Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The "first shots" in the GOP? What "civil war"? Don't lefties understand that this is the way politics is supposed to work? Politics is about debate. The last democrat politician, Joe Lieberman, who dared to have an independent thought was kicked out of the party. How many democrats are even allowed to whisper the phrase "pro-life"? That,s right it's zero. The radical left is so used to the propaganda of a closed minded lock step restrictive political party that they wish for the same thing in society..
Politics imho should be about COMPROMISE a word not in repub vocab

We understand compromise very well. We just don't agree that it means give everything your enemies want and give up on your principles.
Wasn't this the narrative last year?

And now Republicans have never been more united. Now there may need to be some political wheeling and dealing but I doubt we see civil war.

If we do. I'm on team captain America
I won't be on the side of Red State Russian Amerika.
The "first shots" in the GOP? What "civil war"? Don't lefties understand that this is the way politics is supposed to work? Politics is about debate. The last democrat politician, Joe Lieberman, who dared to have an independent thought was kicked out of the party. How many democrats are even allowed to whisper the phrase "pro-life"? That,s right it's zero. The radical left is so used to the propaganda of a closed minded lock step restrictive political party that they wish for the same thing in society..
Politics imho should be about COMPROMISE a word not in repub vocab

We understand compromise very well. We just don't agree that it means give everything your enemies want and give up on your principles.
Republican's have never learned how to govern let alone compromise.
Please cite any clause of the constitution that gives the federal government power over health care

Start with the interstate commerce clause, the same one that allows the government to make a person growing marijuana in their own house, for their own use, illegal.

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