Christianity, and Ethics

Don't remember it exactly, but how about sending bears to torture and kill children? Then there's all that rape and incest and beatings.

No doubt about it - christians hate children.

But day-um, they sure do like them some fetuses. After birth however, the christians just kick them out of the way.

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Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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...and? How do you justify genocide? I can't wait to hear this...
Which genocide are you speaking about? If you are talking about what God planted through the ages seeded, plucked and tilled and replanted until it perfects; again that will be a personal thing you will have to overcome.
You see, you keep wanting to make this about some esoteric theological generality. I'm not talking about esoteric generalities. I'm talking about an actual, direct command to kill an actual race of people, right down to their children, infants, and even livestock. You either believe that the Old Testament is nothing more than a collection of fairy tales, and parables meant to provide "life lessons", in which case it is no more relevant that Aesop's fables, or Grimm's Fairy Tales, or you believe that it is an accurate, historical record of the Jewish people during their first 4,000years of existence, in which case your God commanded genocide.

Those are your only two options available.

Who cares what the man's name means? Either the book of Samuel is a book of History, or it is not. To be clear, is it your contention that none of the Old Testament is factual? Is it your contention that the Entire Old Testament is nothing more than a collection of stories that are not meant to be taken literally? You are contending that not a single part of the Old Testament is to be taken literally? Is that your contention?
The events took place. The plants (hosts for the heavenly portions and the earthly portions) were made and planted by God. Again God planted them in earth on purpose as it is the pattern for what is in humankind. There are terrestrial beings and celestial beings (bodies). Spiritual things (seeds) planted in earth which were grown in God's garden (earth as a whole) for the individual (human-earth) garden where the living soul resides.

Humans have a tough time discerning or understanding that. Many simply live by faith and have hope (for these all things are fulfilled by that which is in them that was planted previously into the earth we live in (here now, this day as we live and speak in the flesh). Another thing which is also explained in the Books is how these things are hidden from those who do not believe and those that rely on their own understanding. There is even hosts (yes already planted into the earth) that were actually planted (as scribes) to keep these things from those who live in, for and to carnally minded exalted religions.

Its all written you will have to search it all out for your self.
Plants??? Plants?!?!?! They. Were. Fucking. PEOPLE! You sociopath!!! Trying to reduce them to nothing more than plants that "needed culling", like a field of fucking wheat makes you just as sociopathic as the God you serve!
I answered your questions. Its too bad you don't like the answers and prefer to accuse. Those people just as today were also allowed to make choices. You make your bed you lay in it.
That's because your answer is as evil as the God you serve. You're answer is nothing more than an attempt to dehumanize an entire race of people, so that you do not have to deal with the reality that you serve a God that commanded the murder of infants, and children. And that's fine. Go ahead. However, do not ever pretend that you have any moral superiority over anyone ever again.
I see you would rather make accusations to attempt to justify yourself and your own beliefs rather than accept the fact that carnal beings make mistakes while living in their own sins with their own wicked ways.
I don't need to justify anything. The Bible says what it says. You're the one who is attempting to pretend that it doesn't say what it says, and doesn't mean what it means in order to justify worshipping a God that commanded genocide, and the murder of babies.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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Again, you're talking about the existential "is God responsible for disease" question. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about his black, and white, clear cut, unambiguous command to kill an entire race of people down to the infants, and livestock.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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Again, you're talking about the existential "is God responsible for disease" question. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about his black, and white, clear cut, unambiguous command to kill an entire race of people down to the infants, and livestock.
Again, you're talking about the existential "is God responsible for disease" question. That's not what I'm talking about. I am talking about his black, and white, clear cut, unambiguous command to kill an entire race of people down to the infants, and livestock.

I am talking about his black, and white, clear cut, unambiguous command to kill an entire race of people down to the infants, and livestock.

that does seem to fit the mindset and morals of those posters that claim membership in those religions ... of course non of that is reflective of the events that occurred in the 1st century.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

Of course I care, don't you care? If you care, why would you think others wouldn't care? Is the reason you believe others don't care because you yourself don't care?

At conception a genetically distinct human being comes into existence, so it isn't your own body. The most fundamental and basic right is the right to life. It is even listed in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

Of course I care, don't you care? If you care, why would you think others wouldn't care? Is the reason you believe others don't care because you yourself don't care?

At conception a genetically distinct human being comes into existence, so it isn't your own body. The most fundamental and basic right is the right to life. It is even listed in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right.
Luddly is amongst the 5 least intelligent USMB posters.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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You don't believe in God either so you can't believe that "the christian god kills babies or tortures them or is such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable. You and Czernobog only say these things to inflame and provoke Christians. It's what you people do. I can only assume you find it entertaining.
So, I hope by exposing the morally corrupt base of Christian worship, I will help Christians to come to understand that they have no grounds to consider themselves morally superior to anyone. You want to worship your baby-killing, genocidal God? Woohoo. Just keep it to your fucking selves, and quit trying to make the rest of us behave like we agree with you, and your moral positions.

Christians don't consider themselves morally superior. What Christians try to remember is that there is a moral ideal that should be at least recognized and acknowledged. Even if you as an atheist, wish to take God completely out of the picture, the ideal doesn't change.

Is it more ideal to give life or to take that life? Is it more ideal to love and care for someone until natural death--or until either care giver or care receiver decides to give up? What is the ideal...and what is Good Enough?

Should I tear down Hillary and Norgay for reaching the summit of Mount Everest, lest their accomplishment seem superior to my climbing a local hill?

Perhaps the question that should be posed is how close to the ideal should government policy--or law--be?
Funny. For people who don't consider themselves morally superior, they certainly do seem to spend an awful lot of time trying to use the US government to dictate that everyone in the country behave in accordance with the moral strictures of their religious beliefs. That seems to me to be the behaviour of a group of people who think their moral code is morally superior to everyone else.

In fact, I notice you cut out all of the examples from my post that you replied to of Christians doing exactly what you claim in your response that Christians don't do.

I wonder why that might be...

I might even point out one of your "humble Christians", who does not think himself to be morally superior to anyone, right on this very thread, self-righteously equating the abortion of fetuses to "murdering millions of babies every day", because of his religious beliefs, all while continuing to ignore the genocidal god that he worships.
Your statement is ironic given that you are the one that presumes to be morally superior. It is the basis of your OP.
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Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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It is obvious that 2 groups of people foist their beliefs upon others...
[] Christians
[] Atheists
Why do people on both sides seem to think that a story being a fairy tale somehow disqualifies it from having value, even great value?

How else could the Jewish people hide their wealth and the treasures of the Temple from illiterate and superstitious people?

Ah, but no one said a fairy tale or a fable is disqualified from having great value--particularly moral value. It's just not considered scripture.
I see.

Let me help you this much.

A story that starts with 'in the beginning", just like, 'once upon a time', that features a talking serpent in paradise tricking the first human beings, its a fairy tale.
Only to people who do not understand allegory. Let's take a test, ok? Do you know what the significance is of this painting? Let's see how much you think you know, ok? Lest you be confused by this test, the linkage is allegory.

Because. You. Do. And you act like this believe in the "Christian God", somehow, makes you morally superior to those who do not. Except it doesn't. Because in order to accept that the Bible is true, and accurate, you must accept that you worship a God that is the author, directly, of genocide, and the slaughter of children, and infants.

And, as soon as you acknowledge, and accept that, then you lose any moral high ground you think you have.

Is this what this is all about? You believe Christians think they are morally superior? And, you wish to show it is you who has the moral high ground? You are welcome to it, you know. No one is going to throw you down, and you might even enjoy the view.
To the Bold: No. I wish everyone to quit pretending they have some secret formula to moral superiority, and to simply accept that morality, and ethics is a personal choice, and decision. If I want to have an abortion, then it is no one else's business but mine. It is not yours. It is not your place to tell me how evil I am. It is not your place to tell me how much God is going to hate me. It is not your place to judge me in any way, whatsoever.

If my grandmother is old, and sick, and doesn't even recognise her own face, or my wife is in agony every day suffering a disease that has no cure, and I choose to help them die with dignity, and end their suffering, it is not your place to call me a murderer. It is not your place to tell me how quickly I am going to hell. Mind your own fucking business.

If I choose to make a commitment to, and spend the rest of my life with the man that I fell in love with, it is not your place to tell me how much God hates fags. It is not your right to refuse to provide me the services of your business. It is not your right to judge me in any way. Bake my fucking cake, and mind your own gaddamned business.

The list goes on, and on. I don't pretend to be morally superior to anyone, because no one is morally superior to anyone. This is because morality, and ethics are a matter of personal choice, and what is right for one may not be right for another.

So, I hope by exposing the morally corrupt base of Christian worship, I will help Christians to come to understand that they have no grounds to consider themselves morally superior to anyone. You want to worship your baby-killing, genocidal God? Woohoo. Just keep it to your fucking selves, and quit trying to make the rest of us behave like we agree with you, and your moral positions.
The basis of this post is that you believe you are morally superior.
You read the last two paragraphs of that entry, right? The author basically said I'm right. The only way you get away from "We worship a god who commanded genocide" is to admit that, at the very least, the Old testament isn't true, and accurate. But, then, by by doing so, you forego any authority of divine inspiration.

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Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
God doesn't kill babies that is merely your misinterpretation. Fact is God said 'thou shall not kill' and Jesus reaffirmed this and told those who would hear that if they did they would possibly be in judgement for doing such. Your 'little ones' of hate that you store up in your mind keep you lost to understanding or comprehending the spirit of confusion in you.
You're right. He didn't kill them, personally - unless you include the flood, which most Christians agree is allegorical these days - he ordered his followers to do it for him. That makes him just as responsible.

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Sorry I don't buy your twisted version.

I have already posted again and again that Adam is speaking about the human. Adam means human. The whole Book both the Old Testament and the New Testament is talking about the spiritual hosts and what transpires with those heavenly and earthly host within each human.

What humans come up within their own corrupted minds and precepts goes back on the corrupt humans.

God is a spirit and Jesus is the Word that was with God from the beginning, that 'first born' when God created a body for the first- Man born. It was all created in the heavens and planted into earthen vessels of flesh where we humans now currently reside.
What's to "buy"? It's in black, and white. 1 Sam 15:3 - "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass."

Kinda hard to misinterpret that. The God of the Old Testament, quite specifically, commanded genocide, and the murder of babies. The God of the New Testament is the same God as the God of the Old Testament. Ergo, you still worship a God that commanded genocide, and killed babies. You can either ignore that, and admit that you do not believe the Bible, or you can insist that you believe the Bible, and acknowledge that you worship a genocidal, baby-killing God. The choice is yours. There is. No. Middle-ground.
There is no middle ground, just like Jesus did not give us middle ground either. Where your argument falls flat is your assumption that the command that was given was somehow justified as moral. Can you show me where that justification was made?

It was customary to dedicate an enemy to the deity, or to ban him, or after a victory to annihilate him. Various Near Eastern nations as well as of the Greeks, Romans, Celts, and Germans did this. But you keep ignoring the fact that it was never carried out, the Canaanites were not annihilated. In fact, in Judg. 3:1, God himself is said to have abrogated His original command.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

Of course I care, don't you care? If you care, why would you think others wouldn't care? Is the reason you believe others don't care because you yourself don't care?

At conception a genetically distinct human being comes into existence, so it isn't your own body. The most fundamental and basic right is the right to life. It is even listed in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right.
How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

your clergy have been raping people from the 4th century to the present day ... you included. -

is what they are saying, and what is conveyed by the fraudulent 4th century 10,000 pg document of deception.
You read the last two paragraphs of that entry, right? The author basically said I'm right. The only way you get away from "We worship a god who commanded genocide" is to admit that, at the very least, the Old testament isn't true, and accurate. But, then, by by doing so, you forego any authority of divine inspiration.

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The reality is that you do not believe your own OP. You make these allegations to inflame and provoke Christians. It's what you do. I believe that you find it entertaining.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

Of course I care, don't you care? If you care, why would you think others wouldn't care? Is the reason you believe others don't care because you yourself don't care?

At conception a genetically distinct human being comes into existence, so it isn't your own body. The most fundamental and basic right is the right to life. It is even listed in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right.
How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

your clergy have been raping people from the 4th century to the present day ... you included. -

is what they are saying, and what is conveyed by the fraudulent 4th century 10,000 pg document of deception.
Karl Marx had the exact same belief. order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph

Human Requirements and Division of Labour, Marx, 1844
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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It is obvious that 2 groups of people foist their beliefs upon others...
[] Christians
[] Atheists
Well, it is our mission statement. At least we own it and don't deny it. We were told to spread the Good News. But let's be honest here there is a distribution for everything. Blanket statements do no one a service.
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Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.
I don't see you losing much sleep over the one million babies that were aborted last year. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

About ten percent of them were D&E's. Do you know what a D&E is, doctor? They literally dismember the baby while it is still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that? Just yesterday, 200 babies had their arms pulled off while they were still alive. Where is your righteous indignation over that?

BS from, of all people, a fake christian who protects kiddie reapers in his sicko religion.

Don't pretend you care but even if you did, it's none of your business.

You own your own body. You decide when and if you will reproduce. No one has the right to take that most basic of rights to take that away from you.

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How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

Of course I care, don't you care? If you care, why would you think others wouldn't care? Is the reason you believe others don't care because you yourself don't care?

At conception a genetically distinct human being comes into existence, so it isn't your own body. The most fundamental and basic right is the right to life. It is even listed in the Declaration of Independence as an inalienable right.
How exactly did I "protect kiddie reapers in [my] sicko religion, Luddly Neddite?

your clergy have been raping people from the 4th century to the present day ... you included. -

is what they are saying, and what is conveyed by the fraudulent 4th century 10,000 pg document of deception.
Karl Marx had the exact same belief. order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph

Human Requirements and Division of Labour, Marx, 1844
Karl Marx had the exact same belief.

history is the test over time your 4th century fraudulent agenda has failed miserably to ever pass, time is catching up with your phony book.
Let's just put this to bed, once and for all. You can claim that Christianity is responsible for whatever you like, one glaring fact remains:

If you read the Bible, and believe it is true, then you know that you God kills babies.

Let us reiterate that: You worship a God who Kills. Babies.

Now, you can rationalise this any way you wish, but so long as you insist that the God of the New Testament is the same God, as the God of the Old Testament, then you worship a God who ordered genocide, and killed Babies. Period. Full stop.

So long as you worship a genocidal, baby killing God, and pretend that he isn't just that, and even call him a loving God, then you get to question the ethics, and morals of no one.

It's that simple.

The christian god doesn't just KILL babies. He tortures them. He's such a monster that he gives them the most horrendous birth defects and illnesses imaginable.

Actually, any human who could think up what god does to the most innocent among us .... Hmmm ... That human would also be created by their god.

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It is obvious that 2 groups of people foist their beliefs upon others...
[] Christians
[] Atheists
Well, it is our mission statement. At least we own it and don't deny it. We were told to spread the Good News. But let's be honest here there is a distribution for everything. Blanket statements do no one a service.
The issue is that Dr. Snooze is as big a preacher as anyone else.
As he sees it, if you don't conform with his worldview, you're an idiot.

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