Church goers must take their firearms with them to Church

I think you missed the part of the graph that says "fathers not living with kids".

Did you look at those numbers....numb nuts....the difference....and the point is on target......they make a claim that black fathers spend as much time as others with their kids....hiding the main point that there are less black fathers raising their children......moron.
" less black fathers"

fewer, moron

Fuck you grammar nazi....
Learn the language, or get out of my country.

fuck you, grammar nazi.
You're lucky that's not a rule, right? 2 million mexicans and 40 million rednecks, all creating a bottleneck at the border...
We also have way more mass shootings than anywhere in the world. Thanks gun culture.

Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

And the other thing that we have that those countries don' their violent crime rates go through the roof......Americans who stop violent criminals every single day with their legally owned the tune of 1,500,000 times a year....

Those are rapes, robberies and murders, all stopped by normal, law abiding Americans who own and sometimes carry guns for self defense....

You of course would prefer that those people be raped......robbed....and murdered, rather than they use a gun to stop those attacks......that is you .....asshole.
Nope, didn't say that at all. You don't read very well. The root cause of Ferguson is that our police shoot way more people than any other police in the world. That is not justifying riots. Nice try. Our police shoot more because we have too many guns.

No...the root cause of Ferguson was a lie. The thug who attacked the police officer, punching him and trying to get his gun, charged the police officer after being told to stop.........and then the left wing press, and the criminals in Ferguson told the lie that the thug had his hands in the air....

Ferguson was a lie......the black lies matter movement is a lie....

It was not the one event. It was many piled on top of each other. Our police shoot a lot of people. They shoot people because they are rightfully scared because guns are everywhere. Never a week goes by without a police gun death. That is rare in other countries.

Dip shit...the police who work the NRA convention are not afraid of all the people carrying guns......police have to worry about criminals who can't legally buy, own or carry guns......who should be in jail, but who are let out by people like you.

Hey dip shit, they are scared of being shot. Every week we lose an officer. Because of this they shoot a lot of people. That is why we had ferguson. All comes back to having too many guns.

No dip shit...we had Ferguson because a thug refused to obey the lawful orders of a police officer and continued his attack, then the left wing asswipes like you lied about what happened, and that lie was put out into the world by more left wing asswipes like you....

That incident was only a big deal because so many people are shot by police. Many justified, but many not. That was the result of all these incidents piling on. Thank guns.
We also have way more mass shootings than anywhere in the world. Thanks gun culture.

Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

And the other thing that we have that those countries don' their violent crime rates go through the roof......Americans who stop violent criminals every single day with their legally owned the tune of 1,500,000 times a year....

Those are rapes, robberies and murders, all stopped by normal, law abiding Americans who own and sometimes carry guns for self defense....

You of course would prefer that those people be raped......robbed....and murdered, rather than they use a gun to stop those attacks......that is you .....asshole.

Sure and yet I don't know anybody defending themselves with a gun. All those defenses and our crime rates still suck relative to other countries. Thanks gun culture.
We also have way more mass shootings than anywhere in the world. Thanks gun culture.

Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.
This week it's a church. Last week it was a football party? Lots and lots of mass killings.
We also have way more mass shootings than anywhere in the world. Thanks gun culture.

Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.

Most countries don't have that 13% issue with which to contend. I will also add that the left has virtually decimated religion in America to the point that many people today no longer respect life or respect anything. Liberals push for abortion and the daily genocide of the unborn. It will get worse as immorality continues to grown in America.
We also have way more mass shootings than anywhere in the world. Thanks gun culture.

Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.

Most countries don't have that 13% issue with which to contend. I will also add that the left has virtually decimated religion in America to the point that many people today no longer respect life or respect anything. Liberals push for abortion and the daily genocide of the unborn. It will get worse as immorality continues to grown in America.

Not may Christians in Japan, yet they have little crime. No guns though.
Not gun culture, since out of 320 million people less than a handful commit mass public shootings. And of those, they are nuts.

And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.

Most countries don't have that 13% issue with which to contend. I will also add that the left has virtually decimated religion in America to the point that many people today no longer respect life or respect anything. Liberals push for abortion and the daily genocide of the unborn. It will get worse as immorality continues to grown in America.

Not may Christians in Japan, yet they have little crime. No guns though.

Nothing to do with Christians and everything to do with that 13% and a loss of morality.
LIke in the days of the pilgrims when churchgoers went armed to Church in case of an Indian churchgoers obviously need to do the same because of the fact that psychoes, jihadists, etc. have in recent times began to attack members of Churches during services.

One Dead, Several Wounded in Tennessee Church Attack - Breitbart
We already bring our guns to church since the white monkey killed those Black people in SC.

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia

The racist chimes in.

Negroes would have us believe that it is racist to engage in self defense.

I've read a few of your posts and you seem to be a hater. It's time for ignore. Good bye.
And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.

Most countries don't have that 13% issue with which to contend. I will also add that the left has virtually decimated religion in America to the point that many people today no longer respect life or respect anything. Liberals push for abortion and the daily genocide of the unborn. It will get worse as immorality continues to grown in America.

Not may Christians in Japan, yet they have little crime. No guns though.

Nothing to do with Christians and everything to do with that 13% and a loss of morality.

Sure and that has something to do with politics.:disagree:
And we have way more than any other country. Hence why we are on this board all the time discussing them. That doesn't happen in other countries. When it happens there it is a terrorist attack.

It didn't happen as often in other countries before they banned and confiscated guns.....and the worse mass killing wasn't done with a gun, it was done with a rental truck......moron.
We have mass killings all the time. Rare in other countries. Thanks gun culture.

Most countries don't have that 13% issue with which to contend. I will also add that the left has virtually decimated religion in America to the point that many people today no longer respect life or respect anything. Liberals push for abortion and the daily genocide of the unborn. It will get worse as immorality continues to grown in America.

Not may Christians in Japan, yet they have little crime. No guns though.

Nothing to do with Christians and everything to do with that 13% and a loss of morality.
Maybe of you religious idiots would finally realize that actua policy and legislation produces results, while praying produces exactly no results, we might solve some of the problems in this country .
LIke in the days of the pilgrims when churchgoers went armed to Church in case of an Indian churchgoers obviously need to do the same because of the fact that psychoes, jihadists, etc. have in recent times began to attack members of Churches during services.

One Dead, Several Wounded in Tennessee Church Attack - Breitbart
We already bring our guns to church since the white monkey killed those Black people in SC.

Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia
White monkeys generally out shoot black monkeys
Not where I am from. White monkeys come up missing with pictures on milk cartons. :cool-45:
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OK so all crime is imported from other states now?

OK our murder rate is the same as it was in 1950 and we have more guns than ever. So more guns does not mean more murder.

The UK has a slightly higher murder rate than they did in 1950 and that's after several rounds of very strict gun laws coming into play in the 60's and later so we can see that more gun laws do not reduce the murder rate.

So at worst gun laws have zero effect on murder rates.

So why are your panties in a twist over guns?

Guns are imported from other states.

Our police shoot way more people than in any other country and are themselves shot more than in any other country. I'd like that to stop.

Then put violent criminals in jail and keep them there for a long time.

Criminal and only criminals are responsible for the crime rate. There is absolutely no reason to keep guns out of the hands of people who don't commit crimes
Our jails are the fullest in the world.
Easy solution to having empty prisons.

Stop committing crimes.

That is a solution? Sure tell people to stop committing crimes... that will work.
That's about all passing a new law does
Yeah, letting hardcore felons out early and reducing time served for criminals has nothing to do with it.

All average law abiding citizens grab guns and shoot up churches.

Last I checked we have fullest prisons in the world.

Wrong....they keep letting violent criminals out...we have revolving doors on our prisons.....that is the problem.

Yes, U.S. locks people up at a higher rate than any other country

And we lock up the wrong people. I don't know how many times I've had to say this but only violent offenders should be locked up. Nonviolent offenders can be gives alternate sentencing
Still far less than it was 20 years ago or do you think all those extra guns just appeared since 2016?

I wonder how many of those violent crimes were due to the peaceful riots, I mean protests, like the one in Ferguson

Not sure, violent crime is up with concealed carry though.

No, it isn't .....that is another lie you tell...crime is up in a few major cities, which drove the increase in crime, because of the Ferguson effect...

Fbi says it's up.


Carnage, Continued

houston, new york, detroit lowest, chicago baltimore driving increase

The three cities driving the overall decline in urban murders—Detroit, Houston, and New York—saw an average drop of 21.7 percent, which means that murder is either up, or essentially flat, in the rest of the cities in the sample, given the overall decline of just 2.5 percent.

Fbi says violent crime is up cupcake.

Up a little over a 2 year period after a steady decline over 20 years
No...Ferguson is because left wing activists and their allies in the press lied about what happened there.....and they keep lying about 99% of police shootings.

The root cause is young males raised by single, teenage mothers with no fathers in the home...

Our police shoot and kill way more than any other country. That is why we had Ferguson. Our police are terrified because guns are everywhere.

No...our criminals attack police more often than in other countries.......but don't worry, they are catching up over seas...

US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015

Yeah....our criminals are more willing to commit murder than European criminals.....until now....that is changing. The Europeans comply with their police, they don't fight and try to kill them.

Our criminals are just better armed. Guns everywhere.
So you finally admit that the problem is criminals and not guns in the hands of people who aren't criminals?

So what do you propose to do to keep criminals from shooting people?

And taking guns away from law abiding people isn't an acceptable answer
Through all this bullshit none of you people who say guns are the problem have addressed how you would keep criminals from getting guns or what you would do to criminals who use guns other than prevent people who will never commit a crime with or without a gun from having them.

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