Christiana Amanpour: Nothing personifies the arrogance of the left better.

Stupid ..... bitch.
I loathe that woman.

She attended a highly selective university and fashioned her career from scratch, starting at the very bottom...You?
The award is meant for professional achievements .... not how well she did (or cheated) to get through an education. As a reporter she is useless, just another "yes sir, I'll report whatever you want and however you want sir." A Parrot can do that.

So you Boldly Assert.....

She has access to resources that you can only dream of........and none of them are named "FOXNews"....
You keep bringing up foxnews. Are you masturbating to Megyn Kelly again?

When did you throw Megan and FOX under the bus?

I'm betting it was at about the time of the first Republican Candidates debate.....

Would that be about right, Sheep?
At 5:15, she encapsulates what has happened to journalism perfectly:

"I believe in being truthful, not neutral". Perfect.

And just who is to determine what The Truth is, Christiane? You? People who think like you? People with whom you choose to surround yourself?

A perfect example of how ideology distorts the mind. It makes people confuse fact with opinion.

You couldn't ask for a better representation of why people no longer trust the media.

You approach the truth through a good faith effort of inquiry.........

Eyeguzzling Drudge headlines doesn't qualify....
Drudge or Huffington, same thing.

We should be given the facts and make our own conclusions, not another person's slanted version of The Truth.

Now for the Money Shot....

On which PRIMARY sources of information do you rely?

Do you even know where they can be found?

Here's a test....

Of all the net private sector employment gains since Feb, 2001, what percentage has been added since Feb, 2009?

Having spent nearly 20 years in "the media" in a former life, I know to get my "news" from a variety of sources, analyze it, synthesize it, and then draw conclusions.

I can also tell when a "reporter" is providing their version of The Truth and when they're actually reporting.
Given what I know of her background, I would bet she speaks more than 3 languages......
THAT is the basis for your appraisal??? It's got nothing to do with journalism. If speaking 3 languages impresses you to such an extreme I'll expect you to lick my boots every morning. I speak 5 languages.
Be careful. He may not stop at the boots.
I like watching the left lament when their propaganda is rejected through the democratic process. They just can't handle it.

There is something vaguely UNdemocratic about a candidate winning an election with substantially fewer votes than his opponent....
The President isn't elected by the popular vote.

Which qualifies that "democratic process" thingy......

Ours is a REPUBLIC, so formed in the belief that there exists a class of citizen most qualified to determine the best for all....

Think about the pitch you and your fellow imbeciles swallowed to justify pulling the lever for a serial bankrupt and reality TV star....
Think about the alternative you offered. A lying, sickly, corrupt criminal under investigation for federal crimes and a history of selling government access to the highest bidder.
Why don't you provide the link at which you were told to believe that?

She's a NWO Globalist Elite fake news-puppet. Always has been, always will be. I don't trust a word she says. She really can go to hell as far as i'm concerned.

Blather, mince, rebleat....

I bet you've never been paid to think....

Ah, fluck her and her New World Order. I'm completely over the Globalist Elite agenda. And i truly believe more & more folks are coming over to my side of the fence.

You're a One Note Imbecile......

Ha, you're losin it. More & more folks are opposing your Globalist Elite NWO agenda. Globalist fake news-puppets like Amanpour, are being exposed. The People are turning on y'all. We're in a time of Revolution. Glorious times for sure. :)


From where did Trump poach Rience to install him as Chief of Staff?

You and your cretinous herd are gonna go down in history as the greatest Rubeapalooza ever...
I like watching the left lament when their propaganda is rejected through the democratic process. They just can't handle it.

There is something vaguely UNdemocratic about a candidate winning an election with substantially fewer votes than his opponent....
The President isn't elected by the popular vote.

Which qualifies that "democratic process" thingy......

Ours is a REPUBLIC, so formed in the belief that there exists a class of citizen most qualified to determine the best for all....

Think about the pitch you and your fellow imbeciles swallowed to justify pulling the lever for a serial bankrupt and reality TV star....
Think about the alternative you offered. A lying, sickly, corrupt criminal under investigation for federal crimes and a history of selling government access to the highest bidder.
Like voter like candidate.
Amanpour is just another NWO Globalist fake news-propaganda puppet. She serves George Soros and all NWO bastards. She's evil. Period, end of story.
She's a NWO Globalist Elite fake news-puppet. Always has been, always will be. I don't trust a word she says. She really can go to hell as far as i'm concerned.

Blather, mince, rebleat....

I bet you've never been paid to think....

Ah, fluck her and her New World Order. I'm completely over the Globalist Elite agenda. And i truly believe more & more folks are coming over to my side of the fence.

You're a One Note Imbecile......

Ha, you're losin it. More & more folks are opposing your Globalist Elite NWO agenda. Globalist fake news-puppets like Amanpour, are being exposed. The People are turning on y'all. We're in a time of Revolution. Glorious times for sure. :)


From where did Trump poach Rience to install him as Chief of Staff?

You and your cretinous herd are gonna go down in history as the greatest Rubeapalooza ever...
Awww, he minces big words in a vain attempt the raise himself to the sewer that Amanpour resides in.
I don't care what she says or thinks.

She, like all leftists, is irrelevant.

Given what I know of her background, I would bet she speaks more than 3 languages......

Of the various luminaries of the right wing media on whose words you hang, how many can say the same?
So because she speaks more than one language, her opinion is somehow more important. I get it. Liberalism is disease.

I don't know about that, but I'm willing to bet that her IQ is nearly double yours........

How many hours did you spend suckling at the teats of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart and their infotainment ilk this week?
The last one of those phony IQ test I took, I came in at 139. So, if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you can certainly baffle us with bullshit.

That's bullshit, scored 247.........I can tell from your work...
"I'm gonna shove my version of The Truth down your throat whether you like it or not, and if you don't believe what I tell you The Truth is, I'm gonna say you're stupid, because I have a vice-like grip on The Truth and you don't".

Yes. Arrogance is a good word.
Blather, mince, rebleat....

I bet you've never been paid to think....

Ah, fluck her and her New World Order. I'm completely over the Globalist Elite agenda. And i truly believe more & more folks are coming over to my side of the fence.

You're a One Note Imbecile......

Ha, you're losin it. More & more folks are opposing your Globalist Elite NWO agenda. Globalist fake news-puppets like Amanpour, are being exposed. The People are turning on y'all. We're in a time of Revolution. Glorious times for sure. :)


From where did Trump poach Rience to install him as Chief of Staff?

You and your cretinous herd are gonna go down in history as the greatest Rubeapalooza ever...
Awww, he minces big words in a vain attempt the raise himself to the sewer that Amanpour resides in.

Yeah.......polysyllabics are the Tool of Satan.....
I don't care what she says or thinks.

She, like all leftists, is irrelevant.

Given what I know of her background, I would bet she speaks more than 3 languages......

Of the various luminaries of the right wing media on whose words you hang, how many can say the same?
So because she speaks more than one language, her opinion is somehow more important. I get it. Liberalism is disease.

I don't know about that, but I'm willing to bet that her IQ is nearly double yours........

How many hours did you spend suckling at the teats of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart and their infotainment ilk this week?
The last one of those phony IQ test I took, I came in at 139. So, if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you can certainly baffle us with bullshit.

That's bullshit, scored 247.........I can tell from your work...
Pretending again? How liberal like.
Given what I know of her background, I would bet she speaks more than 3 languages......
THAT is the basis for your appraisal??? It's got nothing to do with journalism. If speaking 3 languages impresses you to such an extreme I'll expect you to lick my boots every morning. I speak 5 languages.

4 dialects of Inbred Dumbass would only count as 1....
Given what I know of her background, I would bet she speaks more than 3 languages......

Of the various luminaries of the right wing media on whose words you hang, how many can say the same?
So because she speaks more than one language, her opinion is somehow more important. I get it. Liberalism is disease.

I don't know about that, but I'm willing to bet that her IQ is nearly double yours........

How many hours did you spend suckling at the teats of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart and their infotainment ilk this week?
The last one of those phony IQ test I took, I came in at 139. So, if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you can certainly baffle us with bullshit.

That's bullshit, scored 247.........I can tell from your work...
Pretending again? How liberal like.

Look up Irony, Mike.......not the appliance....
Ah, fluck her and her New World Order. I'm completely over the Globalist Elite agenda. And i truly believe more & more folks are coming over to my side of the fence.

You're a One Note Imbecile......

Ha, you're losin it. More & more folks are opposing your Globalist Elite NWO agenda. Globalist fake news-puppets like Amanpour, are being exposed. The People are turning on y'all. We're in a time of Revolution. Glorious times for sure. :)


From where did Trump poach Rience to install him as Chief of Staff?

You and your cretinous herd are gonna go down in history as the greatest Rubeapalooza ever...
Awww, he minces big words in a vain attempt the raise himself to the sewer that Amanpour resides in.

Yeah.......polysyllabics are the Tool of Satan.....
Your polyhandicap not withstanding....
She's a NWO Globalist Elite fake news-puppet. Always has been, always will be. I don't trust a word she says. She really can go to hell as far as i'm concerned.

Blather, mince, rebleat....

I bet you've never been paid to think....

Ah, fluck her and her New World Order. I'm completely over the Globalist Elite agenda. And i truly believe more & more folks are coming over to my side of the fence.

You're a One Note Imbecile......

Ha, you're losin it. More & more folks are opposing your Globalist Elite NWO agenda. Globalist fake news-puppets like Amanpour, are being exposed. The People are turning on y'all. We're in a time of Revolution. Glorious times for sure. :)


From where did Trump poach Rience to install him as Chief of Staff?

You and your cretinous herd are gonna go down in history as the greatest Rubeapalooza ever...

Ha, you wish. We now have an actual red-blooded American Citizen who doesn't hate America, as our President. I know that pisses you Globalist assholes off, but it is the reality. Time to put Americans first again. So, SUCK IT!

Now that's funny, her resources are of her own making. She is a progressive she has no tolerance for anything other than that. Fact
And we all should know how much "FACT" comes out of Washington. Today's "facts" are tomorrow's declassified lies. She is a Washington lackey.
So because she speaks more than one language, her opinion is somehow more important. I get it. Liberalism is disease.

I don't know about that, but I'm willing to bet that her IQ is nearly double yours........

How many hours did you spend suckling at the teats of FOX, Drudge, Breitbart and their infotainment ilk this week?
The last one of those phony IQ test I took, I came in at 139. So, if you can't dazzle us with brilliance, you can certainly baffle us with bullshit.

That's bullshit, scored 247.........I can tell from your work...
Pretending again? How liberal like.

Look up Irony, Mike.......not the appliance....
Lookup smug, not the brown haze...

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