister had died some time ago and you have now the problem that no one greeted you? What made it for this Catholics important to greet you? What did you do for them? What do you had to do with them?

And you are not shy to misuse the death of your sister and to make anti-catholic discussions at Maundy Thursday and Gods Friday?

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... In fact, we should speak out against actions that we should speak out against.

Do you think someone has the duty to speak out against the anti-catholic nonsense of the users "drifters" and "JustAnotherNut"?

Where am I being anti-catholic? I just shared an experience I had.

You shared a not existing experience in a mind manipulating evil minded way. Because this is a normal lifestyle of many people in the world you are perhaps not able to see your own tragedy any longer.

wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

I'm truly sorry for how you felt. I'm not Roman Catholic; however, I can imagine that sometimes people feel intimidated in approaching strangers. It can be unsettling. What if one says the wrong thing or comes across as pushy. And others maybe just visiting too... I always try to say hello to those around me before and after services, but I find I'm terrible with names ----- and that I find is an embarrassment to myself and perhaps to the one I'm trying to encounter. But I try and I find that any effort is far better than none at all. Honestly, I'd rather be run through with a sword than slight anyone. I can only pray that those I meet truly understand this...

I understand. I was hurting and looking for comfort. I was surprised nobody greeted me. But I see your point of view too.
... wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

Besides that in every church service everyone greets people all around - also strangers - you went as a stranger to a Catholic community, because your sister had died some time ago and you have now the problem that no one greeted you? What made it for this Catholics important to greet you? What did you do for them? What do you had to do with them?

And you are not shy to misuse the death of your sister and to make anti-catholic discussions at Maundy Thursday and Gods Friday?

I went to the Catholic church fresh after my sister died. I was hoping to connect with someone. I was not in a normal state because I was in grief.It was important to me because I was feeling really alone my sister killed herself and a few months before that my dad died.
... wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

Besides that in every church service everyone greets people all around - also strangers - you went as a stranger to a Catholic community, because your sister had died some time ago and you have now the problem that no one greeted you? What made it for this Catholics important to greet you? What did you do for them? What do you had to do with them?

And you are not shy to misuse the death of your sister and to make anti-catholic discussions at Maundy Thursday and Gods Friday?

How is wanting to be uplifted and loved by a church misusing the grief I feel of my sister's death? You don't seem very loving or compassionate. You are trolling now for sure.
... wtf? I went to a Catholic church after my sister died hoping to feel better and shared my experience which was nobody greeted me are you trolling?

Besides that in every church service everyone greets people all around - also strangers - you went as a stranger to a Catholic community, because your sister had died some time ago and you have now the problem that no one greeted you? What made it for this Catholics important to greet you? What did you do for them? What do you had to do with them?

And you are not shy to misuse the death of your sister and to make anti-catholic discussions at Maundy Thursday and Gods Friday?

I went to the Catholic church fresh after my sister died.


I was hoping to connect with someone.

Why? What had anyone there to do with you and/or your dead sister? Why did you not write a letter or did do a phone call? Why did you not just simple say to someone "I need psychological help!" Do you think Catholics are telepaths? It's totally normal that strangers go into a catholic church. The normal reason to do so is to find a silent place, where someone is able to speak with god - undisturbed.

I was not in a normal state because I was in grief.It was important to me because I was feeling really alone my sister killed herself

She did do suicide? Why?

and a few months before that my dad died.

That's why? ... She needed really help ... A tragedy ...

Let me first tell you another story before I give you an answer now. A traveler saw in Berlin a young man who seemed to be very sad. He asked him: "Do you need help?". The young man killed him.
So are you sure you live in the same world in which I live - or is your world a world full of romance? "If my sister dies then I will go to a catholic church. There I will find friends and they will heal my psychological wounds?" What kind of irreal bullshit is this? It needs years to find friends.

But okay. If you need help then I'm perhaps able to help you. Where do you live and what kind of help do you need?

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