Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."

/---- Simmer down woman. The bill hasn't even been debated. It's only the first step. Now go take some midol
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.

Meh, the same polls who practically guaranteed Clinton would be President
The polls were right ... before Comey.

Keep on believing that if it keeps you warm and fuzzy.
The gop will pass something. Passing nothing is actually worse for their 2018 prospects than passing something that takes away some healthcare currently provided. Just "how bad" it will be is the question. There's no debate that the biggest winners from Obamacare recipients were the people added to Medicaid, and that is going to be cut. Those people will be hurt. Supposedly, the states will have greater flexibility to use the lessened federal support. We'll have to wait to see if less can do more. It never does, but perhaps the number of people truly focked will be small enough to keep the gop from paying a price.

The gop is cutting taxes on providers and higher income earners. That money is not being replaced by other revenue. The problem with Obamacare was there was not enough revenue in the first place to make new non-Medicaid care really affordable. The gop has no unified plan to really address that. Possibly what we'll see is tax credits that can be used to directly purchase healthcare rather than insurance. Maybe not. But in any event, the folks getting subsidies now don't make enough to put money into healthsavings accounts BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO SAVE. And the tax credits are too small to buy even the insurance Obamacare provided with those high deductables.

Pretty good synopsis of the mess, and those who will be hurt more are indeed from the same poor states that currently love Trump......If the impact of being kicked out of Medicaid and not being able to pay for insurance through the exchange, THEN the GOP may indeed lose the House (and maybe even 1 or 2 senate seats) in 2018.

Trump may opt to be the "hero" by vetoing the bill when it gets to his desk and royally piss off his own party since he has nothing to replace either the ACA or this latest bill for his signature.
Simmer down woman. The bill hasn't even been debated. It's only the first step. Now go take some midol

Hey, moron, does Midol really help a 70 year old MALE like me???? (what an asshole...LOL)
First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.
these ah's better start worrying about 2018
I dunno about 18. If Trumpcare really axes ten million off healthcare .... the the dems may take the House.

But I suspect 2020 will show up with increasing growth, but increasing deficits and a fed that isn't gonna mess around with possible inflation. The gop's deficits are a recipe for disaster ... or recession. ... either are the same. LOL. It's W all over again, only this time Greenspan ain't in charge to give the gop a pass. How soon until the fed clamps down is the question, imo.

One bad trend is its taking something like two years to replace a fed vacancy. That's a bipartisan problem.
The gop will pass something. Passing nothing is actually worse for their 2018 prospects than passing something that takes away some healthcare currently provided. Just "how bad" it will be is the question. There's no debate that the biggest winners from Obamacare recipients were the people added to Medicaid, and that is going to be cut. Those people will be hurt. Supposedly, the states will have greater flexibility to use the lessened federal support. We'll have to wait to see if less can do more. It never does, but perhaps the number of people truly focked will be small enough to keep the gop from paying a price.

The gop is cutting taxes on providers and higher income earners. That money is not being replaced by other revenue. The problem with Obamacare was there was not enough revenue in the first place to make new non-Medicaid care really affordable. The gop has no unified plan to really address that. Possibly what we'll see is tax credits that can be used to directly purchase healthcare rather than insurance. Maybe not. But in any event, the folks getting subsidies now don't make enough to put money into healthsavings accounts BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO SAVE. And the tax credits are too small to buy even the insurance Obamacare provided with those high deductables.

Pretty good synopsis of the mess, and those who will be hurt more are indeed from the same poor states that currently love Trump......If the impact of being kicked out of Medicaid and not being able to pay for insurance through the exchange, THEN the GOP may indeed lose the House (and maybe even 1 or 2 senate seats) in 2018.

Trump may opt to be the "hero" by vetoing the bill when it gets to his desk and royally piss off his own party since he has nothing to replace either the ACA or this latest bill for his signature.
He'll sign whatever he gets. He's got to be "a winner." But the gop's problem is either the fiscal conservatives or the people in working poor states are going to be policy-losers. And guys like Kasich and Ryan who potentially are both will have to pick one or the other. And the loser will be the fiscal conservatives because Trump is all about debt and shaky loans.
Keep an eye out for the April 8th (I believe) special election in Georgia to replace Price’ seat…..If the proposed HC bill is better explained for the failure that it is, the vacated seat may go to a democrat and THAT will scare the hell out of the rest of GOP in the House.

Also, bear in mind the upcoming changes in governor seats in red states; there are quite a few state elections coming up in 2018.
Paul Ryan is a BOOB!

He declared, "If you don't pass MY health care bill the ACA will collapse."

1. It's not YOUR health care bill, ya dung beetle!

2. Obamacare is already collapsing and will collapse if politicians don't do anything. (While I am tempted to pull for doing nothing so that Obamacare will collapse on its own and the GOP can then come 'riding to the rescue', I am not for letting it crash and leaving Americans in a lurch just to score political points - the biggest one being the GOP able to look at Democrats and Barry and say, 'This is all YOU...we told you so!')

The truth of the matter is they have had years now to come up with a 'patch', a 'fix', an alternative. So if they screw this one up, it's going to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle, and if they try to play political gamesmanship with it (putting any partisan gain in it instead of making it all about the people they will definitely catch hell.)

At least the Republicans have not cut backroom deals (like the Cornhusker kick-back), lied their asses off by over-promoting it, and have not rammed the thing into law in the wee hours of the morning against the majority will of the American people like the Democrats did with the ACA.

If Ryan is smart he will do what Obama promised but in the end refused to do - give the American people time to read it and give feedback. There is no way in hell he / they can make everyone happy, but ramming it through without letting people know what is in it (something Pelosi said Americans didn't have a right to) is a recipe for disaster.
No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.

Meh, the same polls who practically guaranteed Clinton would be President
The polls were right ... before Comey.

Keep on believing that if it keeps you warm and fuzzy.
A president has the obligation to tell american people the truth This scumbag in our white house is a degenerate liar and conway and spicer have to cover for his bullshit A fn circus with clowns to the right of me
A president has the obligation to tell american people the truth
'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'
'Smoothest Transition Evuh'
'Every meeting about the ACA will be on TV'
'Americans will have several days to read it before a vote is taken'
'The ACA won't cost a dime.'
'The ACA will pay for itself'.
'If you like your plan / doctor you can keep your plan / doctor'
'This $500 Million is for Zika in the US' (He gave it to the UN for their Global Initiative.)
'Benghazi was a protest over a video'
'The IRS did not target Americans'
'I did not give Iran a ransom for US hostages.'
'I found out about Hillary's e-mail through the media' (No, I didn't use an ALIAS... :p)



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Keep an eye out for the April 8th (I believe) special election in Georgia to replace Price’ seat…..If the proposed HC bill is better explained for the failure that it is, the vacated seat may go to a democrat and THAT will scare the hell out of the rest of GOP in the House.

Also, bear in mind the upcoming changes in governor seats in red states; there are quite a few state elections coming up in 2018.

Winning back gubernatorial mansions could have real impact over the redistricting of the House in the next decade. It’s often overlooked, but governors — and not just state legislatures — can help influence redistricting. That’s because in most states, governors can VETO redistricting schemes, meaning that at a minimum, Dem governors might be able at least to prevent the worst redistricting outcomes. And those elected in 2018 will influence the next round of redistricting, which is set to take place after the 2020 census.
A president has the obligation to tell american people the truth

'Most Transparent Administration Evuh'
'Smoothest Transition Evuh'
'Every meeting about the ACA will be on TV'
'Americans will have several days to read it before a vote is taken'
'The ACA won't cost a dime.'
'The ACA will pay for itself'.
'If you like your plan / doctor you can keep your plan / doctor'
'This $500 Million is for Zika in the US' (He gave it to the UN for their Global Initiative.)
'Benghazi was a protest over a video'
'The IRS did not target Americans'
'I did not give Iran a ransom for US hostages.'
'I found out about Hillary's e-mail through the media' (No, I didn't use an ALIAS... :p)

View attachment 116611
Easy you're too easy if you believe all that bs Meanwhile dump lied about his taxes lied about each of his 16 opponents while campaigning,,, lied about taps lied about vote and so much more and you swallow it
but sassy the patriot believes every piece of bat guana spouted from repubs mouths

Just shutup, moron. Im not even a republican and can't stand either party. Stick to shit you know...lying about being some sort of tycoon.....on second thought you suck at that. Eh, Mr. No Idea What A Swing Trader Is....but claims to be worth gazzilions in holdings. Lol, dumbass
you exaggerate too but don't be jealous

No exxageration, you didnt know. That's a fact...I distinctly remember when you looked the fool and knew at that moment you were a lying fraud
Have Knuckle Dragging conservatives bought you popcorn to sit down and watch the GOP over reach????? Its coming.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16780354,
Lmao Obunglescare is imploding upon itself....

2 out of 3 Americans polled know Republicans are liars when they claim that.

((New polling Monday showed that most Americans want to fix the the Affordable Care Act, rather than gut it, as Republicans have long promised.

Fully 68% of Americans want to keep what works and fix the rest, while just 32% prefer the GOP's repeal and replace approach, according to polling from Hart Research. Moreover, the polling showed most Americans — including 54% of President Trump's voters — have a favorable view of the Medicaid system, which would face steep cuts under the Republican plan.))

New poll shows Americans want to fix Obamacare, not end it, while Koch groups push for full repeal

Read the link. Koch Brod lobbying for more tax cuts for the greedy.

It's already Trumpcare because Trump projects no confidence that his word would be kept. You know. Health care coverage for everybody. Beautiful coverage Trumpty Dumpty promised.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16780354,
Lmao Obunglescare is imploding upon itself....

2 out of 3 Americans polled know Republicans are liars when they claim that.

((New polling Monday showed that most Americans want to fix the the Affordable Care Act, rather than gut it, as Republicans have long promised.

Fully 68% of Americans want to keep what works and fix the rest, while just 32% prefer the GOP's repeal and replace approach, according to polling from Hart Research. Moreover, the polling showed most Americans — including 54% of President Trump's voters — have a favorable view of the Medicaid system, which would face steep cuts under the Republican plan.))

New poll shows Americans want to fix Obamacare, not end it, while Koch groups push for full repeal

Read the link. Koch Brod lobbying for more tax cuts for the greedy.

It's already Trumpcare because Trump projects no confidence that his word would be kept. You know. Health care coverage for everybody. Beautiful coverage Trumpty Dumpty promised.

How did all those polls promising you a Cankles win work out for you, Foo?

I'm sick of hearing about polls. Once again, any poll can achieve any desired result to suit any narrative.
SassyIrishLass, post: 16780354,
Lmao Obunglescare is imploding upon itself....

2 out of 3 Americans polled know Republicans are liars when they claim that.

((New polling Monday showed that most Americans want to fix the the Affordable Care Act, rather than gut it, as Republicans have long promised.

Fully 68% of Americans want to keep what works and fix the rest, while just 32% prefer the GOP's repeal and replace approach, according to polling from Hart Research. Moreover, the polling showed most Americans — including 54% of President Trump's voters — have a favorable view of the Medicaid system, which would face steep cuts under the Republican plan.))

New poll shows Americans want to fix Obamacare, not end it, while Koch groups push for full repeal

Read the link. Koch Brod lobbying for more tax cuts for the greedy.

It's already Trumpcare because Trump projects no confidence that his word would be kept. You know. Health care coverage for everybody. Beautiful coverage Trumpty Dumpty promised.

How did all those polls promising you a Cankles win work out for you, Foo?

I'm sick of hearing about polls. Once again, any poll can achieve any desired result to suit any narrative.
But sassy you believe the trump birther bs?? The trump I'll show my taxes BS? the trump bs about how his EC vote margin was huge the bs about the tapping of trump towers by obama ?? Your problem is you can't tell when your choice is FOS so you can't be believed in anything you say

As for petulant former President Obama's birth certificate, NO ONE was able to force President Obama to produce the long form birth certificate EXCEPT for President Trump. So President Trump accomplished his goal.

His tax returns, who cares? What do you hope to learn besides what is in his financial disclosures? Zip!

The Electoral College margin WAS HUGE! Less than a month before the election, Democrats were forecasting that crooked Hillary Clinton would win FOUR HUNDRED ELECTORAL VOTES. So the fact that she only won TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO VOTES IS, YES, HUUUUGE. Wasn't the MSM saying it was a 98% chance that Hillary Clinton would win?

It seems to me that Democrats/Progressives should be far more concerned about the disaster now laughingly referred to as the DNC and far less to whining and moaning about LOSING the election.
Wasn't this the narrative last year?

And now Republicans have never been more united. Now there may need to be some political wheeling and dealing but I doubt we see civil war.

If we do. I'm on team captain America
The American federal government embraced government run, one size fits all health care long ago.

Once you do that, you are on a short road to socialized medicine

Right wing nitwits simply HATE anything with the implication "socialized" (which also explains your poor social skills, btw) and YET, the rest of the planet that IS civilized, enjoys "socialized medicine" because it is NOT a luxury, but a necessity for good government.

We pay DOUBLE per capita, and we rank at the bottom in longevity and morbidity.........YET, you idiots have been so damn indoctrinated by HC insurers, hospital associations and big pharma, to believe that the end of the world would occur is we adopted basically a Medicare plan for ALL........

Wake the fuck up !!!!

You realize socialism and social skills are in no way related, don't you?

Btw when did calling people who don't believe your nonsense morons become considered good social skills?

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