Clarence Thomas drank heavily, watched porn

You know little about alcoholism, then.

You cannot tell when someone is drunk? ....
Well, that's not quite what I said. But, I'm pretty sure most are used to your lack of reading comprehension by now.


More bullshittery from the cowardly cons who cannot condemn craven crap from other cons.
No matter how badly you want it, I condemn no one based on gossip.

And no matter how badly you want it, I will not bless your obvious efforts to deny these allegations merely because they interfere with your hero worship of all things and people conservative.
Thomas apparently was a sick man over those obssessions. Those who dismiss fact as gossip better check their critical thinking bone. Give him credit he did stop. Understand the people talking about him may have ulterior motives.

Facts are inconvenient truth.

Did Clarence Thomas leave any stains on intern's blue dresses?
This would fit in nicely with the Democrats in Meltdown thread. Recycling their old canards. When the violent rhetoric fails, the race card fails, then the Blame Bush card fails, time to take out the visions of Rosa Parks and kicking the Republicans to the back of the ... then images of race wars with Hispanics to 'punish your enemies,' now bring back Clarence Thomas and maybe if we kick him around some more...

Except it was Thomas who opened up this can of worms. Just last week he and his wife were demanding an apology from Anita Hill. It's absolutely no surprise that this has come out now. Hill was almost certainly telling the truth about Thomas. Now he's opened the door, I'd be surprised if you don't see more accusations.
You cannot tell when someone is drunk? ....
Well, that's not quite what I said. But, I'm pretty sure most are used to your lack of reading comprehension by now.


More bullshittery from the cowardly cons who cannot condemn craven crap from other cons.
No matter how badly you want it, I condemn no one based on gossip.

And no matter how badly you want it, I will not bless your obvious efforts to deny these allegations merely because they interfere with your hero worship of all things and people conservative.
Wow, more scary stupid from you.

First of all, when I have no evidence of anything other than allegations, I don't deny or confirm any allegations. Not having adequate information to make a decision on a topic is not denying much of anything because...denying something....would...require...making...a...decision.

Christ Almighty, is that dumbed down enough for you?

Secondly, as I said before, you know absolutely fuck all about my opinion of Thomas.
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There are absolutely no, zero, grounds to impeach Thomas. The whole thread is worthless. Thomas will serve for life and unless someone has evidence that he is taking bribes or embezzling he will stay there.

This is absolutely correct. Although, in the future, I would like to see it put into law that a judge MUST recuse themselves when there are conflict of interests issues.

That would serve the nation well. Many seem incapable of doing so.

It's OK for Thomas to watch porn and it's OK for Obama to have sex with men.
Uh huh. So you have nothing, Si?

I thought not.

Lemme see if I can make this any clearer. "Shoot the messenger" does not work on evidence.
Whenever gossip is actually evidence, I'm sure that I will need to recalibrate the thermometer in hell.

You could be right, Si. Mebbe this broad has *nothing* to back up her allegations and this will end up as a "he said she said". If so, I'd agree...we have to deeply discount her statements because she likely has an axe (or two) to grind.

HOWEVER, if she can back up her claims....with evidence...different ballgame. I find it incredible (as in unbelievable, not fucking likely) that she'd speak on air without such evidence, and I hope like hell she has some.

But it is not logical or honest for you to announce that you plan to disregard evidence (tapes, letters, testimony of other witnesses, etc.) because this broad has a bias problem, and doing so makes you look kinda sorta s-t-u-p-i-d.

I wonder if you realize the importance that one word has in this whole fantasy of yours.
There are absolutely no, zero, grounds to impeach Thomas. The whole thread is worthless. Thomas will serve for life and unless someone has evidence that he is taking bribes or embezzling he will stay there.

This is absolutely correct. Although, in the future, I would like to see it put into law that a judge MUST recuse themselves when there are conflict of interests issues.

That would serve the nation well. Many seem incapable of doing so.

No shit. If a small claims court judge cannot sit on a case she has a personal stake in, neither should a SCOTUS Justice. The ethics rules should get more stringent, not less, as they move up in the food chain.
Whenever gossip is actually evidence, I'm sure that I will need to recalibrate the thermometer in hell.

You could be right, Si. Mebbe this broad has *nothing* to back up her allegations and this will end up as a "he said she said". If so, I'd agree...we have to deeply discount her statements because she likely has an axe (or two) to grind.

HOWEVER, if she can back up her claims....with evidence...different ballgame. I find it incredible (as in unbelievable, not fucking likely) that she'd speak on air without such evidence, and I hope like hell she has some.

But it is not logical or honest for you to announce that you plan to disregard evidence (tapes, letters, testimony of other witnesses, etc.) because this broad has a bias problem, and doing so makes you look kinda sorta s-t-u-p-i-d.

I wonder if you realize the importance that one word has in this whole fantasy of yours.

I do Moon, but the heart wants what the heart wants, yanno?
o and many people are functioning alcoholics....i drank heavily for years...never missed a day of work...if you ask my son...he will tell you ...he only saw me drinking maybe 3 times in his life...i would stop on the way home from a individual oj...pour part of it out in the parking lot and fill it with vodka....had a nice buzz by the time i got home...

people are very adapt at covering addictions.
Thomas apparently was a sick man over those obssessions. Those who dismiss fact as gossip better check their critical thinking bone. Give him credit he did stop. Understand the people talking about him may have ulterior motives.

Facts are inconvenient truth.

Did Clarence Thomas leave any stains on intern's blue dresses?

Did you brush your teeth this morning, which is as relevant as your latest comment above.

Let's stick to the subject.
Well, that's not quite what I said. But, I'm pretty sure most are used to your lack of reading comprehension by now.

No matter how badly you want it, I condemn no one based on gossip.

And no matter how badly you want it, I will not bless your obvious efforts to deny these allegations merely because they interfere with your hero worship of all things and people conservative.
Wow, more scary stupid from you.

First of all, when I have no evidence of anything other than allegations, I don't deny or confirm any allegations. Not having adequate information to make a decision on a topic is not denying much of anything because...denying something....would...require...making...a...decision.

Christ Almighty, is that dumbed down enough for you?

Secondly, as I said before, you know absolutely fuck all about my opinion of Thomas.

I'm all ears. Enlighten us.
While Thomas was watching porn Obama was having gay sex on crack in the back of a limo with Larry Sinclair.
o and many people are functioning alcoholics....i drank heavily for years...never missed a day of work...if you ask my son...he will tell you ...he only saw me drinking maybe 3 times in his life...i would stop on the way home from a individual oj...pour part of it out in the parking lot and fill it with vodka....had a nice buzz by the time i got home...

people are very adapt at covering addictions.

I agree, bones. However, I would not call your situation "severe alcoholism".
You could be right, Si. Mebbe this broad has *nothing* to back up her allegations and this will end up as a "he said she said". If so, I'd agree...we have to deeply discount her statements because she likely has an axe (or two) to grind.

HOWEVER, if she can back up her claims....with evidence...different ballgame. I find it incredible (as in unbelievable, not fucking likely) that she'd speak on air without such evidence, and I hope like hell she has some.

But it is not logical or honest for you to announce that you plan to disregard evidence (tapes, letters, testimony of other witnesses, etc.) because this broad has a bias problem, and doing so makes you look kinda sorta s-t-u-p-i-d.

I wonder if you realize the importance that one word has in this whole fantasy of yours.

I do Moon, but the heart wants what the heart wants, yanno?
Curious. Do you EVER actually think or do you just hystericaly emote here?

Because if the latter, you might find more satisfaction from a Dr. Phil or Oprah forum.
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