Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The American federal government embraced government run, one size fits all health care long ago.

Once you do that, you are on a short road to socialized medicine

Right wing nitwits simply HATE anything with the implication "socialized" (which also explains your poor social skills, btw) and YET, the rest of the planet that IS civilized, enjoys "socialized medicine" because it is NOT a luxury, but a necessity for good government.

We pay DOUBLE per capita, and we rank at the bottom in longevity and morbidity.........YET, you idiots have been so damn indoctrinated by HC insurers, hospital associations and big pharma, to believe that the end of the world would occur is we adopted basically a Medicare plan for ALL........

Wake the fuck up !!!!
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party.
Let ObunglesCare implode as it is doing...then the freeloaders can buy their own insurance.

Win win

Sure, just wait until those red states' morons figure out that they voted in their own personal death squads, and you'll see how your "win-win" theory plays out........LOL
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The ACA is crashing and burning, SOMETHING will have to be done.

You're "correct"......mostly because idiots like Paul Ryan told you and other fellow idiots that the ACA is "crashing and burning"......,

Remember again that Trump promised coverage for EVERYBODY and a CHEAPER and BETTER plan..........

So, see how Trump lap dogs react to what is being proposed....LOL
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The ACA is crashing and burning, SOMETHING will have to be done.

You're correct"......mostly because idiots like Paul Ryan told you and other fellow idiots that the ACA is "crashing and burning"......,

Remember again that Trump promised coverage for EVERYBODY and a CHEAPER and BETTER plan..........

So, see how Trump lap dogs react to what is being proposed....LOL

You're simply ill prepared for any of this. I've already said that the Pub plan sucks, I've told you, integrity is something you should try. It's crashing and burning because it is a bad law and it was designed to crash and burn.
Liberal distraction. Their party of preference is an utter failure and misery loves company.
32 percent of red state conservative like Putin! What does that say about red state conservatives who have chosen a Russian thug-murderer as an admired leader.
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As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL
There will be a Civil War because there is a major portion of the GOP and rightwing media who does not want any government involvement in healthcare
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
So, let me get this straight.........
Obama and democrats....according to you......did "nothing" for 8 years, but STILL managed to piss off people like you so much?
Obama never got me PO'ed

Heck, I thought him and his hive of looney liberals were great entertainment. .... :thup: ... :lol:
If you thought that of Obama Just wait,, your trump clown will run away with the Academy award
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
so if you started with 10k and now it's reached 30k you think you've done well? lol
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
so if you started with 10k and now it's reached 30k you think you've done well? lol

LOL I'm in the 2% lib, I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year.:laugh:
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
so if you started with 10k and now it's reached 30k you think you've done well? lol

LOL I'm in the 2% lib, I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year.:laugh:
Oh my you really barked up the wrong tree I won't go into the 24K in AAPL I own paying close to 14k a quarter but I'll mention the 150 k or so I pay in RET
The "first shots" in the GOP? What "civil war"? Don't lefties understand that this is the way politics is supposed to work? Politics is about debate. The last democrat politician, Joe Lieberman, who dared to have an independent thought was kicked out of the party. How many democrats are even allowed to whisper the phrase "pro-life"? That,s right it's zero. The radical left is so used to the propaganda of a closed minded lock step restrictive political party that they wish for the same thing in society..
The "first shots" in the GOP? What "civil war"? Don't lefties understand that this is the way politics is supposed to work? Politics is about debate. The last democrat politician, Joe Lieberman, who dared to have an independent thought was kicked out of the party. How many democrats are even allowed to whisper the phrase "pro-life"? That,s right it's zero. The radical left is so used to the propaganda of a closed minded lock step restrictive political party that they wish for the same thing in society..
Politics imho should be about COMPROMISE a word not in repub vocab
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
so if you started with 10k and now it's reached 30k you think you've done well? lol

LOL I'm in the 2% lib, I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year.:laugh:
and talking about $$$$ Why hasn't trump shown where his salary went ?? The salary he said he wasn't going to take?? 33333 a month
There will be a Civil War because there is a major portion of the GOP and rightwing media who does not want any government involvement in healthcare

Keep an eye out on April 8th special election in Georgia to fill the vacancy created by Tom Price going over to HHS.......

It may still be too soon to see if Trumpsters in that state have figure out the scam, but it may be indicative of how republicans will vote in 2018 ...........
As screwed up as the GOP establishment is, they still managed to kick the crap out of Democrats, booting Dem's out of the House, Senate, and White House. You Demshits have bigger problems in your party

This idiot is STILL "celebrating" his party's victory.......and still dumb enough to not realize that he ALSO lost......LOL

My income has gone up every year for 20 plus straight years, Trump is 'the' man, so far so good.
so if you started with 10k and now it's reached 30k you think you've done well? lol

LOL I'm in the 2% lib, I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year.:laugh:
the truth is I'm glad you're doing well Makes life easier

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