Zone1 Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs


Gold Member
May 29, 2023
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
I think this is a bit as if a German would say:
"I am German and proud of it. I need not know anything about the UK or France or the rest of Europe or the rest of the world."

Would you admire such a person?
I wouldn't.
As for me, I am interested in most of the religious beliefs on Earth :)
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
Regardless of what religion you point to, there are many in those religions have no desire to learn about other religions. One cannot point to any one religion in particular.
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
Why is it important to know other’s belief?
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
And I suppose you know better than them all?

It‘s a very vague accusation. Sounds like you just don’t like hearing the truth.
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.

Why should any devout Christian care about false doctrines and other so called "religions" that are nothing but manifestations of Satan? Interfaith dialog is nothing more than a Marxist tool to subvert the Christian church and divert people away from the truth. The fact is, there is only one God. The God of Abraham and Moses. The God who loved us so much that he gave His only begotten son to die on the cross, so that we would receive salvation.
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
Many "Christians" who are as you state, are very narrow minded and cannot fathom that religion and spirituality actually existed before their westernized version of Christianity. Religion and spirituality have been a part of humankind for since, man started to carve shit on rocks and caves. The concept of the god of "Abraham and Moses" goes even further back then most understand.
Unfortunately, the Bible has boxed many Christians into this dogma, unnecessarily so.
If anyone is interested in spirituality, religion, historical context of occults, this youtube channel is great.

And here is a great episode on Yahweh.
Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Approaching the question from the opposite direction: Why am I interested in other religious beliefs, and in atheism? My interest is in how others see God. God is beyond what all of us see together, and certainly beyond what one individual sees. So, should those be admired who solidly stick with their own religious beliefs? Yes. They are seeing a beautiful part of a tapestry, and they elect to remain focused on that particular beauty. They not only respect and admire it, they appreciate it, and who is to say it should be taken from them?

I am also intrigued by what atheists fail to see. I sometimes wonder if it is their focus and clarity with this physical world that prevents seeing beyond? I don't know, but I am fascinated by the possibility. Perhaps we need atheists with this clarity to keep us rooted in this life, even as we explore and try to look beyond.
Christ said: "Love thy neighbour!"

So you should also be interested in their beliefs. :)
Not really. I shouldn't need to know about their beliefs in order to love them or anyone. If I find out I don't agree with their beliefs, I can still love and serve them. That doesn't mean I would be apposed to finding out about their beliefs.
false doctrines and other so called "religions" that are nothing but manifestations of Satan?
That is what YOU call these things.
Others DONT!
Opinions may vary - dont you know? :)
That is what YOU call these things.
Others DONT!
Opinions may vary - dont you know? :)

No, that's what the Bible calls these things. I didn't write the Bible, it's God's word, not my own "opinion."
Approaching the question from the opposite direction: Why am I interested in other religious beliefs, and in atheism? My interest is in how others see God. God is beyond what all of us see together, and certainly beyond what one individual sees. So, should those be admired who solidly stick with their own religious beliefs? Yes. They are seeing a beautiful part of a tapestry, and they elect to remain focused on that particular beauty. They not only respect and admire it, they appreciate it, and who is to say it should be taken from them?

I am also intrigued by what atheists fail to see. I sometimes wonder if it is their focus and clarity with this physical world that prevents seeing beyond? I don't know, but I am fascinated by the possibility. Perhaps we need atheists with this clarity to keep us rooted in this life, even as we explore and try to look beyond.
So, do you believe God is so big he fills the universe yet so small he can dwell in your heart? No body, parts or passions? No ears to hear with, no eyes to see with and no mouth to speak with?
So, do you believe God is so big he fills the universe yet so small he can dwell in your heart? No body, parts or passions? No ears to hear with, no eyes to see with and no mouth to speak with?
An anomaly...
The problem I have is with Christians (among others) who think that they know about my religion because their own texts tell them things. But those things are wrong. Those texts might be religious ones or not, but they make claims based on superficial review and so those adherents parrot what the texts say with the confidence of someone who feels he never needs to hear anyone else's opinion.

If someone knows nothing of my religion and leaves me alone, I applaud that. But when that person decides to tell me what my religion means or teaches, or claims flaws with it only after viewing it through an external and agendized lens, well then, that becomes annoying.
Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs
And do not want to know anything about any other beliefs.
And who may be even proud of their ignorance ....

Should they be admired, because they are so pious?
Or rather not?

What do you think?
Just asking.
There is only "ONE FAITH"........ONE TRUTH, just as stated in the Word of God. religion is not as good as another. Logic and Reason would point out that if you take 100 different doctrines, all claiming to be TRUE...........there are but 2 possibilities: 1. All 100 could be wrong............but all 100 cannot be true. 2. One of the 100 is truthful as based and confirmed by the only objective way of proving truth..........its doctrine is found in the Word of God.

When you have "cults" making the claim that GOD APPROACHED them with NEW REVELATIONS....that don't agree with the Word of God you have reason to say, "HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! There are many such cults existing today that propagate a message/doctrine that is nothing short of an anti-christ doctrine. Notice how all these cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of the Judeo/Christian faith, claiming they have been corrupted but their doctrine.........not recorded until hundreds or 1000s of years after the 1st century are correct.

Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 such cults that exist today...........all presenting an anti-christ doctrine, some claiming to be infalliable, some claiming that God spoke to them directly 1800 years after the Holy Scriptures were recorded......Some claiming the entire Bible is corrupted but the word of an illiterate goat herder is true.......etc., Some claiming that Jesus was not equal to the Father, but was nothing but a prophet.
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