Civil War about to begin among GOP'ers...

The ACA is crashing and burning, SOMETHING will have to be done.

You're "correct"......mostly because idiots like Paul Ryan told you and other fellow idiots that the ACA is "crashing and burning"......,

Remember again that Trump promised coverage for EVERYBODY and a CHEAPER and BETTER plan..........

So, see how Trump lap dogs react to what is being proposed....LOL

Obama promised you can keep your doctor and your plan if you like them, that you will save $2,500 per year and everyone gets covered. What's your point?
You are reciting Hillary's words which worked so well with her campaign. We the depolorables are on to you who like to divide.
You're more stupid than you are deplorable.

poor Billyboy, the DNC hasn't supplied him with a comeback so he resorts to insult. Isn't the beatings the left has been taken in every form of government telling you anything?
When will the GOP cheating end??? I guess until you get caught and punished the GOP can continue Interstate Cross Checking, voter purging-harassment etc. just win at all cost!!!!!

Someone is being charged with cheating? I had not heard. Funny how the head of the DNC is exposed for cheating and resigns yet it isn't the democrats you blame for cheating.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, its okay just google search you may educate yourself and see the truth!!!! The truth can be up lifting.
Can I do a search and find out how liberals think they know the truth but are seldom ever correct?
The ACA is crashing and burning, SOMETHING will have to be done.

You're "correct"......mostly because idiots like Paul Ryan told you and other fellow idiots that the ACA is "crashing and burning"......,

Remember again that Trump promised coverage for EVERYBODY and a CHEAPER and BETTER plan..........

So, see how Trump lap dogs react to what is being proposed....LOL

Obama promised you can keep your doctor and your plan if you like them, that you will save $2,500 per year and everyone gets covered. What's your point?
Obama had no control over those doctors who didn't want see they're conservative patients anymore!!!! Obama was correct in saying "You can keep Your Doctor"; the only problem was they're doctor no longer wanted to SEE THEM!!!
You're more stupid than you are deplorable.

poor Billyboy, the DNC hasn't supplied him with a comeback so he resorts to insult. Isn't the beatings the left has been taken in every form of government telling you anything?
When will the GOP cheating end??? I guess until you get caught and punished the GOP can continue Interstate Cross Checking, voter purging-harassment etc. just win at all cost!!!!!

Someone is being charged with cheating? I had not heard. Funny how the head of the DNC is exposed for cheating and resigns yet it isn't the democrats you blame for cheating.
Shhhhhhhhhhh, its okay just google search you may educate yourself and see the truth!!!! The truth can be up lifting.
Can I do a search and find out how liberals think they know the truth but are seldom ever correct?
Do searches on conservatives as well.
You're too dumb to understand healthcare.

Please explain it to us.
Red State conservatives are concerned about Trump care.....
let them get screwed ,,see who they vote for in 4 years

That's what we heard this last time....

How did that work out for you ?
Looking forward to the Great GOP Over Reach!!!!!

And once make no sense.
Afraid you'll lose your free Obunglescare, Gnat?

You should stop making dozens of "hate Trump" threads and find gainful employment. Nobody buys your nonsense anyway.

Thank you.....nothing confirms for me tha I'm on the right track then pissing off moronic right you....LOL
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Afraid you'll lose your free Obunglescare, Gnat?

You should stop making dozens of "hate Trump" threads and find gainful employment. Nobody buys your nonsense anyway.

Thank you.....nothing confirms for me tha I'm on the right track, then pissing off moronic right you....LOL

Pissed off ???

I think she is laughing at you.

I know I am.
So you can sit on the sidelines with the rest of your left wing owl-turds and watch us run the show.

Well, its not really a "nice show"....Watching mass suicide is not really that much of an enjoyment ......LOL.
The GOP was disjointed, at war with one another, not unified and They took the Hill from Obama and denied Hillary her coronation. What is your point????

Just reminding YOUR ilk that....were you a tiny bit'd know you lost also.........My solace is that I'm not guilty of having voted for a, on the other hand, have to live with your fuck up's consequences.
Obama promised you can keep your doctor and your plan if you like them, that you will save $2,500 per year and everyone gets covered. What's your point?

With right wing, Trump lap dog idiot, there is NO point to be made.....

Stay dumb....
Obama had no control over those doctors who didn't want see they're conservative patients anymore!!!! Obama was correct in saying "You can keep Your Doctor"; the only problem was they're doctor no longer wanted to SEE THEM!!!

Neither side wants to really address the main problems with health care insurance.....And those sets of problmes boil down to the Greed of doctors, Hopsitals, Big Pharma, insurance companies's CEOs and CFOs, and the very fact that health care should NOT be profit making.
The GOP was disjointed, at war with one another, not unified and They took the Hill from Obama and denied Hillary her coronation. What is your point????

Just reminding YOUR ilk that....were you a tiny bit'd know you lost also.........My solace is that I'm not guilty of having voted for a, on the other hand, have to live with your fuck up's consequences.

Your side stated that the signature legacy legislation over the last 8 years dependent on the the stupidity of the American voter to support it. By your side's logic and criteria, I am a very intelligent person......and so is Trump! Your side's logic.
Your side stated that the signature legacy legislation over the last 8 years dependent on the the stupidity of the American voter to support it

take that up with the 20 plus millions who got HC insurance ...many for the first time in their lives andmost of them in RED states....Call out their "stupidity" and then after the ACA is repealed.....See how much they like getting screwed by your ilk.....
and by your "wide "victories you think you have a mandate?

Yeah, a mandate!

Your side stated that the signature legacy legislation over the last 8 years dependent on the the stupidity of the American voter to support it

take that up with the 20 plus millions who got HC insurance ...many for the first time in their lives andmost of them in RED states....Call out their "stupidity" and then after the ACA is repealed.....See how much they like getting screwed by your ilk.....

Just a shame that they can't use it due to the astronomical deductibles. Buy hey, who cares, they got insurance!
Afraid you'll lose your free Obunglescare, Gnat?

You should stop making dozens of "hate Trump" threads and find gainful employment. Nobody buys your nonsense anyway.

Thank you.....nothing confirms for me tha I'm on the right track then pissing off moronic right you....LOL

The problem is im not pissed have some comedy value, thats about it. That and you whine like a little girl.
Obunglescare is the best thing that could have happened for the GOP, the midterms proved that.

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