Class Warfare a Bust:Gallup 75% of voters don't care Romeny's rich

Liberals vote many times for rich people. In fact, rich people called FDR a traitor to his class because he cared about others, rather than just the rich. Wealthy politicians become a problem when they see their postition as having only a responsiblity to helping the rich make more money.
Liberals believe Government has two moral missions: to protect and empower everyone equally.

"The means is The Public, which provides infrastructure, public education, and regulations to maximize health, protection and justice, a sustainable environment, systems for information and transportation, and so forth. The Public is necessary for The Private, especially private enterprise, which relies on all of the above.

"The liberal market economy maximizes overall freedom by serving public needs: providing needed products at reasonable prices for reasonable profits, paying workers fairly and treating them well, and serving the communities to which they belong. In short, 'the people the economy is supposed to serve' are ordinary citizens. This has been the basis of American democracy from the beginning."

Conservatives stand this on its head with their worship of all things rich and rancid. (like Romney)

Economics and Morality: Paul Krugman
The class war is over. The rich won.



Another un-sourced graph!!!

I've missed those!!!

Thanks, Chris!
His being rich tells me he has done something right, especially with his business experience, which in running a country goes a lot further than community agitating.

Yes, he's done something right.

He was born to rich parents, with lots of connections most of us don't have.

Also known as "Born on third base and thought you hit a triple."
His being rich tells me he has done something right, especially with his business experience, which in running a country goes a lot further than community agitating.

Yes, he's done something right.

He was born to rich parents, with lots of connections most of us don't have.

Also known as "Born on third base and thought you hit a triple."

Green looks good on you
His being rich tells me he has done something right, especially with his business experience, which in running a country goes a lot further than community agitating.

Yes, he's done something right.

He was born to rich parents, with lots of connections most of us don't have.

Also known as "Born on third base and thought you hit a triple."

Green looks good on you

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.
It was never an issue of his "Wealth".

It's an issue of how he got his wealth and how he used it to screw working people.

And when people hear about the sleazy actions of Bane, they generally are less inclined to like Romney.

He looks like the guy who laid off your dad.
Sleazy by what definition?

If you have proof of a crime, bring charges. Otherwise, sleazy is so subjective as to be worthless and to use that as a basis for smearing him, rather than attacking his policy stances, is what I would call sleazy.
Yes, he's done something right.

He was born to rich parents, with lots of connections most of us don't have.

Also known as "Born on third base and thought you hit a triple."

Green looks good on you

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.

I am only commanded to forgive those that have trespassed against me.

Forgiving sin is above my station.

class warfare strategy in a general election campaign is gay. Never wins. The k00ks love it, but politically, its always been a loser.

Heres to hoping the Obama campaign continues this relentless smear campaign with all the class warfare shit.

Its a winner............for me!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


Quit being stupid, kooksarefarrightextremist.

class warfare strategy in a general election campaign is gay. Never wins. The k00ks love it, but politically, its always been a loser.

Heres to hoping the Obama campaign continues this relentless smear campaign with all the class warfare shit.

Its a winner............for me!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:


It was never an issue of his "Wealth".

It's an issue of how he got his wealth and how he used it to screw working people.

And when people hear about the sleazy actions of Bane, they generally are less inclined to like Romney.

He looks like the guy who laid off your dad.
Sleazy by what definition?

If you have proof of a crime, bring charges. Otherwise, sleazy is so subjective as to be worthless and to use that as a basis for smearing him, rather than attacking his policy stances, is what I would call sleazy.

Sleazy is very definable.

When someone lays you off even if you are doing your job concientiously, because he's found a way to profit from your unemployment, that's sleazy.

And we've all been there is we worked for a living.

It isn't an issue of a crime, (although there are indications he committed one by lying about when he left Bain) it's an issue of how his greed affected the lives of others.

And that's what resonates with people. Someone who just doesn't give a crap about them.
The scripture command links how we desire to be forgiven of our sins directly to how we forgive others who sin against us.

Green looks good on you

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.

I am only commanded to forgive those that have trespassed against me.

Forgiving sin is above my station.

Green looks good on you

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.

I am only commanded to forgive those that have trespassed against me.

Forgiving sin is above my station.


I don't forgive anyone. Unless they are truly sorry about what they did and make amends.

Romney isn't sorry about what he did. He's sorry he got caught.
JoeB has made a career of stupid statements on the Board. This statement of his is perhaps the standard of stupidity. Even bigrebnc and The Great GasBag and Unkolost and the others have not reached this ability of mindlessness.

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.

I am only commanded to forgive those that have trespassed against me.

Forgiving sin is above my station.


I don't forgive anyone. Unless they are truly sorry about what they did and make amends.

Romney isn't sorry about what he did. He's sorry he got caught.
Wow, Jake, you're getting emotional today.

ROmney doesn't think he did anything wrong at Bain. I mean, he won't release the records of what he did, but yuppers, he's sure proud of it.

I told you last year, Obama would crucify your boy on Bain, and that's exactly what is happening.
Actually . . . JoeB is the one getting emotional. Absolute stupidity on Joe's part.

You have to live with yourself, Joe, so you are lying to yourself as well as the rest of us.
Romney apologized? For what? Or is that in the Fog?

Romney's got nothing to apologize for, especially to those who hate the rich.

Uh, no, guy, it ain't about envy....

I think the problem here is that since you can't excuse the sin of avarice, you try to read the sin of envy onto others.

Besides, as sins go, I usually go with Wrath.

I am only commanded to forgive those that have trespassed against me.

Forgiving sin is above my station.


I don't forgive anyone. Unless they are truly sorry about what they did and make amends.

Romney isn't sorry about what he did. He's sorry he got caught.
Liberals believe Government has two moral missions: to protect and empower everyone equally.

"The means is The Public, which provides infrastructure, public education, and regulations to maximize health, protection and justice, a sustainable environment, systems for information and transportation, and so forth. The Public is necessary for The Private, especially private enterprise, which relies on all of the above.

"The liberal market economy maximizes overall freedom by serving public needs: providing needed products at reasonable prices for reasonable profits, paying workers fairly and treating them well, and serving the communities to which they belong. In short, 'the people the economy is supposed to serve' are ordinary citizens. This has been the basis of American democracy from the beginning."

Conservatives stand this on its head with their worship of all things rich and rancid. (like Romney)

Economics and Morality: Paul Krugman

You have gone off the deep end again.

Then in true Idiotic fashion you mention an economist that has been discredited so many times it goes beyond pale.

Just wait for the government to give you your opinion. There would be no change in your behavior.
Romney apologized? For what? Or is that in the Fog?

Romney's got nothing to apologize for, especially to those who hate the rich.


Um, no, people who hide stuff are usually ashamed of what they are hiding.

If Romney is truly proud of what he did at Bain- full disclosure. All of it. Tax returns, corporate minutes, etc.

Clearly, he's not.
Actually . . . JoeB is the one getting emotional. Absolute stupidity on Joe's part.

You have to live with yourself, Joe, so you are lying to yourself as well as the rest of us.

Bigger fonts don't make your hysterics any less hysterical.


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