Church attendance

deorro 1

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2019
Listening to Mr. J.D. Greerar on Summit Life has made me to wonder.

Do these pastors and/or evangelists attend the Church gathering every week for their own purposes or for other purposes?

In other words, do these pastors and/or evangelists truly have the well being of the congregation within their hearts? Or are the members of the attendees just like every other person who is on the sidewalks outside of the Church walking by; even while the sermon is being spoken?

Why do I ask this?

Because for those that attend; do they attend to get some 'self help' teachings given to them? Do they go to Church as they might go to a substance abuse counselor? Is this what Church is for?

And so as the Pastor and/or Evangelist speaks on matters of Godliness and Christ and The LORD; and the Pastor/Evangelist having knowledge that where 2 or more are gathered together in His Name, He is there present among them; does the entire gathered Body realize that they are not just listening to a person speaking from off the raised pulpit? Do they realize that Christ Messiah IS there; among them; also listening; and watching and wanting to be part of the lives that are there?

What would you ask Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? What would you tell Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? Week after week after week? etc.... Why not ask Him? Why not tell Him instead of listening to the person speaking as though He was there; in the Heavens; maybe in the Universe somewhere but not 'Right' there with you?

So yes... Church can be at a coffee shop; where 2 have come together/gathered in His Name. HalleluYah for this Gracious Gift The Heavenly Father and Holy God and Christ Messiah has given unto mankind to be able to rejoice without needing to wait for the Sunday service to begin; even if I or any other might not enjoy crowds as much as others might...
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Listening to Mr. J.D. Greerar on Summit Life has made me to wonder.

Do these pastors and/or evangelists attend the Church gathering every week for their own purposes or for other purposes?

In other words, do these pastors and/or evangelists truly have the well being of the congregation within their hearts? Or are the members of the attendees just like every other person who is on the sidewalks outside of the Church walking by; even while the sermon is being spoken?

Why do I ask this?

Because for those that attend; do they attend to get some 'self help' teachings given to them? Do they go to Church as they might go to a substance abuse counselor? Is this what Church is for?

And so as the Pastor and/or Evangelist speaks on matters of Godliness and Christ and The LORD; and the Pastor/Evangelist having knowledge that where 2 or more are gathered together in His Name, He is there present among them; does the entire gathered Body realize that they are not just listening to a person speaking from off the raised pulpit? Do they realize that Christ Messiah IS there; among them also listening and watching and wanting to be part of the lives that are there?

What would you ask Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? What would you tell Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? Week after week after week? etc.... Why not ask Him? Why not tell Him instead of listening to the person speaking as though He was there; in the Heavens; maybe in the Universe somewhere but not 'Right' there with you?
I think what these pastors believe is that the spirit is at least as important as the body, and that it doesn't make sense to kill one just to save the other, and that Christ is at least as good if not better than a mask at protecting us, and that he has more faith in God than the government. And I guess those who attend agree.

You got a problem with that?
Proverbs 7:6-27

"For at the window of my house I looked through my casement,

7And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding,

8Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house,

9In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night:

10And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.

11(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:

12Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.)

13So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him,

14I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows.

15Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.

16I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.

17I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.

19For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:

20He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.

21With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

22He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;

23Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.

24Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.

25Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.

26For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.

27Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death."


As I sat there in that coffee shop with another gathered in His Name, I overheard another group nearby; with whom, also, they gathered in His Name, speak. Their speech was fair and of noble desires. And as I continued to listen I began to get my focus turned away from what I and the other had gathered for. Soon, as I regained my focus and reason for our gathering together, I realized that our words; although not as eloquently approved of by any others, were of words which the other group spoke of also, but only with different terminologies.

Language skills, I learned, is not universal. Nor are the ways of communicating thoughts, ideas and/or truths. I wonder if being of the same mind and spirit would require me to learn 'the language' of those I associate with. After all, can 2 walk and agree together if they do not have the same 'language'?

How is the language of the 'woman' the same with the young one?

Why do many 'fly' overseas into/to other Countries to 'sexually' court other males and females NOT of their same 'language'?

So... 'sex' is not 'love'.... So what can 'sex' be that has many fly to/into other Countries to engage in 'sex' with another not of the same language?


I was down and despondent. I thought to myself, 'I'm down and despondent'.
I replied to myself *with the help of The Holy Spirit .. 'There is no such thing as Be-ing down and despondent. It is only an 'act'. There IS no such Be-ing'..

An 'over' acting in a wrong can lead to it becoming an 'abomination'; something that IF not directly resisted against; as in Newton's law of motion; could realistically, cause much 'physical/property' damages.

Such is a difference between 'sin' and 'abomination'. And God forbid if such abomination begins heading towards your mom or dad or grandmother or grandfather or another loved one.

For this reason also is man placed as head of the woman. So that the man can use his physical strength he received as Be-ing fashioned 'male', against such oncoming 'abominations'. And with Christ as his Head and God as His Head, 'All' things are possible through Christ Messiah Whom IS Head over/of EACH male.

So then where are the problems that are within the world coming/arising from?

In my opinion; the males whose hands are too 'tired' to work.

It's a shame when able bodied males are turned away at jobs given to other men whose work output is only 'brain' deep. And on top of that to expect that such males will keep to their job descriptions and duties is assuming that they will be responsible. Unfortunately, when males begin to show irresponsibility, it not only effects the young ones who look to them as male 'role' models but it also makes others lose hope; making them 'less' caring to hope.

* a riddle:

2 women claimed the newborn infant was their own. How was it decided on whom was the 'real' mother?

Answer: The one who was able to give 'suck' to the newborn.
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Listening to Mr. J.D. Greerar on Summit Life has made me to wonder.

Do these pastors and/or evangelists attend the Church gathering every week for their own purposes or for other purposes?

In other words, do these pastors and/or evangelists truly have the well being of the congregation within their hearts? Or are the members of the attendees just like every other person who is on the sidewalks outside of the Church walking by; even while the sermon is being spoken?

Why do I ask this?

Because for those that attend; do they attend to get some 'self help' teachings given to them? Do they go to Church as they might go to a substance abuse counselor? Is this what Church is for?

And so as the Pastor and/or Evangelist speaks on matters of Godliness and Christ and The LORD; and the Pastor/Evangelist having knowledge that where 2 or more are gathered together in His Name, He is there present among them; does the entire gathered Body realize that they are not just listening to a person speaking from off the raised pulpit? Do they realize that Christ Messiah IS there; among them also listening and watching and wanting to be part of the lives that are there?

What would you ask Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? What would you tell Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? Week after week after week? etc.... Why not ask Him? Why not tell Him instead of listening to the person speaking as though He was there; in the Heavens; maybe in the Universe somewhere but not 'Right' there with you?
I think what these pastors believe is that the spirit is at least as important as the body, and that it doesn't make sense to kill one just to save the other, and that Christ is at least as good if not better than a mask at protecting us, and that he has more faith in God than the government. And I guess those who attend agree.

You got a problem with that?
MORE LIKE THIS, PLEASE: DOJ Blasts D.C. Mayor for ‘Silencing’ Churches: ‘There Is No Pandemic Exception to the Constitution.’

Think of Church gatherings as protests against injustice.


The Department of Justice on Friday announced it had filed a statement of interest in the case filed by Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., against the District of Columbia and Mayor Muriel Bowser. The 853-member church has a strong religious conviction that it must meet weekly and in person, as a single body, for worship. As a result of Mayor Bowser’s onerous COVID-19 orders (first capping worship services at 10 people and now 100), Capitol Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) has not been able to meet together in the District since March. As a temporary measure, they’ve been meeting in a field in Virginia.

So to answer the Opening Post, it's none of your damn business while they feel strongly about meeting. That desire and belief is protected by the First Amendment.

The congregation had asked the mayor for permission to meet at the 45,000-plus-seat Robert F. Kennedy Stadium, which would give them ample room to social distance, but the city denied the application for a waiver, and also the church’s appeals. (More background here.)

Finally, on Sept. 22, the church filed a lawsuit and a request for a temporary restraining order asking that they be allowed to hold outdoor worship services in the District of Columbia, citing the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. CHBC says the mayor has double standards—one for churches and another for large gatherings of protesters. The lawsuit pointed out that the mayor herself has attended some of these gatherings.

The statement of interest is part of Attorney General William P. Barr’s initiative, announced April 27, directing the DOJ to “review governmental policies around the country to ensure that civil liberties are protected during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“While a local government has significant discretion to decide what measures to adopt to meet a public health threat, the Free Exercise Clause of the Constitution requires that, whatever level of restrictions it adopts, government must treat religious gatherings the same as comparable nonreligious gatherings, absent the government meeting strict scrutiny, that is, proving that it has a compelling governmental interest pursued through the least restrictive means,” the DOJ argued in the statement of interest. “Similarly, the Free Speech Clause forbids the government from discriminating against certain speech while privileging other speech with a viewpoint favored by the government, unless it meets strict scrutiny.”​

The District of Columbia is also bound by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), the Justice Department said. RFRA “requires that any government action imposing a substantial burden on religious exercise meet strict scrutiny.” The city’s current approach to COVID-19 restrictions “has the effect of treating some forms of protected First Amendment activity differently than other forms of comparable activity and in so doing singles out religious exercise for differential treatment.” CHBC has demonstrated that its lawsuit is likely to succeed on merits, the statement of interest noted.
In its filing, the DOJ said that while the United States “has a strong interest, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, in ensuring the development and maintenance of the best possible public health strategies to combat the virus and protect the people of the United States from harm,” that interest “must be balanced with constitutional liberties.”

“Although the precise legal tests may change based on the specific restriction at issue, the bottom line remains the same: there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution and our fundamental rights,” the DOJ lawyers declared. “Individual rights set forth in the Constitution are always operative and restrain government action.”​

Mayor Bowser and the District of Columbia clearly don’t agree. Protesters who have the “correct” political views are allowed to gather in the streets with impunity—and without anyone in the mayor’s office, the MSM, or Democratic Party saying boo about it—while churches are told to close their doors and forsake their religious teachings. The aforementioned leftists have no use for those “icky” Christians who insist on obeying the Bible, but, ah, the protesters and rioters—they, and they alone, are worthy of robust constitutional protections amid the pandemic. That hypocrisy is what CHBC takes issue with. The Justice Department is insisting that the discrimination stop.

The Left is filled with petty tyrants who want to rule by coercion through force.
People need Jesus during these tumultuous times. Christians need to be in church, where they can obey biblical mandates to hear the Word of God preached, partake of Communion, and fellowship together. A few brave churches are wading into the fray, asking only to be treated the way other groups are and for the government to abide by the First Amendment and RFRA. William Barr and Trump’s Department of Justice are making it clear that government “shall make no law… prohibiting the free exercise” of religion. Period. Not even during a pandemic.
Listening to Mr. J.D. Greerar on Summit Life has made me to wonder.

Do these pastors and/or evangelists attend the Church gathering every week for their own purposes or for other purposes?

In other words, do these pastors and/or evangelists truly have the well being of the congregation within their hearts? Or are the members of the attendees just like every other person who is on the sidewalks outside of the Church walking by; even while the sermon is being spoken?

Why do I ask this?

Because for those that attend; do they attend to get some 'self help' teachings given to them? Do they go to Church as they might go to a substance abuse counselor? Is this what Church is for?

And so as the Pastor and/or Evangelist speaks on matters of Godliness and Christ and The LORD; and the Pastor/Evangelist having knowledge that where 2 or more are gathered together in His Name, He is there present among them; does the entire gathered Body realize that they are not just listening to a person speaking from off the raised pulpit? Do they realize that Christ Messiah IS there; among them; also listening; and watching and wanting to be part of the lives that are there?

What would you ask Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? What would you tell Christ Messiah if He was there in front of you? Week after week after week? etc.... Why not ask Him? Why not tell Him instead of listening to the person speaking as though He was there; in the Heavens; maybe in the Universe somewhere but not 'Right' there with you?

So yes... Church can be at a coffee shop; where 2 have come together/gathered in His Name. HalleluYah for this Gracious Gift The Heavenly Father and Holy God and Christ Messiah has given unto mankind to be able to rejoice without needing to wait for the Sunday service to begin; even if I or any other might not enjoy crowds as much as others might...

That was a strange post.

Um.... yes, you can meet at a coffee shop. In fact, I've known of churches that started at Coffee shops.

The reason people meet at Churches instead of Coffee shops, is because when 50 people cram themselves into a coffee shop, both the other customers, and the owner of the shop, tend to not like that.

Second, the reasons we listen to a pastor, instead of just sitting there talking to Jesus, is because one of the primary ways that G-d speaks to his people is through his word. That's why he wrote the book.

So having a pastor help teach us what the Bible says, is crucial in the Christian world.

This is also a way to tell if you are in a good church. If you go to church, and the pastor never opens the Bible, or never reads a verse..... move on. Bad church.

I actually have had this happen twice, where I went to a church, where the pastor never once opened the Bible, or read a single verse. It was just him, making up stuff. I don't even remember honestly what he blathered on about, but it wasn't in the Bible.

Lastly, you should be praying to G-d on your own, regardless of Church. One of the primary purposes of Church is that people need each other, and being with a group of believers, means that you can lift each other up, and encourage each other.
People don't need a church to have faith in anything of value. The argument rests on the Constitutional liberty, which they apparently should have. "Needing Jesus" is not of part of that, unless your idea of 'Jesus' is so anemic that it doesn't add up to anything. Save the maudlin sentimentality; the legal argument is strong enough on its face.
Proverbs 7:6-27

"For at the window of my house I looked through my casement,

7And beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the youths, a young man void of understanding,

8Passing through the street near her corner; and he went the way to her house,

9In the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night:

10And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.

11(She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house:

12Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.)

13So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face said unto him,

14I have peace offerings with me; this day have I payed my vows.

15Therefore came I forth to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face, and I have found thee.

16I have decked my bed with coverings of tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.

17I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

18Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning: let us solace ourselves with loves.

19For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:

20He hath taken a bag of money with him, and will come home at the day appointed.

21With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.

22He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;

23Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life.

24Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth.

25Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths.

26For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her.

27Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death."


As I sat there in that coffee shop with another gathered in His Name, I overheard another group nearby; with whom, also, they gathered in His Name, speak. Their speech was fair and of noble desires. And as I continued to listen I began to get my focus turned away from what I and the other had gathered for. Soon, as I regained my focus and reason for our gathering together, I realized that our words; although not as eloquently approved of by any others, were of words which the other group spoke of also, but only with different terminologies.

Language skills, I learned, is not universal. Nor are the ways of communicating thoughts, ideas and/or truths. I wonder if being of the same mind and spirit would require me to learn 'the language' of those I associate with. After all, can 2 walk and agree together if they do not have the same 'language'?

How is the language of the 'woman' the same with the young one?

Why do many 'fly' overseas into/to other Countries to 'sexually' court other males and females NOT of their same 'language'?

So... 'sex' is not 'love'.... So what can 'sex' be that has many fly to/into other Countries to engage in 'sex' with another not of the same language?


I was down and despondent. I thought to myself, 'I'm down and despondent'.
I replied to myself *with the help of The Holy Spirit .. 'There is no such thing as Be-ing down and despondent. It is only an 'act'. There IS no such Be-ing'..

An 'over' acting in a wrong can lead to it becoming an 'abomination'; something that IF not directly resisted against; as in Newton's law of motion; could realistically, cause much 'physical/property' damages.

Such is a difference between 'sin' and 'abomination'. And God forbid if such abomination begins heading towards your mom or dad or grandmother or grandfather or another loved one.

For this reason also is man placed as head of the woman. So that the man can use his physical strength he received as Be-ing fashioned 'male', against such oncoming 'abominations'. And with Christ as his Head and God as His Head, 'All' things are possible through Christ Messiah Whom IS Head over/of EACH male.

So then where are the problems that are within the world coming/arising from?

In my opinion; the males whose hands are too 'tired' to work.

It's a shame when able bodied males are turned away at jobs given to other men whose work output is only 'brain' deep. And on top of that to expect that such males will keep to their job descriptions and duties is assuming that they will be responsible. Unfortunately, when males begin to show irresponsibility, it not only effects the young ones who look to them as male 'role' models but it also makes others lose hope; making them 'less' caring to hope.

* a riddle:

2 women claimed the newborn infant was their own. How was it decided on whom was the 'real' mother?

Answer: The one who was able to give 'suck' to the newborn.
Many travel abroad not merely for “sex”; but to find a worthy bride, finding Western women irredeemably corrupted, and foul. With artifices of law that foster deceit, greed, and betrayal. In contrast to the women in some parts of the world who still retain, and adhere to more conservative, traditional values.

Two friends of mine married in SEA, and after ten years still consider that best decision they’ve ever made in their lives. Meanwhile back here in the West. I’ve never had a friend, or neighbor whose marriage has lasted more than 6 years. Some of of the couples a decade or so older than me still hold it together. But relatively few…

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