CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

I've been watching the news and.....

I listened to an interview with the father of Ty Woods who is a lawyer and did not think there was any way to do it but suggested this was a good case for bringing murder charges against those in the WH who were involved.

I agree. After sorting out what I'd been hearing, all of it, I believe I know what happened.

This went all the way to the top. Right to the O. Instead of being prepared for the worst, he assumed the best situation and made no contingency plans. Faced with a politically untenable situation, the O waffled and led from behind, indecisive as usual

The O knew about this almost immediately and was in his office having a meeting
with the Sec of Defense and others

And 4 people died. AND 4 PEOPLE DIED.

He needs to be brought up on appropriate charges. IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. It doesn't matter if he's out of office or not. This should not be allowed to die as our people were.

Im having a hard time giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, and that he assumed the best was happening. I mean they were watching the attack in real time, for 7 hours. I keep trying to convince myself that there must be a reason why the AC-130 wasn't sent in, why the quick response marines wern't sent in; but the only reason I keep coming back to is having to take military action against a terrorist attack would have told people that al-queda is still alive and well. Im not going as far to say that Obama sacrificed Stevens and the other 3 for his campaign, but he definitely left them to fend for themselves.

I did hear the interview of the father Charles Wood, I was tearing up listening to it, and shocked at what I heard. I was shocked by Hilary clintons alleged remarks about locking up the individual who made the video, and I was shocked at what Biden said to the father right after his son died "has your son always had balls the size of cue-balls." Who the hell makes a joke like that to a father who is burying their son?!? I cannot speak on what woods said about Obamas body language b/c I was not there, but if Biden did say that, there was no way he felt any remorse... or he's just a social retard, but I don't think you get as far as he has by being a social retard.
no your not.

LoLing at all the FAUX poutrage in this Republican tempest in a teacup.


This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

You're an embarassment.....are you really an American?
How anyone can say all these "stories" are made up is unbelievable! This information is coming from the Embassy, from people that were there, from the State Dept, and the LIES that Obama and his group have been telling. And you call these made up stories??

He knows the truth.. all liberals know the truth.. THEY DON'T CARE. Their religion is more important than anything.. LIBERALISM... They are true Marxists who believe the end justifies the means.. They have no moral compass so don't be surprised that the truth and dead Americans are no matter to them.
I've contacted an organization asking for assistance in getting a petition started.

I would like to take this as far as I can. Any and all assistance welcomed
Obama's really good at taking credit when SEALs take down a senior citizen surrounded by women......but not so hot when it comes to actually protecting our people in harms way.

Obama took credit when the outcome was known.

He became a coward when faced by the unknown.

This only supports my belief that if the Bin Laden raid had turned bad he would have made up some story to cover his ass and swore off having anything to do with the mission.

He would have blamed everyone but himself.
It would have gone bad as he didn't want him harmed. Can't kill his Ali baba you know but he took credit for it because Hilary essentially gave a thumbs up. Now she fell on the ax for him again in this situation he made a debacle of. When you lie you have to keep lying to cover up the last one and no one in obama camp are roasting marshmallows around the campfire rehearsing their story first so they are all getting their wieners skewered and roast over an open flame instead right now.

This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.
no your not.

LoLing at all the FAUX poutrage in this Republican tempest in a teacup.


This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

Open your eyes and look at the information. Don't tell me you're in the bag for Obama no matter what he does.

The WH watched 4 americans die in real time, didn't do anything about it, and you want to call this a fake story. Even CBS confirmed that a video from a predator drone was watching the attack in real time in the situation room. Even Bill Clinton wants Hilary to distance herself, come clean, and get ahed of this before it explodes in her face. How the Hell could you call this a fake story. Unbelievable.

This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.
Oh I think she will toss him and would now if it were not for the national party holding her back. If the polls showed a bigger margin toward Romney she would throw him to the wolves and wash her hands of it. Hope everyone else in their party has learned finally to stop falling on the sword for such a disgraceful person. And stop playing the race card when someone opposes him. If that's all you have to say then take your ball and go home.
Im not going as far to say that Obama sacrificed Stevens and the other 3 for his campaign...

I'll say it. IMO that's precisely what he did....and was so broken up over it that he went to Vegas and partied.

if Biden did say that, there was no way he felt any remorse... or he's just a social retard...

I don't think it's one or the's both.
Update: Courtesy of Glenn Beck, Tyrone Woods’ father Charles reacts to these new revelations: “That is cowardice by the people that issued that order. And our country is not a country of cowards. Our country is the greatest nation on Earth. And what we need to do is we need to raise up a generation of American heroes just like Ty who is an American hero. But in order to do that, we need to raise up a generation that has not just physical strength but moral strength. We do not need another generation of liars who lack

To paraprase Baa-rock, he does believe that America is the greatest nation on earth ... just as Greece believes they are the greatest nation on earth, as the British believe they are the greatest nation on earth, etc. He needs to be tossed out on his skinny little black ass. <--- channeling Tommy Gavin so get over thinking it's some 'racist' remark.
Fox would never run a scab story with unnamed sources to influence a upcoming election would they. And if you didn't catch it now just wait they're gonna repeat it until it gets debunked and we find out the truth.
loling at all the faux poutrage in this republican tempest in a teacup.


fuck off, asshole


This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.

Obama has blood on his hands.


This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.
Oh I think she will toss him and would now if it were not for the national party holding her back. If the polls showed a bigger margin toward Romney she would throw him to the wolves and wash her hands of it. Hope everyone else in their party has learned finally to stop falling on the sword for such a disgraceful person. And stop playing the race card when someone opposes him. If that's all you have to say then take your ball and go home.


It's HILARIOUS to observe you RW 'tards coming apart at the seams over this non-story.

One palooka even said that Hannity KNOWS secrets of the Obama/Clinton relationship....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Fox would never run a scab story with unnamed sources to influence a upcoming election would they. And if you didn't catch it now just wait they're gonna repeat it until it gets debunked and we find out the truth.

Have you seen the emails sent by Ambassador Stevens, I doubt it. The News outlets you follow won't even mention this let alone tell you the truth.

Keep denying it, you're following your leader exactly as he wishes you to. Heck even Letterman knows he's a liar now.

Little people, little people so very sad.
loling at all the faux poutrage in this republican tempest in a teacup.


fuck off, asshole

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.
Oh I think she will toss him and would now if it were not for the national party holding her back. If the polls showed a bigger margin toward Romney she would throw him to the wolves and wash her hands of it. Hope everyone else in their party has learned finally to stop falling on the sword for such a disgraceful person. And stop playing the race card when someone opposes him. If that's all you have to say then take your ball and go home.


It's HILARIOUS to observe you RW 'tards coming apart at the seams over this non-story.

One palooka even said that Hannity KNOWS secrets of the Obama/Clinton relationship....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

A non story? :rolleyes:

Valerie Plame story? The biggest scandal of the decade. :eusa_whistle:
CIA officials on the ground asked for HELP and were denied by the
WH 3 times.

Tune in to FOX who has the exclusive

Fox is good but there is so much information out there to validate the obvious. This is what makes this so outrageous swizzlee.

Oh and by the way. Go to the Daily Mail UK. They have been getting all the info and passing it on.

Remember at first we were all told it was just an "annex" Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It was a CIA base.
This thread is just too funny...more made up RW stories...for the sole purpose of whipping up the choir members into a frenzy.

Too funny... :lol:

Open your eyes and look at the information. Don't tell me you're in the bag for Obama no matter what he does.

The WH watched 4 americans die in real time, didn't do anything about it, and you want to call this a fake story. Even CBS confirmed that a video from a predator drone was watching the attack in real time in the situation room. Even Bill Clinton wants Hilary to distance herself, come clean, and get ahed of this before it explodes in her face. How the Hell could you call this a fake story. Unbelievable.

Well it sort of beats the last white house which watched 2,700 Americans get incinerated at the WTC and several hundred more get pulverized in the pentagon.

But then's not like any of you folks gave a was New York and Washington..after all.

In fact..a couple of them put the blame on New Yorkers. Both were close advisors to Bush.

[ame=]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

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