Class Warfare a Bust:Gallup 75% of voters don't care Romeny's rich

Being rich used to be a good thing when the rich didn't act like dicks.

When they didn't get draft deferments while poor people's kids went to wars.

When they used their wealth to open factories and create jobs, not to shut down factories and destroy jobs.

A wise rich guy, Henry Ford, once said, "If my employees don't make enough to buy my products, I don't have a business."

Mitt Romney is not that kind of rich guy.

Draft? What draft? When did we last have a draft? Are you daft?

You really should get a friggin clue BEFORE you post.

Or haven't you heard that Mittens hid out, living in the lap of luxury in Paris while others went to nam?

Where did obama serve?
Pub dupes- fighting for their right to be absolutely SCREWED by the GREEDY rich, your heroes. Thanks for the cronyism/corruption WORLD depression, and paralyzing gov't since 2/2010- idiots.

Nobody minds the rich, if they're not screwing the country fcs.
I am going with the sucessful rich guy for the best chance to make the country successful and rich.

Damn good observation.. Since the alternative is letting POLITICIANS use the money.
As tho Congress could ever fix anything efficiently. REGARDLESS of the party in charge.

That's really what the left is demanding when they ignore wasteful spending and look to make certain Americans scapegoats for their mistakes...
The class war is over. The rich won.
Chris wants to return to the golden age of the 40s. fifties, and 60s.

You know?
Korea, Vietnam, segregation and any number of civil rights issues.....

Oh....and the land of unsourced graphs

The rich have more money because taxes for the rich have been lowered to ridiculous levels.

Guess who has to pay the difference?

You do.

I don't think 30% + is a ridiculous level. I think it is too much.

Cut more government and spending.
The cut spending cult....absolute idiocy. Great job Pub PM. Except they never do it, actually Romney wants to increase military spending, destroy Medicare, and worry about the deficit in 2035. More cronyism and corruption...Pub dupes!!

Romney, 47th in jobs in Mass....
See that quote I bolded above? I just spent 2 days arguing with some of your fellow Class Warriors about how JOBS are created.. And according to THEM -- CONSUMERISM creates jobs. Not the rich..

Would you morons kindly get together and FIGURE THIS OUT?

THEN -- maybe we'll waste some time correcting the REST of your misconceptions about how Capitalism and America works.

Oh, are you whining about the fact that people are pointing out the emperor has no clothes?

Of course, consumerism creates jobs.

And when the rich destroy jobs to make a fast buck, they reduce consumerism...

it's simple math...
Lincoln said that labor always precedes capital, that take away labor and capital dies while take away capital and labor survives. Tru dat.
Not worried about that, because a Dem minority in the Senate will check him on those issues.
It's not surprising people don't like Class warfare Politics, they don't like Racial Politics either. Americans don't like the Politics of Division, No matter who is preaching it.

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