CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

loling at all the faux poutrage in this republican tempest in a teacup.


fuck off, asshole

No, that's not true. This is looking like a real shit storm and if Romney wins the election it may even get a proper investigation. At the least Hillary Clinton's career is over without Obama. Unless she decides to toss his black ass under the bus.
Oh I think she will toss him and would now if it were not for the national party holding her back. If the polls showed a bigger margin toward Romney she would throw him to the wolves and wash her hands of it. Hope everyone else in their party has learned finally to stop falling on the sword for such a disgraceful person. And stop playing the race card when someone opposes him. If that's all you have to say then take your ball and go home.


It's HILARIOUS to observe you RW 'tards coming apart at the seams over this non-story.

One palooka even said that Hannity KNOWS secrets of the Obama/Clinton relationship....

:lol: :lol: :lol:


If you want to look up the "N" word in the dictionary you'll find MarcATL's pic next to it.:cool:
House Oversight Committee line to call and voice your opinion, DEMANDING Hearings be IMMEDIATELY scheduled and this President come before the American people, UNDER OATH and answer for his lies.

Phone: (202) 225-5074
2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

I was told we need to call here and give voice to our concerns.
Is it any wonder that the media wants to bury this information days before the election?

Americans would not only vote against Obama over this, they'd likely run him out of the of the country on a rail after he loses the election.

They are desperate that the masses do not get this information and bury it on page G45 and give a, "Oh, btw....." in the last 2 minutes of any news cast.
House Oversight Committee line to call and voice your opinion, DEMANDING Hearings be IMMEDIATELY scheduled and this President come before the American people, UNDER OATH and answer for his lies.

Phone: (202) 225-5074
2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

I was told we need to call here and give voice to our concerns.

Like 9/11?

Oh wait..that didn't happen until a year later.
House Oversight Committee line to call and voice your opinion, DEMANDING Hearings be IMMEDIATELY scheduled and this President come before the American people, UNDER OATH and answer for his lies.

Phone: (202) 225-5074
2157 Rayburn House Office Building,
Washington, DC 20515
Committee On Oversight & Government Reform

I was told we need to call here and give voice to our concerns.

Like 9/11?

Oh wait..that didn't happen until a year later.

Did Bush ever testify under oath?
I've been watching the news and.....

I listened to an interview with the father of Ty Woods who is a lawyer and did not think there was any way to do it but suggested this was a good case for bringing murder charges against those in the WH who were involved.

I agree. After sorting out what I'd been hearing, all of it, I believe I know what happened.

This went all the way to the top. Right to the O. Instead of being prepared for the worst, he assumed the best situation and made no contingency plans. Faced with a politically untenable situation, the O waffled and led from behind, indecisive as usual

The O knew about this almost immediately and was in his office having a meeting
with the Sec of Defense and others

And 4 people died. AND 4 PEOPLE DIED.

He needs to be brought up on appropriate charges. IMMEDIATELY if not sooner. It doesn't matter if he's out of office or not. This should not be allowed to die as our people were.

Im having a hard time giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, and that he assumed the best was happening. I mean they were watching the attack in real time, for 7 hours. I keep trying to convince myself that there must be a reason why the AC-130 wasn't sent in, why the quick response marines wern't sent in; but the only reason I keep coming back to is having to take military action against a terrorist attack would have told people that al-queda is still alive and well. Im not going as far to say that Obama sacrificed Stevens and the other 3 for his campaign, but he definitely left them to fend for themselves.

I did hear the interview of the father Charles Wood, I was tearing up listening to it, and shocked at what I heard. I was shocked by Hilary clintons alleged remarks about locking up the individual who made the video, and I was shocked at what Biden said to the father right after his son died "has your son always had balls the size of cue-balls." Who the hell makes a joke like that to a father who is burying their son?!? I cannot speak on what woods said about Obamas body language b/c I was not there, but if Biden did say that, there was no way he felt any remorse... or he's just a social retard, but I don't think you get as far as he has by being a social retard.
This sentence - Instead of being prepared for the worst, he assumed the best situation and made no contingency plans. - was meant to relay his policy on Libya before the attack on the Embassy. Now he's faced with a critical situation for which he has no ready answers.

My apologies
Ah now I get it. Faux News wants to whip up the base into a xxxxxxGate fury. Cause anything with a Gate on the end of it has got to be really really bad.
Heroes died defending a US Ambassador on US Consulate grounds. 3 times they asked for help, but were denied. We could've been there in time to save their lives , we could've been prepared and ready for something to happen there on the anniversary of 9/11, especially after the events in Cairo. Didn't happen. But the president of the United States did manage to attend a fund raiser and campaign stop on the next day in Nevada. Gave a nice speech in the Rose Garden before he left. Should I just ignore that? Sorry, can't do it.
Ah now I get it. Faux News wants to whip up the base into a xxxxxxGate fury. Cause anything with a Gate on the end of it has got to be really really bad.

Did you people really believe that nobody involved in this attack would ever talk to a reporter? :eusa_eh:
so, this is coming from an unnamed source, who is the source? What's his name?

Why is he speaking about classified information? Why are we airing our shortcomings to our enemies if any of this is true?

And how did you all feel about wikileaks?

Are you serious? You honestly think people should cover for Obama's utter incompetence and failure to protect our people on the anniversary of 9/11 of all things? You know, I heard an interview with John McCain earlier. He's lividly pissed because our military assets in the area weren't even on alert. Think about it... it's the anniversary of 9/11, we've been warned by other countries that there might be trouble... and we're not even on alert.

This is BIGGER than an election. This is gross negligence by the current administration which has resulted in four American deaths that never should have happened.

no it isnt and stop trying to make it out to be something its not. you people have been pushing for anything to be bigger than watergate in order to be justified in your hate of Obama.

Here if we use your opinion, Bush is to blame for 9-11. Clinton for the other World trade center, and Reagan for the one i forget.

you want to go down that road of stupid? Go for it, but be ready to eat a lot of shit for it.
Political spin on the loos of American lives. How many times has Obama done this already? Three or four times at least by my count.
Who are "they" that called for help?
Who did they call?
Why is this all based on unnamed sources?
What military presence was close by that could have responded?
Why would someone claim that Woods disobeyed orders?

This story is so full of holes it's disgusting.

Isn't most of that "information" supposed to be classified? These people will go to all lengths to achieve their desperate goals. I do think that someone in the Administration dropped the ball, but a lot of this 'outrage' is politically motivated. Where were all of these people's disgust when the previous Administration got us into Iraq because of bad intel and thousands of Our Americans soldiers were killed? Where was all of their 'outrage' when we most likely had this war financed by China will all of the billions of dollars spent there? Where's there 'outrage' at the previous Administration when we have more Americans being killed because of the nation building experiment that we have going on in A'stan?
In short, I find it disgusting that people are using the tragic loss of American lives in Libya as a political football. Someone or some people at the middle level and lower level dropped the ball on this one. The President is supposed to be a macromanagement position and not a micromanagement one. Some of these people want Obama distanced from the good things like the Navy SEALS getting OBL but want to have him "on the front lines" when there's a failure like this Libyan situation.
so, this is coming from an unnamed source, who is the source? What's his name?

Why is he speaking about classified information? Why are we airing our shortcomings to our enemies if any of this is true?

And how did you all feel about wikileaks?

Are you serious? You honestly think people should cover for Obama's utter incompetence and failure to protect our people on the anniversary of 9/11 of all things? You know, I heard an interview with John McCain earlier. He's lividly pissed because our military assets in the area weren't even on alert. Think about it... it's the anniversary of 9/11, we've been warned by other countries that there might be trouble... and we're not even on alert.

This is BIGGER than an election. This is gross negligence by the current administration which has resulted in four American deaths that never should have happened.

no it isnt and stop trying to make it out to be something its not. you people have been pushing for anything to be bigger than watergate in order to be justified in your hate of Obama.

Here if we use your opinion, Bush is to blame for 9-11. Clinton for the other World trade center, and Reagan for the one i forget.

you want to go down that road of stupid? Go for it, but be ready to eat a lot of shit for it.

It has nothing to do with hatred of Obama. Frankly, I don't hate Obama at all; I simply disagree with him. What it has to do with is gross negligence, an extensive cover up, an unravelling web of lies, and murder of American citizens, nationals, and military. Yeah....that's bigger than a break-in, chum.
Who are "they" that called for help?
Who did they call?
Why is this all based on unnamed sources?
What military presence was close by that could have responded?
Why would someone claim that Woods disobeyed orders?

This story is so full of holes it's disgusting.

Someone or some people at the middle level and lower level dropped the ball on this one. The President is supposed to be a macromanagement position and not a micromanagement one.

Oh so when an American embassy is attacked by terrorists Obama should just say "hey someone else deal with it. Call me when I land in Vegas and tell me what happens."

Fucking know it doesn't even have anything to do with being a liberal or not. It has to do with defending the extreme ineptitude of this President who is more worried about his re-election bid than the lives of Americans.
Is socialism really worth this? The pain and the destruction of the most successful nation that ever sat on the surface of this planet. It's sad that there's such people like you that will defend a president no matter what blindly.

Romney/Ryan support socialist policies as well...........................
There is no way to spin this...they were left to die.

Woods is a hero for disobeying an order to ignore an attack on an American Consulate and the Ambassador of the United States.

Any soldier, seal, or marine worth a damn would have done the same.

You forgot the Airmen............

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