Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
Freewill you gave the right to buy guns to the mentally ill What other goodies do you have in store for America?
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
I for one will never forget what these repub traitors have done to america

LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........
Simply amazing the left wing. Apparently no one has freewill unless they believe exactly as you do. Fascinatingly hypocritical.
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
Freewill you gave the right to buy guns to the mentally ill What other goodies do you have in store for America?
You can buy a gun now, what more do you want?
LOL, we're terrified.
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
Freewill you gave the right to buy guns to the mentally ill What other goodies do you have in store for America?
You can buy a gun now, what more do you want?
what more ?? I don't want sick fuks to be able to buy and carry deadly weapons
there are millions more like me sooner or later your time will come
freewill you have no freewill Your chain is being yanked by the biggest liars the biggest body of racists ever voting in america........

I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old
I'll eagerly await your effort ;)
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old

Electorally you've been getting your ass kicked for 6 years....and yet you think you're "winning". Sorry you just aren't living in the real world.
LOL that light up ahead you see is a train coming at you at 100mph....

That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old

Electorally you've been getting your ass kicked for 6 years....and yet you think you're "winning". Sorry you just aren't living in the real world.
and by your "wide "victories you think you have a mandate?
That dark tunnel you see up ahead is not a tunnel ;)
Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old

Electorally you've been getting your ass kicked for 6 years....and yet you think you're "winning". Sorry you just aren't living in the real world.
and by your "wide "victories you think you have a mandate?

Well let's see......

We have the House.
We have the Senate.
We have the White House.

Your repubs problems are you're going 90mph down a dead end street You don't know what the f--- you're doing

You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old

Electorally you've been getting your ass kicked for 6 years....and yet you think you're "winning". Sorry you just aren't living in the real world.
and by your "wide "victories you think you have a mandate?

Well let's see......

We have the House.
We have the Senate.
We have the White House.

Yes you do AND when the shit hits the fan its going to blow right back at you
Votto, post: 16778453
Personally, I think the GOP should just let the legislation die on its own as is, like it was designed to do.

It would only die because Republicans set out to starve it and kill it.

Republicans can't do that because the Republican President continues to promise something better and cheaper than ObamaCare.

Killing the ACA without more people including those with preexisting condition and to age 26 on parent's plan being covered and lowering costs for all turns Trump into a huge failure.

He will be a lame duck President if he cannot fulfill his promises on better beautiful health care for all.

Watching Trump bob duck lie and weave his way through all this will be quite fascinating.

His only way to pull it off is actually with Democrats approval.

Republicans are goons and liars. How long can Trump hang only with them on healthcare?
You Lefty's problem is that you don't understand that evolution is not your friend. You're all effeminate takers who have grown up getting "participation trophies". The moment anyone tries to make you earn your way you get bent out of shape. Electorally you've been getting your asses handed to you since 2010 and here you go trying to tell yourself that you're actually "winning".
BTW I drink scotch ,,,the 15 18 year old

Electorally you've been getting your ass kicked for 6 years....and yet you think you're "winning". Sorry you just aren't living in the real world.
and by your "wide "victories you think you have a mandate?

Well let's see......

We have the House.
We have the Senate.
We have the White House.

Yes you do AND when the shit hits the fan its going to blow right back at you

It's the nature of the beast. Sit back and watch everything get shoved up your ass for the next 8 years.
Votto, post: 16778453
Personally, I think the GOP should just let the legislation die on its own as is, like it was designed to do.

It would only die because Republicans set out to starve it and kill it.

Republicans can't do that because the Republican President continues to promise something better and cheaper than ObamaCare.

Killing the ACA without more people including those with preexisting condition and to age 26 on parent's plan being covered and lowering costs for all turns Trump into a huge failure.

He will be a lame duck President if he cannot fulfill his promises on better beautiful health care for all.

Watching Trump bob duck lie and weave his way through all this will be quite fascinating.

His only way to pull it off is actually with Democrats approval.

Republicans are goons and liars. How long can Trump hang only with them on healthcare?

Bullshit kid. It will die because that's what it was designed to do.
The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
You're more stupid than you are deplorable.

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