Clarence Thomas-Enemy to Blacks, And all of America

No, I have not said that. But since you oppose civil rights, I guess you think him fighting for that was only in his self-interest.
I don't oppose civil rights. I just oppose he fake ones that left-wingers invent.

Are you claiming that fighting for civil rights is not in your self-interest?
I don't oppose civil rights. I just oppose he fake ones that left-wingers invent.

Are you claiming that fighting for civil rights is not in your self-interest?
You oppose civil rights and your claim was about Thurgood Marshal. Meanwhile you love Thomas who made certain to erase some of those civil rights.
You oppose civil rights and your claim was about Thurgood Marshal. Meanwhile you love Thomas who made certain to erase some of those civil rights.
I believe in natural rights. Civil rights include a lot of rights that are just plain fake. Thomas wanted to get rid of fake rights, like the right to an education or the so-called right to medical care.
Trump will not be returning. There are no more plantations. Biden/Harris has created lower black unemployment and higher black wages than Trump did. So did Obama/Biden. And you gave credit for what Obama/Biden did to Trump. So notice that the two lowest levels of black unemployment have Bidens name associated with it.
Your claim about Biden and Obama giving Blacks more jobs and higher wages runs smack into their record high food stamps:

DEI and AA have no place in our country. They are by their very nature discriminatory. You can’t fight potential racism with real racism. It is illogical. I support Thomas because, amoung other things, he believes we should all be judged equally. That makes perfect sense to me. My guess is, you dislike Ben Carson as well.

I know for certain that if I was an African American who worked my butt off to make good grades and to be successful, I would be firmly against allowing fellow African Americans getting a leg up simply because of the color of their skin. It would diminish my well earned accomplishments and would provide less incentive for others to follow in my footsteps, instead relying on a government program to get them over some perceived hump.

There are many African Americans who have earned the right to be in their positions of success. They have out-performed others, regardless of race. Just because there may not be enough to fill some imaginary quota, doesn’t mean we should demean their well earned accomplishments nor should we punish individuals of other races.

AA and DEI are illogical and wrong. It is as simple as that.
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DEI and AA have no place in our country. They are by their very nature discriminatory. You can’t fight potential racism with real racism. It is illogical. I support Thomas because, amoung other things, he believes we should all be judged equally. That makes perfect sense to me. My guess is, you dislike Ben Carson as well.

I know for certain that if I was an African American who worked my butt off to make good grades and to be successful, I would be firmly against allowing fellow African Americans getting a leg up simply because of the color of their skin. It would diminish my well earned accomplishments and would provide less incentive for others to follow in my footsteps, instead relying on a government program to get them over some perceived hump.

There are many African Americans who have earned the right to be in their positions of success. They have out-performed others, regardless of race. Just because there may not be enough to fill some imaginary quota, doesn’t mean we should demean their well earned accomplishments nor should we punish individuals of other races.

AA and DEI are illogical and wrong. It is as simple as that.
I think you need to go back and look at how whites have gotten where they are before yu run off at the mouth about things like this. Whites have been the only group to get a leg up only because of race. The quota has been in most businesses 100 percent white. It's time whites like you stopped lying about things such as this and face reality. Stop making these racist assumptions.
I believe in natural rights. Civil rights include a lot of rights that are just plain fake. Thomas wanted to get rid of fake rights, like the right to an education or the so-called right to medical care.
Fake rights? Here is another case of white psychosis.
I believe in natural rights. Civil rights include a lot of rights that are just plain fake. Thomas wanted to get rid of fake rights, like the right to an education or the so-called right to medical care.

The only "right to education" is in the 14th amendment - and that only says, "when a state establishes a public school system, no child living in that state may be denied equal access to schooling."

Are you for denying access to publicly funded education?
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I think you need to go back and look at how whites have gotten where they are before yu run off at the mouth about things like this. Whites have been the only group to get a leg up only because of race. The quota has been in most businesses 100 percent white. It's time whites like you stopped lying about things such as this and face reality. Stop making these racist assumptions.
When whites succeeded in business it was not becaiuse of race or law

You are not facing reality. Yiur entire OP and it's premise is false. You do not speak fpor plack people nor do you know who is white or black here unless they state it.

The Clarence Thomas myth that refuses to die

It’s the horror movie villain that won’t die, the pop song you can’t get out of your head, the out-of-town guest that just won’t leave.

It’s a belief that’s stuck like a tick in the collective memory of some white conservatives.

It’s the notion that black people despise Clarence Thomas because he’s a conservative.

It’s not only a myth but a con.

Thomas isn’t despised in the black community because he’s a conservative. Many dislike him because they see him as a hypocrite and a traitor.

Yet many white conservatives keep recycling the same selective stories about Thomas. These stories don’t just distort black culture – they carry an undercurrent of racism.

He’s not the only black leader who talks about self-reliance

But the way some white conservatives tell the story of Thomas’ rise from poverty also perpetuates racist stereotypes. They imply that Thomas and his hard working, no excuses grandfather are unusual characters in the black community. They depict Thomas as this lonely apostle of self-reliance, as if most black people prefer sitting on the couch drinking Kool-Aid while waiting for the government to send them a check.

Here’s some news: Black people have been practicing self-reliance for centuries. We’ve had to, for survival. We know through bitter experience that white America’s investment in racial equality is sporadic. Racial progress has always been followed by a “whitelash.”

Thomas’ stern grandfather is a familiar figure in the black community. Plenty of black people can tell you stories of grandparents, pastors, teachers, and coaches who all preached the same message: Rely on yourself, because you can’t rely on white people.

It’s almost impossible to find a revered black leader who didn’t preach some form of this message.

He cast an ‘atrocious’ vote against black America

There’s something else many white conservatives miss: The contradiction between Thomas’ words and actions.

Thomas has lectured blacks about not defining themselves as racial victims. He once criticized civil rights leaders who he said, “B*tch, b*tch, b*tch, moan and moan and whine” about the Reagan administration.

But when his nomination to the Supreme Court was threatened by Anita Hill’s allegations of sexual harassment, he played the race card by saying he was the victim of a “high-tech lynching.”

Thomas has lectured blacks about the evils of affirmative action. Yet he made it into Yale Law School because of an affirmative action program.

“His entire career is a result of thrusts for diversity that he would deny in others,”
-Lawrence Goldstone, author of “On Account of Race: The Supreme Court, White Supremacy, and the Ravaging of African American Voting Rights

But it’s Thomas’ voting record that has cemented the cynicism many blacks feel toward him.

Critics say he has consistently voted against black people as well as other marginalized groups: women, LGBTQ people, religious minorities and death row inmates.

He is the first Supreme Court justice to openly criticize the high court’s landmark civil rights ruling, Brown v. Board of Education.

And he joined a 2013 high court decision – Shelby County v. Holder – that eviscerated the Voting Rights Act, the crown jewel of the civil rights movement.

Here is Thomas providing a crucial vote to cripple legislation for which the proponents of racial justice marched, bled, and in some instances died.
-Randall Kennedy, author and law professor

His vote on Shelby contributed to “the most unjustifiable and hurtful decision imposed on black America in the past half century,”
-Randall Kennedy, an author and professor at Harvard Law School, wrote in a recent article on Thomas.

Thomas has worked no harder than any other black person in America. Just because he has done the bidding of white racists doesn't make him a hero and it damn sure doesn't make him a man blacks must respect or honor. The ONLY people coming to his defense in this country have been white racists. They do so because he has helped turn the clock back.

Clarence Thomas is a crooked man. His taking inappropriate gifts and not reporting them, his relationship with an insurrectionist, his refusal to recuse himself from cases where he has a family stake in the outcome are all evidence of this bastards corruption. He is on the court that is the final arbiter of the rule of law and he's breaking laws. So don't lecture me about how I don't like successful blacks who work hard because I refuse to honor this sorry ass Uncle Tom.
DEI and AA have no place in our country. They are by their very nature discriminatory. You can’t fight potential racism with real racism. It is illogical. I support Thomas because, amoung other things, he believes we should all be judged equally. That makes perfect sense to me. My guess is, you dislike Ben Carson as well.

I know for certain that if I was an African American who worked my butt off to make good grades and to be successful, I would be firmly against allowing fellow African Americans getting a leg up simply because of the color of their skin. It would diminish my well earned accomplishments and would provide less incentive for others to follow in my footsteps, instead relying on a government program to get them over some perceived hump.

There are many African Americans who have earned the right to be in their positions of success. They have out-performed others, regardless of race. Just because there may not be enough to fill some imaginary quota, doesn’t mean we should demean their well earned accomplishments nor should we punish individuals of other races.

AA and DEI are illogical and wrong. It is as simple as that.

DEi & AA have played a very important role in this country. They are programs to compensate for centuries of prejudice against blacks.

However, they've accomplished their goals. The younger generation of blacks are not suffering from prejudice the way their forefathers did. I worked in several large corporation. There have been plenty of black executives, directors and mangers. I've known plenty of black doctors and lawyers.

It's time we rolled these programs back. They simply are no longer needed.
DEi & AA have played a very important role in this country. They are programs to compensate for centuries of prejudice against blacks.

However, they've accomplished their goals. The younger generation of blacks are not suffering from prejudice the way their forefathers did. I worked in several large corporation. There have been plenty of black executives, directors and mangers. I've known plenty of black doctors and lawyers.

It's time we rolled these programs back. They simply are no longer needed.
Historically, according to Shawn Rochester in his book The Black Tax, The Cost of Being Black in America, blacks have lived with the two percent rule. The two percent rule holds that blacks have been restricted to two percent or less of all things that are important to wealth accumulation in America. Right now, Rochester’s two percent rule for blacks is in effect in these fields: Investment and Business Financing, Corporate Leadership, Education, Media, Medicine, Law, Financial Services, Agriculture, Residential Real Estate, and businesses such as Information Technology, Finance and Insurance, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Oil, Gas and Mining, Utilities and Wholesale Trade.
Blacks and other non-whites were excluded from participation in most occupations and whites were the only ones allowed based on race and law. This us fact and it is documents. I was saying the shit about blacks you believe I'd be the #1 spokesman for backs. So then just shut the fuck up trying to tell a black man how he doesn't speak for blacks.
No they were not excluded by law in most cases and in fact often started their own succesfyul businesses.

You claim is not a fact it is fucking lie

You do not speak for blacks

Mosty black peoplke disagree with you and are smarter than you

including Clarence thomas

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