Christie fails to make main stage lineup

Huckabee gets to join him. Hell Graham,Pataki,Gilmore,aren't even gonna be on EITHER stage.....maybe a few will drop out already jeez.
I'm hoping that Cruz moves up and puts the kibosh to Ben the nice guy squish 'Spoon !!
well at least Christie will have more time to eat that large pizza in his podium.
if one of the five foot tall candidates was there, Christie would be thinking about pouring mustard on them and eating them.
i was so looking forward to seeing Christie rip George Crapadopolis to shreds in the ABC debate.
Christie and Huckabee will participate in the 7 p.m. ET Baby table along with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, who reacted to the news moments after it was announced. "I'm looking forward to the opportunity to be on the national stage." Santorum said during an appearance on FOX Business Network's Lou Dobbs Tonight.
It's remarkable, and should be of concern, that much of the process in determining the GOP nominee for 2016 involves errant, subjective opinion polls, political pundits and talking heads, and 'debates' that really aren't debates.
I love how the GOP is gonna overload on debates.
I hate how the Democrats are afraid to express their ideas to the public in debates. Then again the Dems have no one to debate with since their candidate was chosen for them. Poor suckers

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