Christian Students win legal challenge against the university of Iowa

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
Academia has been persecuting Christians for long time now.....good to see justice prevail in Iowa.......the arrogancy of academia must be abolished along with their discrimination against all races other than blacks.

Becket Law went on to say that “after a federal judge warned the university about its double standards, university officials went on a deregistering spree to cover their tracks, ultimately kicking other Christian, Sikh, and Muslim student groups off campus for reserving leadership positions for students who shared their faith.”

Last year, a lower court ruled that the discrimination against BLinC was illegal, and that the university had to allow BLinC back on campus.

The Eighth Circuit’s decision affirms that ruling, and holds the school administrators personally responsible for their discriminatory application of the university’s nondiscrimination policy.

“It’s deeply ironic that school officials tried using the University’s nondiscrimination policy to discriminate against religion,” said Eric Baxter, vice president and senior counsel at Becket Law.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
none of my business.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
none of my business.
Just gays are, I see.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

It is if they belong to the university , university rules trump group rules.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

I agree they can. I just don't support it.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

It is if they belong to the university , university rules trump group rules.

Evidently the courts don't agree
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
none of my business.
Just gays are, I see.
I don't ask anyone their sexual preference or their married status it isn't my business.
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
none of my business.
Just gays are, I see.
I don't ask anyone their sexual preference or their married status it isn't my business.

But you know if they are gay or not? or trans or not. Your right, its none of your business and it isn't the Christian group business as well.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

It is if they belong to the university , university rules trump group rules.

Evidently the courts don't agree
That doesn't make them right.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

It is if they belong to the university , university rules trump group rules.

Evidently the courts don't agree
That doesn't make them right.

Only because you're an idiot
Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Anyone that practices sin can not be forgiven until they stop, but that is none of the churches business, any gay is free to attend any church they want unless they CHOOSE to put their sin in the faces of the congregation. any gay that simply does not talk about their life style to the rest of the congregation won't be preached to because no one will know.

Every single person there that has remarried is doing the same thing.
again so what?

You have been answered.
you got no point. you keep making a claim you can not prove.
The divorce rate and remarried are members of your church.
none of my business.
Just gays are, I see.
I don't ask anyone their sexual preference or their married status it isn't my business.

But you know if they are gay or not? or trans or not. Your right, its none of your business and it isn't the Christian group business as well.
be specific and link to where the group even asks that, all I saw was that any member had to affirm the Christian faith.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

It is if they belong to the university , university rules trump group rules.
If the university is connected to the government the Constitution trumps university rules, and the Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of assembly. It therefore cannot prevent exclusive groups.
I don't trust anyone who just says "Christian." Name denomination or sect, please. The Christian faith is now all split off, making naming the denomination extremely important. Were these students Catholic, Episcopalian, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Quaker, Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Dutch Reformed? What? There are morons who say that "Christians" are being "persecuted," but each Christian faith is different, so be specific as to which Christians you are talking about.

I will never go to an business who advertise as a Christian business.
Me. as well. There are so many bizarre things coming out of people who claim that this is Christianity that this faith is so confusing as to be unrecognizable. I am asking myself what it means to believe in Jesus anymore. A famous Christian author once told me to not quit, to wade through the 2,000 years of bullshit and find what the truth is, but I'm just hanging on by the skin of my teeth, in view of the Catholic boys who run that faith, and the graham and jeffress types, all of whom seek to destroy any legacy that Jesus left.
Go by what Jesus said.

I do. Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. Too much has been tacked onto Christianity that shouldn't be there. It really should be a very simple faith.
It is very simple, yet very profound. Jesus didn't have to say much about homosexuality because He was an observant Jew who obeyed the Law and God's opinion about homosexuality was made clear in the Law.

So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

John 8;7

That was not the old law.
I know. He had the power to forgive, and that's what He came to do. Note that forgiving her didn't make what she (why wasn't the man she was caught with also there?) did acceptable, because He told her to "Go, and sin no more". IOW, adultery was still wrong in God's eyes.

But yet we don't exclude adulterer's like we do those who are gay.
The principle still holds though, a group can include or exclude whomever they wish under the right of free assembly. Would we require a Muslim group to accept pig farmers, even if they accepted adulterers? IOW, it's not up to people outside the group to dictate how the group operates.

I agree they can. I just don't support it.
Why then do I only see angst about Christian groups existing to only serve Christians? Every group that forms is exclusionary, so why does the heat always seem to focus on Christians? Where are the protests against, say, Muslim groups? Homosexual groups? Would the university require a group formed to provide gay students support and friendship to allow members of this Christian group to join, and if they did, would you support the university in doing so?

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