Clearing Up The Mystery Why HIV/AIDS Epidemic Keeps Getting Worse

How effective do you think the CDC's ad campaign to ask gay guys to be honest with each other is?

  • Fine, it is a perfect solution. Gay guys will be honest with each other.

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Somewhat OK but it doesn't seem to be working.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A very poor choice. This subpopulation isn't going to suddenly curb its appetite to "get honest".

    Votes: 8 80.0%

  • Total voters

"Superintendent Dr Jim Hinson says that even he finds the poster troubling. He says neither he or the school board approved the poster - it was something instituted by the curriculum department."

Read more: Kansas parents fury as list of explicit sex acts posted in MIDDLE SCHOOL classroom Daily Mail Online
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Kansas parents fury as list of explicit sex acts posted in MIDDLE SCHOOL classroom Daily Mail Online

You lose retard. That was not teaching them to enjoy anal sex. It was teaching them about abstinence. Says so right in your link. The problem was that the language used was inappropriate for the age group. How did you possibly screw that one up?

At first, Shawnee School District spokesman Leigh Anne Neal defended the poster, saying it was in line with curriculum used across the country to promote abstinence.

'The item is meant to be part of a lesson, and so certainly as a standalone poster without the context of a teacher led discussion, I could see that there might be some cause for concern,' she said.

Read more: Kansas parents fury as list of explicit sex acts posted in MIDDLE SCHOOL classroom Daily Mail Online
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Read more: Kansas parents fury as list of explicit sex acts posted in MIDDLE SCHOOL classroom Daily Mail Online
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It teaches anal sex as a way that 12 year old kids might *express* themselves sexually.

It doesnt say 12 year old kids retard. Its says "people". it was inappropriate even though it was pointing out facts.
Well I guess the solution for this is any men who like anal sex just find a woman with a strap on? that appears ti be waaaayyyy safer than actual butt sex, thoughts?

I think Sill would like it to be a guy......purely for scientific reasons of course.

Are you going to answer the question or not?
I'll just ask you this simple question Asclepias. Which is more important in your opinion?:
1. Young boys being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?.
2. Young boys not being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?
Well I guess the solution for this is any men who like anal sex just find a woman with a strap on? that appears ti be waaaayyyy safer than actual butt sex, thoughts?

I think Sill would like it to be a guy......purely for scientific reasons of course.

Are you going to answer the question or not?
I'll just ask you this simple question Asclepias. Which is more important in your opinion?:
1. Young boys being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?.
2. Young boys not being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?

I did. You even quoted it.
Any chance we not teach blowjobs, anal sex, strap on play etc in school?
Not as long as Kevin Jennings is the education Czar. You put a gay man in charge of national education and what you're going to get is a predictable rise in HIV in young boys during his tenure:

Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS
No, you claimed it wasn't happening. I refreshed your memory using that one.

There are lots more, as you know.

But as a tried and true Kinsite, you're going to deny it. As you will deny that the BASIS for the explicit sex ed/sexual indoctrination of our children in schools, was initiated and based upon ILLEGAL studies and pedophilia in the name of *science*:

"Dr. Alfred Kinsey's research on child orgasm is described in Chapter 5of his bookSexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948).[7] Some of the observations are summarized in Tables 30-34 of the book. The numbers of the children in the five tables were, respectively, 214, 317, 188, 182, and 28. The minimum ages were, respectively, one year, two months, five months, (ages of children not recorded for Table 33), and five months. The tables identify sex experiments; for example, Table 32 speaks of: "Speed of pre-adolescent orgasm; Duration of stimulation before climax; Observations timed with second hand or stop watch."

"Did Kinsey instigate or encourage these practices? And did he actually use pedophiles to obtain the data for Tables 30-34? In his book, acting as the on-site reporter, Kinsey did not clearly describe his own role. However, Kinsey's close colleague, C. A. Tripp, made a revealing statement in a 1991 televised interview by Phil Donahue:

"[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys....[T]hey were trained observers.[8]
Two questions cry out for an answer: What was the nature of the training given to these "trained observers"? And, who "trained" them? Perhaps Dr. Tripp or others can answer these questions. A 1991 book review in the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, noted:

"[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children....Kinsey...has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.[9]
Tripp is not the only former Kinsey colleague to admit that actual pedophiles were involved in the Kinsey Institute's child sexuality studies. A taped telephone interview with Dr. Paul Gebhard, former head of the Kinsey Institute and Kinsey co-author, also confirms this fact:

"Interviewer: "So, do pedophiles normally go around with stopwatches?" Dr. Paul Gebhard: "Ah, they do if we tell them we're interested in it!"

Interviewer: "And clearly, [the orgasms of] at least 188 children were timed with a stopwatch, according to...."
Dr. Gebhard: "So, second hand or stopwatch. OK, well, that's, ah, you refreshed my memory. I had no idea that there were that many."

Interviewer: "These experiments by pedophiles on children were presumably illegal." Dr. Gebhard: "Oh yes."[10]"

The above *studies* are what drive the *sex ed* programs in our schools..which have been developed and put into play by the KINSEY INSTITUTE.

Children Kinsey and the Homosexual Revolution
Any chance we not teach blowjobs, anal sex, strap on play etc in school?
Not as long as Kevin Jennings is the education Czar. You put a gay man in charge of national education and what you're going to get is a predictable rise in HIV in young boys during his tenure:

Fast Facts
  • Youth aged 13 to 24 accounted for an estimated 26% of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2010.
  • Most new HIV infections among youth occur among gay and bisexual males; there was a 22% increase in estimated new infections in this group from 2008 to 2010. CDC - HIV Among Youth - Age - Risk - HIV AIDS

All that kinky stuff should be for adults to discover in their personal lives, not taught on the playgrounds at school. Maybe I'm old fashioned?
"The Kinsey Institute's data on child orgasms are, at best, a human concoction or, at worst, the results of child molestation. In either case, the Kinsey Institute is guilty of criminal activity and their findings on all subjects are suspect and misleading. Too, science must be re-evaluated, for Kinsey's work has hijacked an entire body of science for almost half a century, leaving behind untold damage to families, relationships and human souls.
"The control of sexuality information has for too long been in the hands of the Kinsey elite-unethical scientists, men without moral conscience or honor, who fathered a bastard sexual revolution. It should come as no surprise then to those on our campuses and in the halls of legislative, judicial and educational power, that as our nation has followed Kinsey and his disciples, we too have become increasingly coarsened to conscience and honor. It is clear that sexual aggression, brutality and hedonism have greater sway in our society post-Kinsey than was the case pre-Kinsey."

Children Kinsey and the Homosexual Revolution
All that kinky stuff should be for adults to discover in their personal lives, not taught on the playgrounds at school. Maybe I'm old fashioned?
How would you answer this question "High Gravity"?

Which is more important in your opinion?:
1. Young boys being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?.
2. Young boys not being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?
All that kinky stuff should be for adults to discover in their personal lives, not taught on the playgrounds at school. Maybe I'm old fashioned?
How would you answer this question "High Gravity"?

Which is more important in your opinion?:
1. Young boys being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?.
2. Young boys not being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?

I'd have to go with Option 1.
No, you claimed it wasn't happening. I refreshed your memory using that one.

There are lots more, as you know.

But as a tried and true Kinsite, you're going to deny it. As you will deny that the BASIS for the explicit sex ed/sexual indoctrination of our children in schools, was initiated and based upon ILLEGAL studies and pedophilia in the name of *science*:

"Dr. Alfred Kinsey's research on child orgasm is described in Chapter 5of his bookSexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948).[7] Some of the observations are summarized in Tables 30-34 of the book. The numbers of the children in the five tables were, respectively, 214, 317, 188, 182, and 28. The minimum ages were, respectively, one year, two months, five months, (ages of children not recorded for Table 33), and five months. The tables identify sex experiments; for example, Table 32 speaks of: "Speed of pre-adolescent orgasm; Duration of stimulation before climax; Observations timed with second hand or stop watch."

"Did Kinsey instigate or encourage these practices? And did he actually use pedophiles to obtain the data for Tables 30-34? In his book, acting as the on-site reporter, Kinsey did not clearly describe his own role. However, Kinsey's close colleague, C. A. Tripp, made a revealing statement in a 1991 televised interview by Phil Donahue:

"[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys....[T]hey were trained observers.[8]
Two questions cry out for an answer: What was the nature of the training given to these "trained observers"? And, who "trained" them? Perhaps Dr. Tripp or others can answer these questions. A 1991 book review in the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, noted:

"[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children....Kinsey...has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.[9]
Tripp is not the only former Kinsey colleague to admit that actual pedophiles were involved in the Kinsey Institute's child sexuality studies. A taped telephone interview with Dr. Paul Gebhard, former head of the Kinsey Institute and Kinsey co-author, also confirms this fact:

"Interviewer: "So, do pedophiles normally go around with stopwatches?" Dr. Paul Gebhard: "Ah, they do if we tell them we're interested in it!"

Interviewer: "And clearly, [the orgasms of] at least 188 children were timed with a stopwatch, according to...."
Dr. Gebhard: "So, second hand or stopwatch. OK, well, that's, ah, you refreshed my memory. I had no idea that there were that many."

Interviewer: "These experiments by pedophiles on children were presumably illegal." Dr. Gebhard: "Oh yes."[10]"

The above *studies* are what drive the *sex ed* programs in our schools..which have been developed and put into play by the KINSEY INSTITUTE.

Children Kinsey and the Homosexual Revolution

Its not happening. Canada is not our country for starters and isolated incidents of people being inappropriate does not constitute our school system
Which is more important in your opinion?:
1. Young boys being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?.
2. Young boys not being taught that anal sex is the most deadly form of sex?

I'd have to go with Option 1.
So, just to sum up your answer, you, unlike Joe or Asclepias, feel it's better to save young boys and young men's lives than it is to thin the prospective herd of new gay recruits that might otherwise imprint themselves differently if they were afraid of anal sex since early grade school?

I tend to agree with you High Gravity. At first the curriculum-appropriate message could be a poster of a human body with arrows saying "never put anything in these places" ....with arrows pointing to the ears, eyes, nose and anus. Then next to that picture on the same poster could be a scary scene with a patient in a hospital looking very ill with concerned doctors tending him.

As the children get older, they can learn about the lower digestive tract and why it's harmful to try to use it as an artificial vagina. Because it resorbs fluids and things like viruses right into the bloodstream very readily. Unlike the vagina. Then that course could come along with a psychological component that addressing "the urges of rising hormones. Young boys' natural frustrations with girls not being easy to access sexuallly. And the notion that turning to anal sex with either boys or girls is a deadly substitute for the real thing.

I tend to agree with Joe and Asclepias on one aspect: that teaching kids to use condoms is pretty fruitless given their statistical and ongoing penchant not to use them. Kids are notoriously irresponsible and that's the reason we keep a tight watch on them until they're 18. So we all agree in theory at least that teaching "safe anal sex" [there is no such thing with youngsters for the reason I just said] is not acceptable. The only option we are left with is to put the same fear into very little kids from the earliest of ages about sticking things in certain parts of their bodies = illness, injury or death.

From there if they are truly oriented gay, they will find other ways of expressing that without killing themselves barebacking/getting HIV.

I think that's a fair compromise, right Joe, Asclepias? No amount of teaching will dissuade a truly gay boy, right? So you can put your fears/panic to rest that a truly gay boy will always grow up that way no matter what he is taught.
No, you claimed it wasn't happening. I refreshed your memory using that one.

There are lots more, as you know.

But as a tried and true Kinsite, you're going to deny it. As you will deny that the BASIS for the explicit sex ed/sexual indoctrination of our children in schools, was initiated and based upon ILLEGAL studies and pedophilia in the name of *science*:

"Dr. Alfred Kinsey's research on child orgasm is described in Chapter 5of his bookSexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948).[7] Some of the observations are summarized in Tables 30-34 of the book. The numbers of the children in the five tables were, respectively, 214, 317, 188, 182, and 28. The minimum ages were, respectively, one year, two months, five months, (ages of children not recorded for Table 33), and five months. The tables identify sex experiments; for example, Table 32 speaks of: "Speed of pre-adolescent orgasm; Duration of stimulation before climax; Observations timed with second hand or stop watch."

"Did Kinsey instigate or encourage these practices? And did he actually use pedophiles to obtain the data for Tables 30-34? In his book, acting as the on-site reporter, Kinsey did not clearly describe his own role. However, Kinsey's close colleague, C. A. Tripp, made a revealing statement in a 1991 televised interview by Phil Donahue:

"[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys....[T]hey were trained observers.[8]
Two questions cry out for an answer: What was the nature of the training given to these "trained observers"? And, who "trained" them? Perhaps Dr. Tripp or others can answer these questions. A 1991 book review in the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, noted:

"[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children....Kinsey...has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.[9]
Tripp is not the only former Kinsey colleague to admit that actual pedophiles were involved in the Kinsey Institute's child sexuality studies. A taped telephone interview with Dr. Paul Gebhard, former head of the Kinsey Institute and Kinsey co-author, also confirms this fact:

"Interviewer: "So, do pedophiles normally go around with stopwatches?" Dr. Paul Gebhard: "Ah, they do if we tell them we're interested in it!"

Interviewer: "And clearly, [the orgasms of] at least 188 children were timed with a stopwatch, according to...."
Dr. Gebhard: "So, second hand or stopwatch. OK, well, that's, ah, you refreshed my memory. I had no idea that there were that many."

Interviewer: "These experiments by pedophiles on children were presumably illegal." Dr. Gebhard: "Oh yes."[10]"

The above *studies* are what drive the *sex ed* programs in our schools..which have been developed and put into play by the KINSEY INSTITUTE.

Children Kinsey and the Homosexual Revolution

Its not happening. Canada is not our country for starters and isolated incidents of people being inappropriate does not constitute our school system

Not isolated. As I've shown.

Quite widespread, in fact. Incorporated into the CURRICULUM. Thank you Alfred Kinsey, and all your dutiful acolytes, like Aschlepolass.
No, you claimed it wasn't happening. I refreshed your memory using that one.

There are lots more, as you know.

But as a tried and true Kinsite, you're going to deny it. As you will deny that the BASIS for the explicit sex ed/sexual indoctrination of our children in schools, was initiated and based upon ILLEGAL studies and pedophilia in the name of *science*:

"Dr. Alfred Kinsey's research on child orgasm is described in Chapter 5of his bookSexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948).[7] Some of the observations are summarized in Tables 30-34 of the book. The numbers of the children in the five tables were, respectively, 214, 317, 188, 182, and 28. The minimum ages were, respectively, one year, two months, five months, (ages of children not recorded for Table 33), and five months. The tables identify sex experiments; for example, Table 32 speaks of: "Speed of pre-adolescent orgasm; Duration of stimulation before climax; Observations timed with second hand or stop watch."

"Did Kinsey instigate or encourage these practices? And did he actually use pedophiles to obtain the data for Tables 30-34? In his book, acting as the on-site reporter, Kinsey did not clearly describe his own role. However, Kinsey's close colleague, C. A. Tripp, made a revealing statement in a 1991 televised interview by Phil Donahue:

"[Reisman is] talking about data that came from pedophiles, that he [Kinsey] would listen only to pedophiles who were very careful, used stopwatches, knew how to record their thing, did careful surveys....[T]hey were trained observers.[8]
Two questions cry out for an answer: What was the nature of the training given to these "trained observers"? And, who "trained" them? Perhaps Dr. Tripp or others can answer these questions. A 1991 book review in the respected British medical journal, The Lancet, noted:

"[T]he important allegations from the scientific viewpoint are the imperfections in the [Kinsey] sample and unethical, possibly criminal observations on children....Kinsey...has left his former co-workers some explaining to do.[9]
Tripp is not the only former Kinsey colleague to admit that actual pedophiles were involved in the Kinsey Institute's child sexuality studies. A taped telephone interview with Dr. Paul Gebhard, former head of the Kinsey Institute and Kinsey co-author, also confirms this fact:

"Interviewer: "So, do pedophiles normally go around with stopwatches?" Dr. Paul Gebhard: "Ah, they do if we tell them we're interested in it!"

Interviewer: "And clearly, [the orgasms of] at least 188 children were timed with a stopwatch, according to...."
Dr. Gebhard: "So, second hand or stopwatch. OK, well, that's, ah, you refreshed my memory. I had no idea that there were that many."

Interviewer: "These experiments by pedophiles on children were presumably illegal." Dr. Gebhard: "Oh yes."[10]"

The above *studies* are what drive the *sex ed* programs in our schools..which have been developed and put into play by the KINSEY INSTITUTE.

Children Kinsey and the Homosexual Revolution

Its not happening. Canada is not our country for starters and isolated incidents of people being inappropriate does not constitute our school system

Not isolated. As I've shown.

Quite widespread, in fact. Incorporated into the CURRICULUM. Thank you Alfred Kinsey, and all your dutiful acolytes, like Aschlepolass.
But you havent shown anything. You gave me on offs that were not even in our country as you claimed.
I tend to agree with Joe and Asclepias on one aspect: that teaching kids to use condoms is pretty fruitless given their statistical and ongoing penchant not to use them. Kids are notoriously irresponsible and that's the reason we keep a tight watch on them until they're 18. So we all agree in theory at least that teaching "safe anal sex" [there is no such thing with youngsters for the reason I just said] is not acceptable. The only option we are left with is to put the same fear into very little kids from the earliest of ages about sticking things in certain parts of their bodies = illness, injury or death.
From there if they are truly oriented gay, they will find other ways of expressing that without killing themselves barebacking/getting HIV.
I think that's a fair compromise, right Joe, Asclepias? No amount of teaching will dissuade a truly gay boy, right? So you can put your fears/panic to rest that a truly gay boy will always grow up that way no matter what he is taught.
Unless of course Joe and Asclepias think that boys learn to be gay and learning to logically-fear a certain type of gay sex [using the anus as an artificial vagina] might make them not want to do that?

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