Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage

How does what some perceive to be a civil right have anything to do with the rule of law? Nobody has a right to marry, period, it is not in the constitution, therefore states have always handled marriage and marriage laws. It doesn't matter if it's gay marriage or not, it simply is not a right, and that wont change by calling it a civil right or a human right or blah blah blah. Just because you change the terminology does not mean it changes the law as it is written.
If people want gay marriage, then get out the vote and have people vote it in.

So you disagree with the SCOTUS ruling that struck down State laws on interracial Civil Marriage because even though the 14th Amendment required Due Process and Equal Protection under the law, that didn't apply to colored people?

BTW - All citizens have a right to equal treatment under the law barring a compelling government interest and if they feel they have been wronged by the government they have a Constitutional right to address such grievances through the courts.

Marriage helps prevent the spread of HIV by encouraging monogamous relationships

Yep, when you think about Civil Marriage promoting monogamous relationships*** then it actually become an argument FOR allowing Sames-sex Civil Marriage.

*** If you don't think Civil Marriage promotes monogamy, then ask someone whose been cause cheating on his/her spouse and how they got taken to the cleaners in the divorce.

Dumb, dumb dumb...

U.S. News - NJ Gov. Christie vetoes same-sex marriage bill

I've always been a critic of judges who decide they are going to disregard the will of legistlatures and the populace and impose these things, but here's a case where they did it the right way, they passed a bill, and Christie the Hutt decides he's stull sucking up to be RomBot's running mate.

Lol, I agree with Christie on this one, though Ithink he did it purely for politidcal gain and not because it was the right thing to do.
Dumb, dumb dumb...

U.S. News - NJ Gov. Christie vetoes same-sex marriage bill

I've always been a critic of judges who decide they are going to disregard the will of legistlatures and the populace and impose these things, but here's a case where they did it the right way, they passed a bill, and Christie the Hutt decides he's stull sucking up to be RomBot's running mate.

He did the right thing, it is up to the people to decide, not for the state government to dictate.

Then you are a statist conservative progressive: you support mass democracy, not representative republicanism.
It's not based on gender.
It's about a very unhealthy and harmful lifestyle.

Let's look at some statistics:

CDC United States HIV/AIDS related deaths = 16,789
CDC United States drug related deaths = 38,371
CDC United States Alcohol related deaths (alcohol + alcohol related liver) = (24,518 +15,183) = 39,701
COC United States Obesity related deaths = 112,000
CSC United States Smoking related deaths (Male+Female-2nd Hand) = 394,195

Ya know the funny thing is that I can't remember one legislature passing statutory law for a Civil Marriage criteria passed based on unhealthy lifestyles associated with alcohol, drugs, smoking, or obesity. Ya know the funny thing is that I can't remember one State Constitutional amendment put to the ballot for a Civil Marriage criteria based on unhealthy lifestyles associated with alcohol, drugs, smoking, or obesity.

Wow - What a liberal idea it is to say that homosexuals can be justified (actually it's more a rationalization) based on HIV is utter balderdash. There are many more unhealthy lifestyles with more risks than being a homosexual. (Well it seems that it's homosexual males as it ignores that lesbians have the lowest HIV infection rates.)

If someone is going to base Civil Marriage eligibility on HIV and claim it's because a demographic has an "unhealthy lifestyle", then all I can say it two things:
1. You're no different than liberals trying control our diet,
2. Don't claim to be a small government conservative, that would be hypocritical.​
Drug-Induced Deaths --- United States, 2003--2007
CDC - Fact Sheet - Tobacco-Related Mortality - Smoking & Tobacco Use

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Dumb, dumb dumb...

U.S. News - NJ Gov. Christie vetoes same-sex marriage bill

I've always been a critic of judges who decide they are going to disregard the will of legistlatures and the populace and impose these things, but here's a case where they did it the right way, they passed a bill, and Christie the Hutt decides he's stull sucking up to be RomBot's running mate.

Whats the big deal, as an elected Governor he exorcised his right to veto a bill he didn't like.

If people are really that bent out of shape about it, they'll vote him out next time.

Which they probably will. Which is why he's sucking up to the far right and hoping he ends up somewhere in a hypothetical Romney Administration.
I agree. He can't sign a civil rights bill and be a viable Republican candidate.
Because he should be doing more good than harm.

Something that Chrispie and his ilk no longer believe in.

Christies weight is a choice..........homosexuality is not

LOL...they'll argue that his weight has genetic factors, but will declare that sexual orientation is a choice (with no proof to support that claim). You can go to the gym and get less fat. You can't go to the gym and get less gay.

Some guys go to the Gym to get more gay... :eek:

But since you guys haven't found the "Gay Gene" yet, an argument can be made that there's really not a genetic cause. There is genetic causality to obesity...
"I am adhering to what I've said since this bill was first introduced — an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide,"

Seems like he wants the people to make the decision. And you have a problem with this?

Um, yeah, I usually do when people appeal to bigotry to advance their political careers.

Christy is a fat sack of shit.

Takes one to know one huh?

Marriage is a religious institution, the state has no place there, civil unions are the state's domain.

So you would support removing the term "marriage" from all legal documentation.

As a religious institute alone tha state doesn't recognize marriage nor does the state have control over religious marriage. Ironically, we have been religiously married for over 22 years.
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Yes, civil unions should replace 'marriage' in our secular world.

Leave marriage to religion.
Same sex marriage is illogical overall. Government should stay out of any discourse on same. It should be a state level issue and right, in whatever outcome may come.

There are three mitigating issues that brought down all the great civilizations of the past, without exception: They are:

untendable debt
expansionism through endless warring
tolerance of all things sexual.


That last is a load of dingo's kidneys. But feel free to prove your case.
Yes, civil unions should replace 'marriage' in our secular world.

Leave marriage to religion.

Eeehhhhh, That's like burning down the country club because they told you that you had to admit blacks.

There are churches that already "Marry" gays, without the blessing of state governments.

On the subject of Civil Marriage, it grants a whole lot of benefits that are good for society. I have no problem extending them to gays, IF IT IS DONE THROUGH THE LEGISLATIVE process. Which means, if you get a majority to say, "Okay, fine."

I have a real problem if a judge decides he's going to impose it after the voters have said no.
"I am adhering to what I've said since this bill was first introduced — an issue of this magnitude and importance, which requires a constitutional amendment, should be left to the people of New Jersey to decide,"

Seems like he wants the people to make the decision. And you have a problem with this?

Um, yeah, I usually do when people appeal to bigotry to advance their political careers.

Christy is a fat sack of shit.

So the reason you started this thread was just to advertise your lefty political views? Great, everyone knows you are a far-left numbskull. Congratulations, now STFU.

Want to silence those who disagree with you, dontcha.

Shapes found in "nature".

I think Mr. Sumo actually looks in a little better shape.
And unfortunately, unless the NJ Legistlature grows a pair of balls, that's probably what it's going to come down to. Or they can wait until he's tossed out on his can in 2013 and get a Governor who will sign the law.


Gov Christie made the call....he gets to live with it

He is now the George Wallace of Gay Rights......the only governor ever to veto gay marriage

Caving to your political base to make points sure did wonders for Wallaces hopes for the presidency

As I recall, Wallace was doing quite well for the nomination in 1972, until someone shot him.

Then the Democrats had a collective brain fart and nominated McGovern....

Wallace did not run as a Democrat. They rejected him and what he stood for.
Yes, civil unions should replace 'marriage' in our secular world.

Leave marriage to religion.


What business is it of the government when/if/how anyone gets married anyway?

Just enforce the contracts signed and stay the hell out of it.

Gov Christie made the call....he gets to live with it

He is now the George Wallace of Gay Rights......the only governor ever to veto gay marriage

Caving to your political base to make points sure did wonders for Wallaces hopes for the presidency

As I recall, Wallace was doing quite well for the nomination in 1972, until someone shot him.

Then the Democrats had a collective brain fart and nominated McGovern....

Wallace did not run as a Democrat. They rejected him and what he stood for.

He did in 1972; go look it up.

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