Christians, do NOT abandon Christ's teachings in light of the evil that has overtaken America

Telling Christians to back down and accept at a time like this is, in and of itself, PURE EVIL.

Jesus and the Jews were under TWO despotic rulers, the Romans and King Herod. They were corrupt and greatly mistreated its Jewish citizens. Jesus never advocated for political advocacy and certainly not for engaging in actions designed to overthrow leadership.

That's why I asked - are you a Christian? If you are a true Christian, then you must follow Christ's teachings and commandments.
I on the other hand, accuse the Christian religious right in this country of backing down on their beliefs in acceptance of DJT...

I believe that would be a fair topic of discussion in the religion forum, but it is not the topic of this thread.
I on the other hand, accuse the Christian religious right in this country of backing down on their beliefs in acceptance of DJT...

I believe that would be a fair topic of discussion in the religion forum, but it is not the topic of this thread.
" Jesus never advocated for political advocacy and certainly not for engaging in actions designed to overthrow leadership." What you said comes pretty close, as that is what is happening now. But, I will attempt to leave you to your thread.
I on the other hand, accuse the Christian religious right in this country of backing down on their beliefs in acceptance of DJT...

I believe that would be a fair topic of discussion in the religion forum, but it is not the topic of this thread.
" Jesus never advocated for political advocacy and certainly not for engaging in actions designed to overthrow leadership." What you said comes pretty close, as that is what is happening now. But, I will attempt to leave you to your thread.

I believe the only thing that I have advocated is for Christians to stick with Christ and not to give in to unGodly temptations.

I appreciate your feedback and I am simply trying to keep the thread on-topic. I would be happy to respond to your other points if you care to create a thread to discuss them. Thanks.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.
We "know" no such thing. Take a better look at scripture, beginning with Genesis. The theme running throughout is, "Things will get worse, but God (goodness) will prevail. The prophets told the people of their time that the handwriting on the wall showed that things would get worse, but to have hope, peace, prosperity, and joy would return to God's people. We are assured God will not abandon us; that God always works with the remnant faithful to him. People, thousands of years ago, a hundred or so before Christ, noted that mankind cannot build any lasting government; in any big human government, corruption takes root and grows. The Messiah the Jews expected would be a human leader, a political force, and for a long time things would be good, but that even this was doomed to failure.

Revelation addresses first century events. John assures his audience God will prevail. Read the Beatitudes. Christ notes that those who laugh will mourn; those who mourn will be comforted.

What are ancestors, the authors of Biblical books, and Christ himself noted the cycle in which every human, every nation lives.

Some people believe we are emerging from a bad cycle. Others believe we are about to submerge into a bad cycle. Very well. Listen to scripture. Those who are rejoicing will have their period of mourning; those mourning will have their time of rejoicing. Goodness will prevail. Then fail. The prevail once more, as it has down through the ages.

Telling people their Christianity is judged by their political vote is ludicrous. I believe less government is the best government. When government bureaucracy takes over, what need is there for individuals to love and care for each other? Should our Christianity diminish into directing the needy to the nearest government agency? Each one of us needs a government that is so busy dealing with other nations and that business, that care of the individual rests in individual hands.

Perhaps calling for Christians not to abandon the teachings of Christ should instead be a call for Christians to step forward and tell government to back off because we individuals, those who believe in God and those who believe in the basic goodness of people not only can--but it is our desire--to take of our neighbors. Government, meanwhile, can manage our relations with other nations, states, counties, cities, village (depending on which branch of government the politician(s) find themselves.

Those who are crying, take heart; those who are laughing, perhaps sober up a bit.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

@ K9B; combat whether spiritual or physical brings out BOTH the best & worst in people. Regarding your warning to Christians I fully agree with you. Unfortunately as I said above, combat whether spiritual or physical brings out both the best & worst in folks & TRAGICALLY as much I hate to admit this, GENERALLY combat brings out the WORST in people & NOT the best. This being said there is not a lot one can do but resist(fight) or lay down & take it which leads to tyranny & a LOT worse. In the political realm we can't have just one political entity or we end up with an oligarchy or outright dictatorship(human nature again every time). So in an attempt to prevent this problem we have two or more political entities which, due to the current state of human nature, inevitably leads to the banality of all evil; Power & Control(PC). I am reasonably sure that most folks(me included) are tying their best to better mankind's situation with what they believe are good intentions, but as the old saying goes "The highway to hell is paved with good intentions."(no way to win???)

A LOT of the spite you witness in the forums is because of behind the scenes clever manipulators that foster the age old tactic of DIVIDE & CONQUER upon their hapless victims throughout the ENTIRE political $pectrum. I am telling you from prior experience that once folks are off the subject of politics that the left, Libertarians & right are pretty much all the same(in the middle), meaning all folks desire there own interests, privacy, security, space, lover(s) etc. I know about our Makers warning for folks not to be deceived, but the plain truth of the matter is that humans beings are the most intelligent species on the entire planet earth, but are also the MOST gullible. Hyper intelligence is NOT an absolute firewall that totally prevents gulliblism(eg. Bill Gates). I would imagine that mankind's Maker will weigh ones ENTIRE mortal lifespan(as stated) to see if the entire bag of oranges are spoiled rotten or if only one or two oranges are rotten, before tossing the entire bag of oranges into the lake of fire. The bottom line here is folks everywhere BELIEVE that their way is right for a multitude of reasons & will fight with every thing they have to prove it or die trying.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
Acknowledging the fact that the thread premise is wrong isn’t ‘trolling.’

The premise of the thread was that evil has ‘overtaken’ America, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The perfectly appropriate references to Trump were made in support of that fact; Trump is indeed evil and will soon be gone from office, taking with him his evil.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
Acknowledging the fact that the thread premise is wrong isn’t ‘trolling.’

The premise of the thread was that evil has ‘overtaken’ America, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The perfectly appropriate references to Trump were made in support of that fact; Trump is indeed evil and will soon be gone from office, taking with him his evil.

You must be an atheist
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I don't want to be a Christian zealot. You want a king, why not king tramp aka King Satan.
Acknowledging the fact that the thread premise is wrong isn’t ‘trolling.’

The premise of the thread was that evil has ‘overtaken’ America, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

True Christians have a different definition of "evil" than do Satan-worshipping atheists such as yourself. What you see as "good", we recognize for the evil that they are. We see the U.S. becoming more and more evil every year. Evil has never been as prevalent in America as it is today.
True Christians have a different definition of "evil" than do Satan-worshipping atheists such as yourself. What you see as "good", we recognize for the evil that they are. We see the U.S. becoming more and more evil every year. Evil has never been as prevalent in America as it is today.
Perhaps slapping the word "evil" onto everything is not the best way to alert the nation. Point out how the power centers (News Media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Large Corporations, 'fat' Bureaucrats) are changing the nation. Will the Presidency be run by an individual or a machine? Will the new Congressmen we elect represent us, or will they be sucked in the Borg where the vote must follow the Lead Borg (Speaker/Majority Leader).

In Genesis we were warned not to gather in cities, not to become powerful--but to spread out unless our fate be Babel. Trust me, Babel has nothing on us. Our "machines" have made it impossible for individuals to have a calm, coherent conversation, and to effect corrections. It seems we are powerless, only able to wait while the powerful turn on each other and bring disaster down upon us all. Then we can rebuild. With the roar of the powerful silenced, the people may once more hear God in our midst and begin rebuilding. We are not lost, merely doomed for a time. Not religious, but I will point out the Phoenix rises from ashes. Same thing.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

The prophecies have not all been fulfilled, but we have to be ready as Jesus said (it will happen when we do not expect it).
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
The evil will be gone come January 20, 2021.

As for Christians, far too many need to reflect upon their support for the likes of Trump.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I'm not sure I'm ready for SOCIALISM. Free healthcare, unless you're old or feeble. Freedom of religion, as long as it goes along with what the government permits. Free education, as long as it is sponsored by the governmental authorities. Freedom of speech, as long as it isn't an insult to anyone's behavior choices. Freedom from fear, unless you disagree. Freedom from want, unless you're expectations aren't listed.

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