Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The problem Is that Americans are pretty stupid. That's why Trump was elected. It's why republicans have control of congress.

It's also why it won't matter what republicans do in power. Part of American stupidity is a short term memory. They forget any betrayal the GOP hands them.
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
You're more stupid than you are deplorable.

poor Billyboy, the DNC hasn't supplied him with a comeback so he resorts to insult. Isn't the beatings the left has been taken in every form of government telling you anything?
Lol it isn't an insult - it's just true.
But sassy you believe the trump birther bs?? The trump I'll show my taxes BS? the trump bs about how his EC vote margin was huge the bs about the tapping of trump towers by obama ?? Your problem is you can't tell when your choice is FOS so you can't be believed in anything you say

As for petulant former President Obama's birth certificate, NO ONE was able to force President Obama to produce the long form birth certificate EXCEPT for President Trump. So President Trump accomplished his goal.

His tax returns, who cares? What do you hope to learn besides what is in his financial disclosures? Zip!

The Electoral College margin WAS HUGE! Less than a month before the election, Democrats were forecasting that crooked Hillary Clinton would win FOUR HUNDRED ELECTORAL VOTES. So the fact that she only won TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO VOTES IS, YES, HUUUUGE. Wasn't the MSM saying it was a 98% chance that Hillary Clinton would win?

It seems to me that Democrats/Progressives should be far more concerned about the disaster now laughingly referred to as the DNC and far less to whining and moaning about LOSING the election.
Dump is already taking credit for the 235,000 jobs created by the Obama economy! Come on conservatives and the GOP congress.....politely whisper in Trump's ear "Hey Donald......the economy will belong to you NEXT YEAR!!!!!

WOW! Sure not what far left Progressives were saying in 2009!

IMAGINE! The FAR LEFT has a double standard. Who'd have guessed?
When will the GOP cheating end??? I guess until you get caught and punished the GOP can continue Interstate Cross Checking, voter purging-harassment etc. just win at all cost!!!!!

Specifically, how is checking to see that someone is not registered to vote in more than one state, cheating?

Which party was found to have ACTUALLY been cheating?

The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz insult Bernie and 12 million Americans

By Liz Peek

Published July 25, 2016
The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz insult Bernie and 12 million Americans


Donna Brazile Shared Additional Debate Questions With Clinton Campaign, Identified Her Tipster


10:31 AM 10/31/2016

Read more: Donna Brazile Shared Additional Debate Questions With Clinton Campaign, Identified Her Tipster


Once again, who was cheating?

Seems the Civil War Progressives should be most concerned with is your own, broken party. Good luck!
The ACA is crashing and burning, SOMETHING will have to be done.

You're "correct"......mostly because idiots like Paul Ryan told you and other fellow idiots that the ACA is "crashing and burning"......,

Remember again that Trump promised coverage for EVERYBODY and a CHEAPER and BETTER plan..........

So, see how Trump lap dogs react to what is being proposed....LOL

Obama promised you can keep your doctor and your plan if you like them, that you will save $2,500 per year and everyone gets covered. What's your point?
Obama had no control over those doctors who didn't want see they're conservative patients anymore!!!! Obama was correct in saying "You can keep Your Doctor"; the only problem was they're doctor no longer wanted to SEE THEM!!!

I always get a laugh when the ignorant show their collective asses. One more dolt without an ounce of knowledge concerning Health Insurance.
The first "shots" that mark the beginning of a civil war among republicans, have been fired........The repealing of the ACA will place the republican base at serious odds with whom they helped to elect last November.

The current republicans in congress are caught in a dilemma that is turning out into quicksand for them......They were "convinced" that their base wanted to repeal the ACA, but maintain all the things that they actually LIKED about the "dreaded Obamacare".......and that, my friends, constitutesthe Achilles' Heel within the GOP.

What is currently being offered as a "replacement" of the ACA, is tantamount to political suicide for right wingers.....Were this replacement to become law, in just a few months, those Trump backers would be calling for his head, orange hair and all.................Now, it could be that the wily Trump is letting this proposal advance so that he can later play the "hero" to his base when he rejects it. HOWEVER, he has NO viable alternative although he openly declared that under his fearless leadership, the HC plan will be for EVERYONE, CHEAPER and BETTER....

Promises are easy to make,but a bitch to fulfill, especially for demagogues.

Best thing to do for democrats is to sit back and do nothing...As Napoleon wisely stated, "....when the enemy is busy destroying itself, do not interfere..."
The gop will pass something. Passing nothing is actually worse for their 2018 prospects than passing something that takes away some healthcare currently provided. Just "how bad" it will be is the question. There's no debate that the biggest winners from Obamacare recipients were the people added to Medicaid, and that is going to be cut. Those people will be hurt. Supposedly, the states will have greater flexibility to use the lessened federal support. We'll have to wait to see if less can do more. It never does, but perhaps the number of people truly focked will be small enough to keep the gop from paying a price.

The gop is cutting taxes on providers and higher income earners. That money is not being replaced by other revenue. The problem with Obamacare was there was not enough revenue in the first place to make new non-Medicaid care really affordable. The gop has no unified plan to really address that. Possibly what we'll see is tax credits that can be used to directly purchase healthcare rather than insurance. Maybe not. But in any event, the folks getting subsidies now don't make enough to put money into healthsavings accounts BECAUSE THEY DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO SAVE. And the tax credits are too small to buy even the insurance Obamacare provided with those high deductables.
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce
Actually around 200K people wanted change. But if the dems had a candidate who wasn't being investigated, they my well have won Fla.
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
short memories don't remember the fine bullshit republicans have been throwing these past 24 years or so
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
short memories don't remember the fine bullshit republicans have been throwing these past 24 years or so

Who's in power? The left pushed too far and are now decimated.

Facts are facts
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.

Meh, the same polls who practically guaranteed Clinton would be President
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.
The CBO is not bias Head of cbo was appointed by Republicans
watch what trumpcare does for republicans......we'll be back

First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.
these ah's better start worrying about 2018
First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.
these ah's better start worrying about 2018

Why? You have no real leadership, you're decimated at every level.
First you have to realize why you lost.

You seem clueless as to why.
I know damn well why we lost Too many people wanted change Drastic change Now lets see the big mouthed clown the buffoon produce

No you lost because America is sick of your shit.
And your shit smells good?? Don't pay attention to the man
.behind the door.

The GOP preemptively dismisses CBO estimates of the effects of Trumpovitchcare and the Retarded Right Wing complies.

Okey dokey. Who's got a better estimate of what's going to be the case? Or don't you Retarded Right Wingers care as long as it isn't Obamacare?
the GOP is going to blow up the deficits while the economy is growing. The conservatives' choice is either to go along with that or deny the gop potus any legislative achievement, and face 2020 with a candidate with less than 50% approval.

Meh, the same polls who practically guaranteed Clinton would be President
The polls were right ... before Comey.

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