Christianity more dangerous than Atheism.

We've seen Starkey attempt this before: "Everybody knows that...." though if the assemblage, "xian-atheist" is truly a non-issue for every (why America here?) one, we would still not be surprised that Starkey cannot explain the concept "becoming-communist of capitalism" in front of the readers in this thread.
We have seen badger try to wiggle and wriggle away but get flattened. When badger explains the concept, I can respond. :)

But he can't.
Who is posting lies about God, Mickiel.

Just a general statement, not pointing anyone out. I think all of religion post lies about God, in every public place; because its what they been taught. They post lies because were all deceived; Rev. 12:9; none are excluded from this. We lie because of it.
You read the title of this thread, and you may think, this is foolish; but is it? Whens the last time you took a serious look at Christianity? For one, look at its sway on people, nearly one third of the whole world are Christians. That's a lot of people.

Now count the many different branches of Christianity there are; who really knows how many offshoots of Christianity there exist?

The Catholics were Christians before the Christians were Christians, so it can be confusing. Why would God filter such confusion?

Why? That is IF Christianity came from God, which I think it did not.

Consider a study of this unusual subject.

Even this;

White Supremacy and Orthodox Christianity: A Dangerous Connection Rears Its Head in Charlottesville

Would God really use a religion to communicate with man?

What do you think?
The Catholics were Christians before the Christians were Christians, so it can be confusing. .......

You are confused, that much is true. Your beliefs about "Catholics" is a fundamental reason and proof you are confused.

The Acts revealed Church of Jesus Christ NEVER morphed into the Roman Catholic cult.

Rather, in 380 AD the Roman Empire created the Trinitarian Roman State 'church' and claimed it was the real Church.

The real Church composed of real followers of Christ was among those labeled "heretic" by the Trinitarian cult leaders.
The Catholics were Christians before the Christians were Christians, so it can be confusing. .......

You are confused, that much is true. Your beliefs about "Catholics" is a fundamental reason and proof you are confused.

The Acts revealed Church of Jesus Christ NEVER morphed into the Roman Catholic cult.

Rather, in 380 AD the Roman Empire created the Trinitarian Roman State 'church' and claimed it was the real Church.

The real Church composed of real followers of Christ was among those labeled "heretic" by the Trinitarian cult leaders.
The Catholics were Christians before the Christians were Christians, so it can be confusing. .......

You are confused, that much is true. Your beliefs about "Catholics" is a fundamental reason and proof you are confused.

The Acts revealed Church of Jesus Christ NEVER morphed into the Roman Catholic cult.

Rather, in 380 AD the Roman Empire created the Trinitarian Roman State 'church' and claimed it was the real Church.

The real Church composed of real followers of Christ was among those labeled "heretic" by the Trinitarian cult leaders.

I disagree, many of the church members did morph into the Roman Catholic church, and it was not a cult. The idea of heart felt believers changing and adhering to other doctrines soon after Christ death is biblical. The gospel itself morphed many, many times over, and still is to this day. In Galatians 1:6 Paul even said he was " Amazed", or he " Marveled" that so many were " Soon Removed from the grace Christ taught, to that now of " Another gospel!"

Soon removed. Paul probably wrote that in A.D. 60, just 60 years after Jesus left earth. Just 60 years and the church was " Removed from the original gospel." They began spiritual, now they were getting carnal;" Gal. 3:3." In Rev. 2:4, they " Lost their first Love." They were morphing into the Roman Catholic church. I mean some no doubt did not go bad and kept the faith, but just not enough of them. These were not evil believers, they were like you and I; serious believers who just got misled by a great power. The church slowly morphed year after year, until its what we see today. All confused and fractioned off into group after group.
No doubt some Church members did fall away. Nevertheless the Church never ceased to exist (in fact it grew and thrived).
Empowered by the Pagan Roman Empire, the Trinitarian imitation 'church' also grew and evolved into the multi cult monstrosity it is today.

When He walked in the flesh in ancient Israel, Jesus spent almost all his time in rural villages, unnoticed by common 'historians'
In like manner the real Christians and real Church are generally unnoticed by common 'historians' and commentators.
As Christ was generally not seen for who He really was/is, real Christians are not generally seen for who/what they really are.
No doubt some Church members did fall away. Nevertheless the Church never ceased to exist (in fact it grew and thrived).
Empowered by the Pagan Roman Empire, the Trinitarian imitation 'church' also grew and evolved into the multi cult monstrosity it is today.

When He walked in the flesh in ancient Israel, Jesus spent almost all his time in rural villages, unnoticed by common 'historians'
In like manner the real Christians and real Church are generally unnoticed by common 'historians' and commentators.
As Christ was generally not seen for who He really was/is, real Christians are not generally seen for who/what they really are.

I agree with much of what you say here. I do not associate the real church with the term " Christian", those two things are not the same thing.
Its sad but a Christian would condemn you before an Atheist would. Its their mind set, they see too much hell in their hearts.
Scripture reveals God/Jesus has a list. A list of the saved (real Christians). ("rather rejoice that you name is written in heaven")

No human on earth has access to that list. (feel free to cite name of anyone you think has access to that list.)

So our human beliefs of who is on the list of saved and who isn't really doesn't matter.

That being said, when I hear someone say such as "Jesus is fraud" then I am confident they are not (at least yet) on the list of saved.

When I hear someone say "Jesus is Lord", I am confident they are on the list. Can I be fooled ? Maybe so ... but Jesus can't be fooled.

And I pity anyone who pretends to be a Christian and really isn't. I need not fear about it.
Scripture reveals God/Jesus has a list. A list of the saved (real Christians). ("rather rejoice that you name is written in heaven")

No human on earth has access to that list. (feel free to cite name of anyone you think has access to that list.)

So our human beliefs of who is on the list of saved and who isn't really doesn't matter.

That being said, when I hear someone say such as "Jesus is fraud" then I am confident they are not (at least yet) on the list of saved.

When I hear someone say "Jesus is Lord", I am confident they are on the list. Can I be fooled ? Maybe so ... but Jesus can't be fooled.

And I pity anyone who pretends to be a Christian and really isn't. I need not fear about it.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on salvation; there is no list of who is saved; in 1Tim. 2:3-4 God desires that ALL humans be saved; in Isaiah 45:23 God swears to himself that he will save ALL of humanity.

This tendency of many believers to place people in hell is insane.
Scripture reveals God/Jesus has a list. A list of the saved (real Christians). ("rather rejoice that you name is written in heaven")
No human on earth has access to that list. (feel free to cite name of anyone you think has access to that list.)
So our human beliefs of who is on the list of saved and who isn't really doesn't matter.
That being said, when I hear someone say such as "Jesus is fraud" then I am confident they are not (at least yet) on the list of saved.
When I hear someone say "Jesus is Lord", I am confident they are on the list. Can I be fooled ? Maybe so ... but Jesus can't be fooled.
And I pity anyone who pretends to be a Christian and really isn't. I need not fear about it.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on salvation; there is no list of who is saved;

in 1Tim. 2:3-4 God desires that ALL humans be saved;
in Isaiah 45:23 God swears to himself that he will save ALL of humanity.
This tendency of many believers to place people in hell is insane.

Christ Himself has been given the monopoly on salvation. Jesus alone was sent by God to be alone on the cross for our sins.
Certainly it is the will of God that all be saved ... sadly, many will thwart-frustrate the the will of God and end up lost.

To all: If you come to believe God is going to save EVERYONE will end up very disappointed.

I could cite a lot of scripture showing that many will not be saved ... but most all are already aware of it.
If you don't believe it .... well, so be it. Have a nice day, JP
Scripture reveals God/Jesus has a list. A list of the saved (real Christians). ("rather rejoice that you name is written in heaven")
No human on earth has access to that list. (feel free to cite name of anyone you think has access to that list.)
So our human beliefs of who is on the list of saved and who isn't really doesn't matter.
That being said, when I hear someone say such as "Jesus is fraud" then I am confident they are not (at least yet) on the list of saved.
When I hear someone say "Jesus is Lord", I am confident they are on the list. Can I be fooled ? Maybe so ... but Jesus can't be fooled.
And I pity anyone who pretends to be a Christian and really isn't. I need not fear about it.

Christianity does not hold a monopoly on salvation; there is no list of who is saved;

in 1Tim. 2:3-4 God desires that ALL humans be saved;
in Isaiah 45:23 God swears to himself that he will save ALL of humanity.
This tendency of many believers to place people in hell is insane.

Christ Himself has been given the monopoly on salvation. Jesus alone was sent by God to be alone on the cross for our sins.
Certainly it is the will of God that all be saved ... sadly, many will thwart-frustrate the the will of God and end up lost.

To all: If you come to believe God is going to save EVERYONE will end up very disappointed.

I could cite a lot of scripture showing that many will not be saved ... but most all are already aware of it.
If you don't believe it .... well, so be it. Have a nice day, JP

I believe these 600 scriptures that show the salvation of all.

And these 100;
I just know some Christians hate this thread; but they need it more than they know.

And so do I.
I just know some Christians hate this thread; but they need it more than they know.

And so do I.

We don't need some eternal hell, and I see absolutely no reason for a being like God to create such a place; for what? Nothing like the Christian hell was even remotely mentioned in scripture , and no Atheist has ever devised such an ending for humanity. According to most Atheist, we just end at death.

The bible never suggested hell or eternal punishment as the fate for unbelievers. It was never mentioned to Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Lot, Moses, David, Solomon, Cain, or even the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. There is no mention of the creation of hell in all of the new testament, or the purpose of it, nothing in the entire bible gives a reason why a god would create such a place, and nowhere is it even explained a reason why such a place will be needed.

Jesus was not beaten so bad on the cross, in order to create a way that humans will be beaten an eternity for just sinning. That would make the punishment greater than the crime, something even humans do not really do that much. Our laws are not designed like that.

If their hell was real, it would mean that the results of sin are far greater than the shed blood of Christ and God's forgiveness, Mercy and Grace.

What's wrong with this picture?
40 “The King will answer, ‘Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you have done it for Me.’

41 “Then He will say to those at the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels

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