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Christianity..... why non believers don't "get it".....

Well I think that's a pretty simplistic model. It's not like all atheists (or perhaps even most) experienced a 'moment of enlightenment where they saw through the myth'. I think that is certainly true of some atheists and it is certainly how they would like to view themselves, but I would guess that the real reasons are far more complex, far less mystic than some grand epiphany, and far more personal in nature. I would guess that many of them left faith because they were raised in a religiously repressive environment and when they got on their own they rejected faith as a means of rebellion. Some perhaps suffered a tragedy that made them question why God allows such things to happen. Some perhaps are just lazy and find that not believing is far easier than maintaining their faith. There are all sorts of reasons.

I have found that there are many people who rejected their faith and desperately want it back. They just don't know how. One friend of mine rejected faith because he fell in with a bad church. It was a community wherein they were not allowed to listen to rock music, they were not allowed to go roller skating, they were not allowed to ask any questions, etc. If they did they were dragged on the stage during service and chastised in front of the community. Pfft...I understand completely why he hates religion the way he does. But he also says he wishes he had found a path where his faith could have been maintained. That's just one example, but there are many.

Absolutely there are those who, after great inner reflection, simply said "I don't buy it", but I am not convinced they represent the majority reason for why people leave faith.

I tend to view your assumption that atheists are somehow more enlightened than theists is reflective of your inner need to convince yourself of your own superiority. You sure aint convincing any of us. :lol:

Atheists are not more "enlightened" than theists.

They are just less encumbered with superstitious beliefs.

Makes for clearer and more rational thinking IMO.

I can't recall ever hearing any Pastararian wondering what would the flying spaghetti monster do?


why do you dismiss the historical evidences of Christ?
of the Bible?
what are you afraid of?

Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.
The christian Bible advises one to be willfully ignorant, to “become as little children,” willing and eager to believe on authority. In no other sphere of human activity would anyone consider ignorance a virtue, except christianity. Have you noticed that the only people who cast doubt on the value of reason as a means of understanding the world are people who are pushing christtianity? Is there a clue here? Shouldn't we be suspicious when someone says, “Just take my word for it?” How can it make sense to respect a teaching that mankind should be willfully ignorant? Where would we be if we took the same attitude to medicine, chemistry, physics, psychology, etc.?

But, what harm does it do to just have faith? Well, for one thing, the christian man-god is essentially an invisible superhero. So, Christianity promotes belief in a superhero who can be counted on to protect the weak and dispense justice. In fact, those things won’t happen unless we humans see to it. The Christians are spreading a story that things will be made right even if we humans do nothing. That’s a pretty clear prescription for doing nothing, ensuring that nothing gets done. lo it has been written!
Atheists are not more "enlightened" than theists.

They are just less encumbered with superstitious beliefs.

Makes for clearer and more rational thinking IMO.

I can't recall ever hearing any Pastararian wondering what would the flying spaghetti monster do?


why do you dismiss the historical evidences of Christ?
of the Bible?
what are you afraid of?

Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.
Well I think that's a pretty simplistic model. It's not like all atheists (or perhaps even most) experienced a 'moment of enlightenment where they saw through the myth'. I think that is certainly true of some atheists and it is certainly how they would like to view themselves, but I would guess that the real reasons are far more complex, far less mystic than some grand epiphany, and far more personal in nature. I would guess that many of them left faith because they were raised in a religiously repressive environment and when they got on their own they rejected faith as a means of rebellion. Some perhaps suffered a tragedy that made them question why God allows such things to happen. Some perhaps are just lazy and find that not believing is far easier than maintaining their faith. There are all sorts of reasons.

I have found that there are many people who rejected their faith and desperately want it back. They just don't know how. One friend of mine rejected faith because he fell in with a bad church. It was a community wherein they were not allowed to listen to rock music, they were not allowed to go roller skating, they were not allowed to ask any questions, etc. If they did they were dragged on the stage during service and chastised in front of the community. Pfft...I understand completely why he hates religion the way he does. But he also says he wishes he had found a path where his faith could have been maintained. That's just one example, but there are many.

Absolutely there are those who, after great inner reflection, simply said "I don't buy it", but I am not convinced they represent the majority reason for why people leave faith.

I tend to view your assumption that atheists are somehow more enlightened than theists is reflective of your inner need to convince yourself of your own superiority. You sure aint convincing any of us. :lol:

Atheists are not more "enlightened" than theists.

They are just less encumbered with superstitious beliefs.

Makes for clearer and more rational thinking IMO.

I can't recall ever hearing any Pastararian wondering what would the flying spaghetti monster do?


why do you dismiss the historical evidences of Christ?
of the Bible?
what are you afraid of?

Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Personally, you will always be special to me... I j
It's not about you. That is key.

If that Deity wants my time money and interest then it IS about me to a certain degree.
Money... can you take it with you? It's temporal?
Is that really what you value in life?
God doesn't want your money, he wants your HEART!

No but making money off the gullible like you to do good thing in science is never wrong

Some do do that, guno, but they are not Men of God.
Please do not condemn Christians for the wolves in speeps clothes that are out there.....
2 Timothy 3:1-5King James Version (KJV)

3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
why do you dismiss the historical evidences of Christ?
of the Bible?
what are you afraid of?

Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.

Onus is on God to reveal Himself to you. And I believe He has...
2 Timothy 3:1-5King James Version (KJV)

3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Quoting the goyim buy bull that is very suspect in its origins and has be chopped diced translated 1000 times and is meaningless to non christians as it a self serving tool , go ahead and quote it a thousand times you might as well be quoting mickey mouse at is just as meaningless to a non christian

Half of New Testament forged

Half of New Testament forged Bible scholar says CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs
Last edited:
Money... can you take it with you? It's temporal?
Is that really what you value in life?
God doesn't want your money, he wants your HEART!

I don't have a heart. Your God's world cut it out of my chest early in life. It died permanently when I saw what that Deity did to my father.
Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.

Onus is on God to reveal Himself to you. And I believe He has...

Not to mention being proven wrong on Christs claim to divinity.......
Reading the Bible this morning, I opened it up to 2 Corinthians 4.

It addresses why people that are non-Christian's are unable to process or understand the Truth of the Gospel.

2 Corinthians 4: 3-5

3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. 4 In their case, the god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.

This is a section of the Bible explaining why, as Christians, we need to be the Light to the world.
Because Satan is a deceiver, trying to blind you to the Truth.

so if you don't just accept without proof of anything then you are evil?

is that why there are no facts to back the existance of any gods?

see what a tangled web you weave?
Ultimately, if you are in relationship with God - Truth is known. It sounds like a cop out to the secular, and, is very really to children of God. It's impossible for an unsaved person to truly understand Truth, but, possible to discover and for it to be revealed with an open heart....

Veritas? Quid est veritas?
2 Timothy 3:1-5King James Version (KJV)

3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

Quoting the goyim buy bull that is very suspect in its origins and has be chopped diced translated 1000 times and is meaningless to non christians as it a self serving tool

Half of New Testament forged

Half of New Testament forged Bible scholar says CNN Belief Blog - CNN.com Blogs

Except that very verse is happening right now, right before our very eyes.
Too bad you are not able to see it.
Money... can you take it with you? It's temporal?
Is that really what you value in life?
God doesn't want your money, he wants your HEART!

I don't have a heart. Your God's world cut it out of my chest early in life. It died permanently when I saw what that Deity did to my father.

My father died also a few years ago. You are very fortunate to have had a good, loving relationship with yours.
I was not so fortunate.
Do not think God hurts as you hurt, he does.
It was not his will that we suffer but have eternal life.
In the Garden of Eden, it was the serpent that said "You shall not surely die"... he deceived Eve, and, subsequently Adam, into thinking they would not die. They did not immediately, but, ultimately, now, because of that we all must experience a bodily death. Because of the lie from Satan.
Those "historical evidences" don't hold water and neither do they stand up as evidence for the existence of your God.

But feel free to bring up whatever you believe to be the most convincing of your "historical evidences" and we can discuss them.

I am not afraid to discuss any of them.

Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.

Onus is on God to reveal Himself to you. And I believe He has...



Now I have to be a devout Pastafarian!

Ultimately, if you are in relationship with God - Truth is known. It sounds like a cop out to the secular, and, is very really to children of God. It's impossible for an unsaved person to truly understand Truth, but, possible to discover and for it to be revealed with an open heart....

Veritas? Quid est veritas?

You ask me "What is Truth"?

You know... there are things you "can't not know" as hard as we try to reason them away.....
Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.

Onus is on God to reveal Himself to you. And I believe He has...



Now I have to be a devout Pastafarian!


You will believe what you will.
Only God can change your heart, but, you have to be open to it.
Is that what your inner core is telling you De Te?
The truth can not be denied....

Why the deflection, Bonzi?

Afraid that I am going to destroy your "historical evidences" too?


Why would I be afraid of anything? I don't have to prove what is already an indisputable truth.
This is not about me... it's about Him.

You raised the topic of these mythical "historical evidences" of yours and about being afraid.

I just turned them back on you.

Onus is on you to substantiate your position or to lose by default.

Your choice.

Onus is on God to reveal Himself to you. And I believe He has...

Not to mention being proven wrong on Christs claim to divinity.......

Specious claim at best based upon the word of a biased court ruling!
It's not about you. That is key.

If that Deity wants my time money and interest then it IS about me to a certain degree.

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" Matthew 22:21
God does no need money

God himself does not need money. but we are in a world where money is required to accomplish things
who is your God? that is the question.

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