'Christmas will be cancelled this year due to covid'

Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

Fauci is Heinrich Himmler reincarnated, which is quite the feat, considering Fauci's religious and ethnic origins. Fauci's "final solution" however is plainly visible for the entire world to see. Above that, no one will be cancelling our Christmas, same as no one cancelled our Thanksgiving, which included seventeen people from eight different households. All throughout our Thanksgiving dinner this year I sporadically patrolled a few blocks around my relative's home, heavily armed, just to get a sense of which way the "wind" might blow. No one bothered us and the meal was a stunning success: roast beef and turkey and steamed shrimp, excellent conversation, warm family togetherness. And so it shall be with our family Christmas, and no state actor will be allowed within a hundred yards of our celebration location. One must do whatever one must do . . .
I think you totally irresponsible if you feel so insecure you have to go "patrolling" your neighborhood "heavily armed".
A man's first duty is to protect his family and you should have got out of there years ago if it's such a dangerous shithole.

You also need to stop bandying about the names Heinrich Himler and Nazi's and comparing them with your countries leading health professionals who are simply trying to save lives
Have you any real idea of what Himmler and the Nazi's actually did?
Get a grip!

You cannot "get a grip" if you are a genuine Brit or Aussie (you could be LARPing one of course), because you long ago surrendered your right to possess the capability to defend your family; sorry Charlie, spears and arrows won't cut it.

The neighborhood which surrounded our Thanksgiving feast is not now and never was a dangerous one. The necessity of arming ourselves on that day had nothing to do with civilian crime in the area and everything to do with the very real threat of government hired contact tracers crashing our holiday festivities. If the state is willing to kill or imprison free citizens for celebrating national holidays, then free citizens must be willing to do the same in order to celebrate them. We are of such a breed. I imagine this causes you to drip with envy in your happiness in slavery.

Further, Falci IS the modern equivalent of Himmler. He is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans who perished as a direct result of his pandemic lockdown "guidance". Ah, yes . . . now I understand; you also envy our American God given protection to say whatever the fuck we choose to say. Pity being you, wherever you are.
Are we:
(a) The land of the free and the home of the brave, or...
(b) The land of the locked down and the home of the scared

Government needs to lay out the facts and then let each individual do as they deem best for him/herself and their family. By the way, masks don't work and neither do lock-downs. At best they can slow how many people get the virus at a time, and they are none to successful at that either.

Everyone have a wonderful--if different--Christmas. We, and our day, is what we make it.
So put up your Christmas lights, spike the eggnog, do your Christmas shopping online and bake your cookies. Say your prayers, play your Christmas carols, Zoom your family that lives out of town and forego the Christmas open house and the big meal with 20 people this year.

It takes pretty big cajones to bitch about Christmas restrictions when you turn around and say that you'll refuse the vaccine that could stop this unhappiness from being repeated next year.

It being Jesus's birthday, maybe you should give a little thought to his wish, Love your neighbor as yourself.
maybe mind your own fucking business, hmmmkay?
It's a message board, Einstein.

Seriously, mind your own business. Don't worry about how anyone celebrates their religious holidays.
It's a message board. If OP didn't want comments, she wouldn't have posted her lying piece of garbage. I didn't intend to tell anyone how to practice their religion. Neighborhood parties and a big Christmas dinner with the whole family are religious practices now?

You don't like what I'm saying, put me on ignore, because I've got as much right to post here as anyone else, Frank. Fuck off.
We're still doing presents, but it will likely be gift certificates or cash. I'll touch and use dirty money with a mask on and wash afterward.
Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

If it is up to the Left, all holidays will disappear, ESPECIALLY the religious ones.

For you see, they destroy everything they touch.
Pro History Fact: It was the con-servative Puritans who tried to outlaw Christmas.
Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

Fauci is Heinrich Himmler reincarnated, which is quite the feat, considering Fauci's religious and ethnic origins. Fauci's "final solution" however is plainly visible for the entire world to see. Above that, no one will be cancelling our Christmas, same as no one cancelled our Thanksgiving, which included seventeen people from eight different households. All throughout our Thanksgiving dinner this year I sporadically patrolled a few blocks around my relative's home, heavily armed, just to get a sense of which way the "wind" might blow. No one bothered us and the meal was a stunning success: roast beef and turkey and steamed shrimp, excellent conversation, warm family togetherness. And so it shall be with our family Christmas, and no state actor will be allowed within a hundred yards of our celebration location. One must do whatever one must do . . .

Well you guys sound like chicken shit hillbillies.
Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

Fauci is Heinrich Himmler reincarnated, which is quite the feat, considering Fauci's religious and ethnic origins. Fauci's "final solution" however is plainly visible for the entire world to see. Above that, no one will be cancelling our Christmas, same as no one cancelled our Thanksgiving, which included seventeen people from eight different households. All throughout our Thanksgiving dinner this year I sporadically patrolled a few blocks around my relative's home, heavily armed, just to get a sense of which way the "wind" might blow. No one bothered us and the meal was a stunning success: roast beef and turkey and steamed shrimp, excellent conversation, warm family togetherness. And so it shall be with our family Christmas, and no state actor will be allowed within a hundred yards of our celebration location. One must do whatever one must do . . .

Well you guys sound like chicken shit hillbillies.
Yeah, I love warm family gatherings with armed patrols. Doesn't everybody?
Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.
everyone has heard plenty from them and the o p - they'll just keep partying without regards or responsibility as they always do for whatever suits their fancy, nothing like a pandemic for them to jack-up their self(ish) defiant acts.
Let's cancel Christmas because the flu is still out there! Enough with the THE COVID WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP LIVING YOUR LIVES and IF YOU DO IT PUTS OTHERS IN DANGER already.

How come so many politicians who create these rules to keep us safe keep breaking those rules? Could it be that they aren't as afraid of covid as they expect us to be?

Seriously. Duh.
Let's cancel Christmas because the flu is still out there! Enough with the THE COVID WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP LIVING YOUR LIVES and IF YOU DO IT PUTS OTHERS IN DANGER already.

How come so many politicians who create these rules to keep us safe keep breaking those rules? Could it be that they aren't as afraid of covid as they expect us to be?

Seriously. Duh.
They have had almost a year of bullshit that started with "a couple weeks to get around the curve" that turned into months on end with antis having riots, etc. That is it, no more needs to be given. People can decide for themselves on what they need to do to keep themselves and their families safe from diseases or from economic ruin either one.
Let's cancel Christmas because the flu is still out there!

That's just it. We don't want to cancel Christmas because that is when Jesus came into the world to save us.
Xmas comes from a Roman holiday. Nobody knows when Jesus was born.

You are a blathering nincompoop. Where do you get such notions? The atheists' book?


Jesus' birth date as December 25th was listed as such on the Roman birth census or Census of Quirinius. The date was confirmed by archbishop Cyril of Jerusalem in the 4th century as he had access to the document. Others have verified the date, too.

You've heard the story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem and that is Mary's birth place. She had to travel there as part of the first census declared by Augustus Caesar (who did it for tax purposes as we still do it around the world for the same).

"And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem;" Luke 2:4

"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem," Matthew 2:1
Let's cancel Christmas because the flu is still out there!

That's just it. We don't want to cancel Christmas because that is when Jesus came into the world to save us.
Xmas comes from a Roman holiday. Nobody knows when Jesus was born.

You are a blathering nincompoop. Where do you get such notions? The atheists' book?


Jesus' birth date as December 25th was listed as such on the Roman birth census or Census of Quirinius. The date was confirmed by archbishop Cyril of Jerusalem in the 4th century as he had access to the document. Others have verified the date, too.

You've heard the story of Jesus being born in Bethlehem and that is Mary's birth place. She had to travel there as part of the first census declared by Augustus Caesar (who did it for tax purposes as we still do it around the world for the same).

"And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem;" Luke 2:4

"Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem," Matthew 2:1
3. The Church was slow to embrace Christmas

Despite the spread of Christianity, midwinter festivals did not become Christmas for hundreds of years. The Bible gives no reference to when Jesus was born, which wasn't a problem for early Christians, Nissenbaum said.

"It never occurred to them that they needed to celebrate his birthday," he said.

With no Biblical directive to do so and no mention in the Gospels of the correct date, it wasn't until the fourth century that church leaders in Rome embraced the holiday. "

Pagan Roots? 5 Surprising Facts About Christmas
So put up your Christmas lights, spike the eggnog, do your Christmas shopping online and bake your cookies. Say your prayers, play your Christmas carols, Zoom your family that lives out of town and forego the Christmas open house and the big meal with 20 people this year.

It takes pretty big cajones to bitch about Christmas restrictions when you turn around and say that you'll refuse the vaccine that could stop this unhappiness from being repeated next year.

It being Jesus's birthday, maybe you should give a little thought to his wish, Love your neighbor as yourself.
What do atheists know about Jesus Whinerwoman??
Jesus would be upset if you don’t have a super spreader event at your house celebrating his fake winter birth date where you eat tons of food and exchange obscene wealth. Sounds like the kind of thing a glorious Savior would focus on.
Heck why not as they have gotten away with everything else without too much push back from the I don't haft to do anything about it crowd.

"Cancel Christmas"

Paid lying bloggers buttering their bread with trumpanzees

Christmas isn't cancelled.

I think Dinesh D'Souza is pretty much channeling Billo the Clown O'Lielly these days
Who could forget "The War on Christmas"? ;)


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