Zone1 Christians, who know nothing about any other beliefs

The problem I have is with Christians (among others) who think that they know about my religion because their own texts tell them things. But those things are wrong. Those texts might be religious ones or not, but they make claims based on superficial review and so those adherents parrot what the texts say with the confidence of someone who feels he never needs to hear anyone else's opinion.

If someone knows nothing of my religion and leaves me alone, I applaud that. But when that person decides to tell me what my religion means or teaches, or claims flaws with it only after viewing it through an external and agendized lens, well then, that becomes annoying.
This is probably true for most in any religion....others trying to dictate to someone of another denomination or faith what they "really" believe.
You have no clue what you believe is the answer. Got it.
Shrug. Believe what you wish. I am not about to open the door for another snarky exchange with you. Your first response told me that is your only interest. Good day.
Shrug. Believe what you wish. I am not about to open the door for another snarky exchange with you. Your first response told me that is your only interest. Good day.
Another win for the Bear! You can’t even define your own belief other than anomaly. Whatever that means. A god so big it fills the universe but so small to dwell in your heart. No eyes or ears or nose or mouth. Basically an idol that can’t see, hear, smell or speak. Sad.
I've learned about Buddhism.and Shinto in university. a little bit of Islam more of Judaism in my personal adult life. For me it is about relating to people. If I learn a bit about their religion, even better. Hardliners of any religion don't do it for me personally. I honestly find that I get along with anyone as long as they are good people who believe in truth, forgiveness and charity. We need more of such people, right? Nothing wrong with understanding their beliefs, none of us REALLY know the truth no matter how certain we are.
I've learned about Buddhism.and Shinto in university. a little bit of Islam more of Judaism in my personal adult life. For me it is about relating to people. If I learn a bit about their religion, even better. Hardliners of any religion don't do it for me personally. I honestly find that I get along with anyone as long as they are good people who believe in truth, forgiveness and charity. We need more of such people, right? Nothing wrong with understanding their beliefs, none of us REALLY know the truth no matter how certain we are.
Acts 17:22

22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.

23 For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, To The Unknown God. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.

29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.

30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
I think this is a bit as if a German would say:
"I am German and proud of it. I need not know anything about the UK or France or the rest of Europe or the rest of the world."

Would you admire such a person?
I wouldn't.
I'm thinking you're an Atheist.

I've noticed followers of the cult of Atheism have a particular hatred and contempt of Christianity.

Maybe follow your own advice
There is only "ONE FAITH"........ONE TRUTH, just as stated in the Word of God. religion is not as good as another. Logic and Reason would point out that if you take 100 different doctrines, all claiming to be TRUE...........there are but 2 possibilities: 1. All 100 could be wrong............but all 100 cannot be true. 2. One of the 100 is truthful as based and confirmed by the only objective way of proving truth..........its doctrine is found in the Word of God.

When you have "cults" making the claim that GOD APPROACHED them with NEW REVELATIONS....that don't agree with the Word of God you have reason to say, "HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! There are many such cults existing today that propagate a message/doctrine that is nothing short of an anti-christ doctrine. Notice how all these cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of the Judeo/Christian faith, claiming they have been corrupted but their doctrine.........not recorded until hundreds or 1000s of years after the 1st century are correct.

Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 such cults that exist today...........all presenting an anti-christ doctrine, some claiming to be infalliable, some claiming that God spoke to them directly 1800 years after the Holy Scriptures were recorded......Some claiming the entire Bible is corrupted but the word of an illiterate goat herder is true.......etc., Some claiming that Jesus was not equal to the Father, but was nothing but a prophet.
That's been going on a long time.

There is only "ONE FAITH"........ONE TRUTH, just as stated in the Word of God. religion is not as good as another. Logic and Reason would point out that if you take 100 different doctrines, all claiming to be TRUE...........there are but 2 possibilities: 1. All 100 could be wrong............but all 100 cannot be true. 2. One of the 100 is truthful as based and confirmed by the only objective way of proving truth..........its doctrine is found in the Word of God.

When you have "cults" making the claim that GOD APPROACHED them with NEW REVELATIONS....that don't agree with the Word of God you have reason to say, "HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! There are many such cults existing today that propagate a message/doctrine that is nothing short of an anti-christ doctrine. Notice how all these cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of the Judeo/Christian faith, claiming they have been corrupted but their doctrine.........not recorded until hundreds or 1000s of years after the 1st century are correct.

Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 such cults that exist today...........all presenting an anti-christ doctrine, some claiming to be infalliable, some claiming that God spoke to them directly 1800 years after the Holy Scriptures were recorded......Some claiming the entire Bible is corrupted but the word of an illiterate goat herder is true.......etc., Some claiming that Jesus was not equal to the Father, but was nothing but a prophet.
There is only "ONE FAITH"........ONE TRUTH, just as stated in the Word of God. religion is not as good as another. Logic and Reason would point out that if you take 100 different doctrines, all claiming to be TRUE...........there are but 2 possibilities: 1. All 100 could be wrong............but all 100 cannot be true. 2. One of the 100 is truthful as based and confirmed by the only objective way of proving truth..........its doctrine is found in the Word of God.

When you have "cults" making the claim that GOD APPROACHED them with NEW REVELATIONS....that don't agree with the Word of God you have reason to say, "HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! There are many such cults existing today that propagate a message/doctrine that is nothing short of an anti-christ doctrine. Notice how all these cults attempt to discredit the 66 books of the Judeo/Christian faith, claiming they have been corrupted but their doctrine.........not recorded until hundreds or 1000s of years after the 1st century are correct.

Off the top of my head I can think of at least 4 such cults that exist today...........all presenting an anti-christ doctrine, some claiming to be infalliable, some claiming that God spoke to them directly 1800 years after the Holy Scriptures were recorded......Some claiming the entire Bible is corrupted but the word of an illiterate goat herder is true.......etc., Some claiming that Jesus was not equal to the Father, but was nothing but a prophet.

Christians don't agree.

Christians don't agree.

Christians don't agree? That's the point........what one believes has nothing to do with the actual will of God as found in the Word of God. What people believe is"moot", it's God that establishes the standard that calibrates all truth, not cults. Cults attempt to twist the scriptures around their personal doctrines, when the inverse should be applied, allow the scriptures to define your doctrine. The scriptures self-interpret when the content, context and subject matter's integrity is maintained. (2 Peter 1:20)

Pick any controversy among supposed the scriptures that addresses the subject-matter, allow the scriptures to determine the truth. If you self-interpret one section of scripture to contradict another, YOU ARE NOT RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH. (2 Tim. 2:15) How do you rightly divide the word? You study the scriptures to find for yourself if what is being instructed is truth from the Spirit of Truth (the author of the Bible, God -- 2 Tim. 3:15) We are commanded to search the scriptures daily to find truth as did those of the 1st century (Acts 17:11).

The division among the supposed denominations comes from personal opinion and private interpretation.....not God. Jesus, Himself chastised the Jewish leaders of His day.........for doing exactly the same thing that cults engage today......they attempt to worship God, not by His word/law.....but by private traditions (Matthew 23).

There are multiple warnings found in the Word of God in relation as to how DIVISION comes about. Most people who promote false doctrines are unlearned (they fail to study as described in scripture) or they are UNSTABLE and twist the scriptures to their own destruction (2 Peter 3:16)

The most severe warning comes from Paul......the Apostle to the Gentiles. "But though we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we (an apostle of Christ) preached unto you.......let him be accursed." -- Gal. 1:8

The ultimate warning...........truthful doctrine is found only in one place, the Doctrine established by the Original Apostles of Christ that were hand picked by Him. All apostles must be from a personal choice of Jesus, our high priest, not from any traditions established by man. (Matthew 28:16-20).

Of the original 12 only 1 was lost due to sin and the other 11 apostles prayed to Jesus Christ and the Jesus picked the 12th apostle by assocsiation.......the 11 picked from those who had been with Jesus from the beginning. (Acts 1:12-26)....the lot or vote was for Matthias as the only one of 2 who met all the requirements of an Apostle of Christ. The qualifications are listed (Acts 1:22-23). Only one was born out season, Paul/Saul who was personally commissioned by Jesus on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:3-9). Peter declares that Paul is lacking in nothing and is equal to the other apostles of Christ (2 Peter 3:16) he compares the epistles of Paul to all other scriptures from God.
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