Chutkan just denied Trump's discovery request for videotapes--she actually thinks a witness's demeanor can be gleaned from a written record.

Yeah fuck the Democrats. We don't want to erase their history however we want to put it on the front page. Nasty son of a bitches. It's Democrats who want to erase any history, you must be one, parasite.
I don't want to erase history. I'm all for teaching little white children that Robert E Lee and Southern Democrat Confederates and segregationists were shit people from a shit culture. I'm glad you agree. What say you The Duke? You good with teaching little white children that Robert E Lee was a piece of human trash? 😄
I don't want to erase history. I'm all for teaching little white children that Robert E Lee and Southern Democrat Confederates and segregationists were shit people from a shit culture. I'm glad you agree. What say you The Duke? You good with teaching little white children that Robert E Lee was a piece of human trash? 😄
It wasn't like that at all, you derelict mental midget.
Autopsy showed he had a bad heart. That's a fact. Autopsy didn't show that he died from asphyxiation, in fact there was no evidence of damage to his neck or windpipe. You can't be this stupid BLM terrorized Portland for 100 days. Why do you support terrorism? Just because you're black you have to support BLM? Don't you think you should go forward as an honorable person?
Everything you said here is untrue BLM didn't terrorize Portland. Portland is something like 95 to 97 percent white. Trump escalated what where primarily peaceful protests by sending in unmarked vehicles and snatching people off the streets for no reason. Then you had the white nationalists that live in towns around Portland instigating violence. You have no honor, white supremacist so don't lecture me.
Fantasizing about things being shoved in my ass isn't really going to change the fact that we have divided and conquered you. 😄
If anything, you've united all Americans against fucktards such as yourself.

Dumbass. Of all races and creeds.
Where did you get that quote ? LOL Oh was that a government policy? I'm sure there's lots of black businesses that only hire black people and lots of Asian businesses that only hire Asian people. Not an unusual situation. By the way I'm not your boy, stop acting like a racist simpleton. so you can't name any current systemic racism, I didn't think so. MAGA
Wrong. You see evidence of racism every single day because you practice it. So don't ask me to show proof, when YOU are the proof.
If anything, you've united all Americans against fucktards such as yourself.
Enjoy the fantasy fail white. It won't help you achieve any real victory. Your dipshit shit fellow fail whites are how we've been able to dismantle Confederate culture and shit on its memory. Enjoy that. 😄
I have to laugh when a racist white male calls somebody a parasite. You are the king of parasites son, history shows it.
No bigger parasites in American history than the slaver Founders but these fail whites are too stupid to sus that one out themselves. 😄
Enjoy the fantasy fail white. It won't help you achieve any real victory. Your dipshit shit fellow fail whites are how we've been able to dismantle Confederate culture and shit on its memory. Enjoy that. 😄
Yeah, enjoy licking the governments balls for a check, you retarded dumbass.

Your perception of history is all kinds of fucked up and you've been lied to. Furthermore, you're not smart enough to realize it.

Commie dumbasses made shit up and lied to you, and you just believe it because you're a hateful little pinheaded dipshit.

You gonna sue the Native Nations for enslaving blacks? They did a lot of that.

You gonna sue descendants of black slave owners for owning slaves?

You're a fucking retard and wholly ignorant of American history. Are you even from America?
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Yeah, enjoy licking the governments balls for a check, you retarded dumbass.
More fantasy. When you fail whites write that check you owe Black Americans you'll sign it because we bent your knee. The only people excited to be trickled on by the wealthy elites are you fail whites. 😄

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