Civilians told not to fear black helicopters flying overhead

» Civilians Told Not to Fear Blackhawks Over Minneapolis Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Noooo don't fear the government doing training op over US territory for urban environment,its nothing just your police state at work...

Where would you prefer they train?
Any military base would be fine with me,I know Ft Polk in Louisiana has a urban training center use that unless they are training to take over Minneapolis.

Training for Syria?

Possible but why not keep it under wraps?

Where would you prefer they train?

Fort Bragg actually.

Have you ever been to Fort Bragg?

Yes in fact I have been to Ft.Bragg and Ft. Campbell.
We had a Blackhawk fly over our house last weekend.....

Actually, they do every once in awhile. The Army National Guard is about 40 miles from here and they fly down to our small airport that's about a mile from our house. When my son was in the NG, one weekend they flew down here and he showed them where we live, so the flew REAL LOW over our house, i thought they were going to land in our yard! It was funny tho....the neighbers were a little excited! Lol!
I'm not sure what that's supposed to look like....
It looked like a huge Army base with lots of army trucks, planes & helicopters :)
Oh yeah...and a LOT of Army people! Lol!

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