Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."
A Republican circular firing squad THANK YOU JEEZZUS
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."

The American federal government embraced government run, one size fits all health care long ago.

Once you do that, you are on a short road to socialized medicine. Once you give away "freebees' no politician will ever take them away no matter how insane it may be.

Instead, conservatives should support their Article V movement within their individual states so that states, like MA, can take care of their own health care needs. That means conservative and liberal states can run things the way they please instead of making half the country want secession every 4 years.. This is the only way to prevent the inevitable 100% socialized medicine.

Personally, I think the GOP should just let the legislation die on its own as is, like it was designed to do.

It will then be a mad scramble to pick up the pieces and promise more "free everything" so conservatives have a short window here.
Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...
That's all they and their Messiah did for 8 it should be easy for them to do. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
you are one mixed up guy That was the republican party sitting on their asses for 8 years ,,with 2 exceptions Bashing Obama and hill and Fillabustering
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."
I think it still beats the alternative.... which was Hillary. We'll survive. Who knows how this will play out.
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."

Lol, dream on.

Though, either doing nothing or cooperating is in fact your best strategy, your politicians aren't willing to do that. Instead they are further alienating voters with their obstruction and idiotic antics.
That's all they and their Messiah did for 8 it should be easy for them to continue.

So, let me get this straight.........
Obama and democrats....according to you......did "nothing" for 8 years, but STILL managed to piss off morons like you so much?
Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...
That's all they and their Messiah did for 8 it should be easy for them to do. ..... :thup: ... :cool:
you are one mixed up guy That was the republican party sitting on their asses for 8 years ,,with 2 exceptions Bashing Obama and hill and Fillabustering
Just remember the Costanza defense the one that all publicans go by "It's not a lie if you believe it"

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