CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack

Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.

A consulate is NOT "American soil".
The guy disobeyed an order and got him self killed?

That's pretty bad.

He saved the lives of most of the people in the consulate, sounds like he should get a Medal of Honor to me.

July 25, 1963: The requirements for the Medal of Honor must be met for any of the following circumstances:[55]

1. While engaged in action against an enemy of the United States
2. While engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force.
3. While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is a belligerent party.
Are you serious? You honestly think people should cover for Obama's utter incompetence and failure to protect our people on the anniversary of 9/11 of all things? You know, I heard an interview with John McCain earlier. He's lividly pissed because our military assets in the area weren't even on alert. Think about it... it's the anniversary of 9/11, we've been warned by other countries that there might be trouble... and we're not even on alert.

This is BIGGER than an election. This is gross negligence by the current administration which has resulted in four American deaths that never should have happened.

no it isnt and stop trying to make it out to be something its not. you people have been pushing for anything to be bigger than watergate in order to be justified in your hate of Obama.

Here if we use your opinion, Bush is to blame for 9-11. Clinton for the other World trade center, and Reagan for the one i forget.

you want to go down that road of stupid? Go for it, but be ready to eat a lot of shit for it.

It has nothing to do with hatred of Obama. Frankly, I don't hate Obama at all; I simply disagree with him. What it has to do with is gross negligence, an extensive cover up, an unravelling web of lies, and murder of American citizens, nationals, and military. Yeah....that's bigger than a break-in, chum.

No, no its really not. You wish it was bigger than this. The Outing of a CIA agent is bigger than this and you people dismissed that as nothing.
Yet here we have inside sources saying something and you guys eat it up because it makes Obama look bad.

Go back a little bit and inside sources reveal something about Romney or some republican and you people dismiss it as hearsay.

Yeah this is a clusterfuck, but you guys are mostly posturing on bullshit due to hate. You may or may not hate him, you could be lying for all i know, but partisan hatred is there. You and others are trying to use 4 americans as a gotcha moment.

You are part of the problem, not the solution. In closing Bush is to blame for 9-11. I am using the people of this forums guidelines for laying blame.

Is socialism really worth this? The pain and the destruction of the most successful nation that ever sat on the surface of this planet. It's sad that there's such people like you that will defend a president no matter what blindly.

Romney/Ryan support socialist policies as well...........................

They don't consider it socialism if the money flows UP.
This story still isn't quite clear to me, did we seven hours to respond and do nothing? Did we have Special OPs in the area?

It isn't making much sense to me yet, I guess I'm unclear of timelines, but I can't see having troops nearby and we not protecting our own. This seems to be a bungle, and Americans need an explanation of the facts, the miscues and the corrections that will be made.
This administration just didn't want to upset the Muslims there.
Who by the way were sort of busy killing our people.
I am shocked that more Americans aren't getting on this administration about this.

I guess they are too busy stockpiling their abortion day after pills or birth control devices
to get involved in other issues.
Who are "they" that called for help?
Who did they call?
Why is this all based on unnamed sources?
What military presence was close by that could have responded?
Why would someone claim that Woods disobeyed orders?

This story is so full of holes it's disgusting.

Someone or some people at the middle level and lower level dropped the ball on this one. The President is supposed to be a macromanagement position and not a micromanagement one.

Oh so when an American embassy is attacked by terrorists Obama should just say "hey someone else deal with it. Call me when I land in Vegas and tell me what happens."

Fucking know it doesn't even have anything to do with being a liberal or not. It has to do with defending the extreme ineptitude of this President who is more worried about his re-election bid than the lives of Americans.

LOL, where in the HELL did you get that from my post? Where did I say that silliness? What a looney conclusion you came up with. :)
I stated that some people at the lower and middle levels dropped the ball on this situation. I'm just not spazing out on it because I don't think that all of the facts are coming out to light yet.
Cocksucker....the US Ambassador is treated as the #1 American in Libya. I'd say if he is under attack, it should get the fucking attention of scum like you back in the USA sitting on your asses.

Right, the US should have invaded Libya. :cuckoo:

Admit it, you want Reagan like death numbers.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.

A consulate is NOT "American soil".
Is socialism really worth this? The pain and the destruction of the most successful nation that ever sat on the surface of this planet. It's sad that there's such people like you that will defend a president no matter what blindly.

Romney/Ryan support socialist policies as well...........................

They don't consider it socialism if the money flows UP.

They are just hypocrites and lemmings, but that's not exclusive to any one particular group.
Both of you go talk with each other in another place, since you are too fucking stupid to stay on topic.

Socialism??? What the fuck are you idiots babbling about...

Romney/Ryan support socialist policies as well...........................

They don't consider it socialism if the money flows UP.

They are just hypocrites and lemmings, but that's not exclusive to any one particular group.
Cocksucker....the US Ambassador is treated as the #1 American in Libya. I'd say if he is under attack, it should get the fucking attention of scum like you back in the USA sitting on your asses.

WOW!!! What a stupid comment. There's a big difference between invading Libya and dropping special forces on what is technically our soil to defend it against a terrorist attack. Good Christ! You may win the Tilt-O-Whirl Award for Spin of the Year for that one.

A consulate is NOT "American soil".

Cocksucker, where did I state that he wasn't? Where the fuck are you scum? Where did I state that he shouldn't have been protected......................asshole. :lol:

It's funny to see you get so bent out of shape when I stated a FACT.
You're a limp dick liberal making excuses for your black messiah fucking things up in Libya.

Oh idiot, we defend our State Department people in another country like they are standing on US soil.

Cocksucker....the US Ambassador is treated as the #1 American in Libya. I'd say if he is under attack, it should get the fucking attention of scum like you back in the USA sitting on your asses.

A consulate is NOT "American soil".

Cocksucker, where did I state that he wasn't? Where the fuck are you scum? Where did I state that he shouldn't have been protected......................asshole. :lol:

It's funny to see you get so bent out of shape when I stated a FACT.
Both of you go talk with each other in another place, since you are too fucking stupid to stay on topic.

Socialism??? What the fuck are you idiots babbling about...

They don't consider it socialism if the money flows UP.

They are just hypocrites and lemmings, but that's not exclusive to any one particular group.

You are the idiot. I was responding to a post that bought up the subject of socialism. I'm pretty sure you and that poster agree politically. Learn some reading comprehension, jerk off............

You're a limp dick liberal making excuses for your black messiah fucking things up in Libya.

Oh idiot, we defend our State Department people in another country like they are standing on US soil.

Cocksucker....the US Ambassador is treated as the #1 American in Libya. I'd say if he is under attack, it should get the fucking attention of scum like you back in the USA sitting on your asses.

Cocksucker, where did I state that he wasn't? Where the fuck are you scum? Where did I state that he shouldn't have been protected......................asshole. :lol:

It's funny to see you get so bent out of shape when I stated a FACT.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson you wanker! :lol:

Is a consulate considered "US soil", yes or no?
EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say

By Jennifer Griffin

Published October 26, 2012

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that three urgent requests from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. Consulate and subsequent attack nearly seven hours later were denied by officials in the CIA chain of command -- who also told the CIA operators to "stand down" rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were part of a small team who were at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. Consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When they heard the shots fired, they radioed to inform their higher-ups to tell them what they were hearing. They were told to "stand down," according to sources familiar with the exchange. An hour later, they called again to headquarters and were again told to "stand down."[

Read more:EXCLUSIVE:]EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say | Fox News

We need more PUBLIC hearings on this right away. There has been a huge cover up by Obama on Benghazi Gate and he's not going to get away with this. Those men who went to help him went against orders and lost their lives were heroes!

Hope you were happy with your speech in Las Vegas and you slept well, Mr. Commander-in-Chief! :mad:
You're a limp dick liberal making excuses for your black messiah fucking things up in Libya.

Oh idiot, we defend our State Department people in another country like they are standing on US soil.

Cocksucker, where did I state that he wasn't? Where the fuck are you scum? Where did I state that he shouldn't have been protected......................asshole. :lol:

It's funny to see you get so bent out of shape when I stated a FACT.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson you wanker! :lol:

Is a consulate considered "US soil", yes or no?

They were US Citizens.. AMERICANS.. It doesn't make the first damn to me if you liberals want to split hairs over some bullshit.. Our people are dead.. period.
Yes dumbfuck, especially with the Ambassador there.

He wasn't staying in some Holiday Inn there, he was on the grounds of the US Consulate.

It is an official US Govt location in another country. It wasn't by chance CIA and State Department people were there at the consulate.

You're a limp dick liberal making excuses for your black messiah fucking things up in Libya.

Oh idiot, we defend our State Department people in another country like they are standing on US soil.

Cocksucker, where did I state that he wasn't? Where the fuck are you scum? Where did I state that he shouldn't have been protected......................asshole. :lol:

It's funny to see you get so bent out of shape when I stated a FACT.

I'm voting for Gary Johnson you wanker! :lol:

Is a consulate considered "US soil", yes or no?

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