CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attac

My guess is Cheney knows that can't happen because they have secret info so he feels safe to bluff.

If there was hard evidence that torture prevented an attack at it could be released the Bush administations press department (AKA Fox News) would have plastered it all over to support the administrative's position.

I could be wrong. But given Cheneys past record for veracity, I feel pretty safe putting this in the "skeptical" department till shown otherwise.

There is a very strong chance that your guess would be wrong. They just need to declassify all the documents, and not cherry pick them to bolster their agenda. Seems fair if they declassified them all.

As long as they don't compromise any intel agents or anything, I don't have a problem with that.
i waterboarded all his freinds as well and no one died......seems like it worked.....

what would you do ask nice and give him candy....

None of the had any useful information. However, the fact that the US, which once called itsefl the shining city on the hill, engages in the same torture it once prosecuted WWII war criminals for reinforces the beliefs of many that the US is evil and hypocritical to boot. This growing disdain feeds new recuits into a terrorist organization, and they then attack America again, killing 3000.

End of ridiculous hypothetical story.

just think what we could be with your lilly livered cowardly approach,.. a charred, radioactive, dead city on the hill.. won't you be proud we played nice?

Let's have all the documents released, and see if you can still laugh. :eusa_whistle:

My guess is Cheney knows that can't happen because they have secret info so he feels safe to bluff.

If there was hard evidence that torture prevented an attack at it could be released the Bush administations press department (AKA Fox News) would have plastered it all over to support the administrative's position.

I could be wrong. But given Cheneys past record for veracity, I feel pretty safe putting this in the "skeptical" department till shown otherwise.[/QUOTE]

translation: sh'e gonna put her head back where de moon don't shine!
The article is from CNS, Conservative News Service.

Their editor also worked for the Washington Times, the newspaper started by the Rev. Dumb yung Moon, the Korean minister who says he is the second coming of Christ.

A false prophet.

CNS is not a reliable news source. It makes Fox look like a fair and balanced news service.

It's amazing how often I see someone (both left and right) citing an article from some obviously biased source as if it is making a persuasive argument.
First, it is a demonstrable fact that they would not have stopped the additional terrorists attacks without that information; it is decidely KNOWN...

What is your source for this demonstrable fact. Other than Mr. Cheney or the "Justice" Department memos that themselves were trying to justify an act of torture the US prosecuted Japanese as war criminals for?
There is a very strong chance that your guess would be wrong. They just need to declassify all the documents, and not cherry pick them to bolster their agenda. Seems fair if they declassified them all.

As long as they don't compromise any intel agents or anything, I don't have a problem with that.

Obama has already compromised intel...I don't know about agents, but certainly with the intel released. Might as well compromise the results, to be transparent of course.
Do you think he would ever report on something that was unfavorable to Republicans or Corporations?

Want to show me one fucking example?

Do you even read the paper?

And if Fox News is any indication, you're a fucking moron. :cuckoo:
i've seen them report on things bad for repiublicans
you are a fucking idiot

Yea, minor things that don't mean a rats ass in the grand scheme of things. Watch MSNBC and see the difference. Truth vs. spin.

you GOTTA be fucking kidding me
MSNBC has its editoirial head up Obama's ass so far they can kiss his tonsils
i've seen them report on things bad for repiublicans
you are a fucking idiot

Yea, minor things that don't mean a rats ass in the grand scheme of things. Watch MSNBC and see the difference. Truth vs. spin.

you GOTTA be fucking kidding me
MSNBC has its editoirial head up Obama's ass so far they can kiss his tonsils

Why,, yes they do.. You know old Immelt.. he's the head of GE.. run it right into the ground he did.. did the obamalama fire him the way he did the CEO of GM.. Why no,, he did not. He put Immelt on his advisory board of economics.. yet,, it's real tight up in that azz. innit??? Oh! and GE owns MSNBC
Another difference between liberals and Conservatives...

Conservatives would rather waterboard terrorists and save US citizens and Liberals would rather not waterboard terrorists and risk killing innocent US citizens... - CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles


:lol: Dude, that's a totally rabid, partisan rightwing Bush loving site.

You're going to have to do better than an anonymous, unamed "cia source" in a far rightwing nutjob website. :lol:
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

a democwat would not,, all they know is they want to feel all warm and fuzzy and scantimonious..
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

thanks for the honesty. Most republicans spent the last eight years pretending and lying that they didn't approve of toruture.

I'm glad you're all out of the closet now, and admit you like and approve of torture.
Interesting speculation.

But you dodged my question.

I didn't dodge anything. Beheading and torture as PC described vs. water boarding? If they are going to torture our guys, water boarding wins.

Thanks for answering. So you think others should be able to torture US citizens or soldiers this way.

Not me.
you are too fucking stupid
as if they WOULDNT torture because we didnt
you are sorely lacking in historical perspective
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

a democwat would not,, all they know is they want to feel all warm and fuzzy and scantimonious..

You love torture because you're a fascist, anti-american piece of shit who doesn't work, sits on the computer all day, and imagines sadistic fantasies about torturing people. I bet you'd love to torture someone, wouldn't you you sick twisted, unemployed fuck?
Maybe you can get someone else to play with you.

well, it was a simple yes or no! I thought you could answer all questions hey asshole?

Sorry, I'm not interested in juvenile flame wars or interacting with people who call me asshole. Maybe you enjoy that.

Maybe next thread if you can manage a discussion without infantile flaming.
with your attitude, i bet a lot of people call you asshole
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

thanks for the honesty. Most republicans spent the last eight years pretending and lying that they didn't approve of toruture.

I'm glad you're all out of the closet now, and admit you like and approve of torture.

Don't put words in my mouth there sparky.

I believe I said, that under certain circumstances, (stopping a terrorist, getting the location of my kidnapped child from the kidnapper) I would approve of torture.

Show me where I used the word: like.
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

a democwat would not,, all they know is they want to feel all warm and fuzzy and scantimonious..

You love torture because you're a fascist, anti-american piece of shit who doesn't work, sits on the computer all day, and imagines sadistic fantasies about torturing people. I bet you'd love to torture someone, wouldn't you you sick twisted, unemployed fuck?

now now sweetheart,, you need to calm yourself and stop obsessing because I don't work.. I don't have to work..
If torturing a terrorist will save an American's life, then I say torture away.

If a kidnapper had your child and the only way to find out where he/she put your kid was to torture him/her, wouldn't you do it?

a democwat would not,, all they know is they want to feel all warm and fuzzy and scantimonious..

You love torture because you're a fascist, anti-american piece of shit who doesn't work, sits on the computer all day, and imagines sadistic fantasies about torturing people. I bet you'd love to torture someone, wouldn't you you sick twisted, unemployed fuck?

You are a piece of something.

Typical of your sort - putting words in people's mouths.

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