Cleveland boy with fake pistol killed by police

"Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said one officer fired twice after the boy pulled the fake weapon — which was lacking the orange safety indicator usually found on the muzzle — from his waistband but had not pointed it at police. The boy did not make any verbal threats, but grabbed the replica handgun after being told to raise his hands, Deputy Chief Tomba said."

Am I missing something? Kid goes to give the gun to the cop and gets killed..

Yes, your missing that he was told to put his hands up and instead reached for the gun.

If he puts his fucking hands up he's still alive today . PERIOD.
If the cop doesn't shoot first and ask questions later the kid's alive too. Why wait till they are old enough to hold a plastic gun to kill them if we're this scared of little 12 year old black boys, why don't we just go house to house and end it.

I've coached hundreds of 12 year old kids. You scare the shit out of a 12 year old he's not likely to do what you tell him. More likely he's gonna be stunned. He's probably thinking you want my toy, here take it.

Make a wrong move your dead mother ____er? Really? We're talking about a 12 year old boy.

Once again Mike, you are missing the point.

A cop should never HAVE to confront a 12 year old boy with a gun (fake or not) where are the these kids' parents?
When I was 12 and I was playing in the park... my parents would have been home.

Why are they allowed to sell toy replicas? Seems like anyone with a 100IQ would sue the shit out of those stores for selling toys that will get a kid killed by yellow striped cop.
Mike you look more and more like one of the nuts I know you are not everytime you call this cop a coward.
"Deputy Chief Ed Tomba said one officer fired twice after the boy pulled the fake weapon — which was lacking the orange safety indicator usually found on the muzzle — from his waistband but had not pointed it at police. The boy did not make any verbal threats, but grabbed the replica handgun after being told to raise his hands, Deputy Chief Tomba said."

Am I missing something? Kid goes to give the gun to the cop and gets killed..

Yes, your missing that he was told to put his hands up and instead reached for the gun.

If he puts his fucking hands up he's still alive today . PERIOD.
If the cop doesn't shoot first and ask questions later the kid's alive too. Why wait till they are old enough to hold a plastic gun to kill them if we're this scared of little 12 year old black boys, why don't we just go house to house and end it.

I've coached hundreds of 12 year old kids. You scare the shit out of a 12 year old he's not likely to do what you tell him. More likely he's gonna be stunned. He's probably thinking you want my toy, here take it.

Make a wrong move your dead mother ____er? Really? We're talking about a 12 year old boy.

Once again Mike, you are missing the point.

A cop should never HAVE to confront a 12 year old boy with a gun (fake or not) where are the these kids' parents?
When I was 12 and I was playing in the park... my parents would have been home.

Why are they allowed to sell toy replicas? Seems like anyone with a 100IQ would sue the shit out of those stores for selling toys that will get a kid killed by yellow striped cop.
Mike you look more and more like one of the nuts I know you are not everytime you call this cop a coward.
Well then I'm a nut.. I say let's see if the kid aims that gun at me before I kill him. If that makes me a nut, let it be a pecan. I like pecans.
Something else that occured that might end up having to be adopted by law enforcement is what's already official policy in the military, you may not fire on an enemy until fired upon. A lot of officer-involved shootings could have been avoided if officers have to wait until they're fired upon. This incident, as well as a previous one where subjects both have bb-gun weapons could have avoided the deaths of the subjects by waiting to see if the weapons a) got fired at all, and b) if when fired the report of the weapon sounded like an actual firearm.

You naturally don't wanna put officer's in any more jeopardy than they already are, but at the same time these sorts of incidents bring low all law enforcement when they happen. Just as we don't want military triggering unintentional wars with other countries firing prematurely or unjustly, we might need to implement a 'do not fire unless fired upon' type policy.
How many hundreds of dead cops do you want to see.

And to further prove how fucking ignorant your post is, bullets travel faster than sound, you would not hear the one that killed you instantly.

How about people teach their kids how to act in public, and shut the fuck up when they don't and pay the price?

How about cops DO THEIR JOBS and give people a chance to surrender and not jump out shooting. Or better yet, use not lethal force first. No one wants to see ANYONE dead but the cops ARE TRAINED to deal with these situations and they shouldn't shoot first and ask questions later. We do not live in a police state where the cops get to do whatever the hell they want, they should be held to a higher standard than anyone else with a gun if they are going to get off on charges of murder and they are not .
Possibly a rush to judgement but this not likely.
Yes Playing, have you never played with toy guns as a kid?
The 'twelve year old' going on eighteen physically and five years mentally was waving a VERY accurate replica of a handgun.............with the orange tip REMOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at people in the park.
A concerned citizen, (negro) called 911.
When the police arrived he put the handgun in his waistband. When the police officers told him to put his hands up instead the negro reached for the handgun. He was then shot.
Those are the facts.
Today's 'toy handguns' are impossible to tell from real handguns.
Some stupid negro removed the orange colour.
Then the budding gang banger goes to the park and starts waving the gun around and pointing it at people.
The police are trained to use deadly force if they believe they or someone else is in danger of their lives.
If the twelve year old had had a real semi automatic handgun and shot at the cops would you still be defending him?
Social Darwinism. Let's hope he hadn't already impregnated a few twelve years old 'baby mammas'.
plain fact is we have another child killed by cops for ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD REASON OTHER THAN THE COPS ARE COWARDS.

The kid was killed because he did not respect the law and did not do what he was told.

How do you KNOW that? All we see is the cop jumping out and shooting immediately. All we would have is the cop's word which not going to jail is a pretty good motivator to lie. The camera, however does not lie. The camera showing CLEARLY the officers pulling up and shooting immediately. Slam dunk Murder 2. Good riddance pig.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
Anyone else find the right's reaction hypocritical?

If a white kid is shot by a parent's negligently leaving a gun out. All you hear about is that it's a tragedy. And then when the legitimate question of where were the parents, the response is usually "How dare you say that? This family is grieving."

But a black kid gets shot for no reason, there is no sympathy and people say "Horrible parents, they are obviously bad people."

Why is that?

Bad parenting is more of a glaring problem in the black comunity. Next.

How? Because YOU think it is? What about when white kids go vandalize property and get shot by police before given a chance to surrender? Would you say that the parents who didn't know what they were doing are bad parents? The answer is no because you would feel "sympathy" for them because you could relate to them.

But because you can't relate to black people (or don't want to), you decide to find any reason to not sympathize with them and think they deserve it or they are horrible living creatures. Dehumanizing them so it's justified to hate them.

I have empathy for blacks, but at the same time I understand thier problems are of thier own doing. Liberals and blacks obsesse over white racism while wilfully ignoring and making excuses for the self-destructive behavior of black people.
You couldn't possibly have empathy for black people. Empathy means putting yourself in their shoes, and you don't do that; if you did, there is no way on Earth you'd write the things you do. Sympathy, also, you do not have. You are a racist, died in the wool. KKK type. Sick and sickening.

And, based on your posting, you are illiterate and probably uneducated. Statistics show that racists are generally unintelligent and uneducated, at least below average. Looks like you fit right into that category.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
I wouldn't have pointed a fake gun at a cop when I was 12, especially not when hes yelling at me to drop it. He isn't a toddler, so he should have had more sense than that. Something tells me that he would have had more sense if he grew up in a different environment.
Something else that occured that might end up having to be adopted by law enforcement is what's already official policy in the military, you may not fire on an enemy until fired upon. A lot of officer-involved shootings could have been avoided if officers have to wait until they're fired upon. This incident, as well as a previous one where subjects both have bb-gun weapons could have avoided the deaths of the subjects by waiting to see if the weapons a) got fired at all, and b) if when fired the report of the weapon sounded like an actual firearm.

You naturally don't wanna put officer's in any more jeopardy than they already are, but at the same time these sorts of incidents bring low all law enforcement when they happen. Just as we don't want military triggering unintentional wars with other countries firing prematurely or unjustly, we might need to implement a 'do not fire unless fired upon' type policy.
How many hundreds of dead cops do you want to see.

And to further prove how fucking ignorant your post is, bullets travel faster than sound, you would not hear the one that killed you instantly.

How about people teach their kids how to act in public, and shut the fuck up when they don't and pay the price?

How about cops DO THEIR JOBS and give people a chance to surrender and not jump out shooting. Or better yet, use not lethal force first. No one wants to see ANYONE dead but the cops ARE TRAINED to deal with these situations and they shouldn't shoot first and ask questions later. We do not live in a police state where the cops get to do whatever the hell they want, they should be held to a higher standard than anyone else with a gun if they are going to get off on charges of murder and they are not .
Gee, why don't cops wait until they are shot before they draw their weapons.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
Do you have kids?

Do you turn them loose on the streets with authentic looking replicas of real guns?

Do you help them remove the safety orange tip, which is legally mandated in order to prevent tragedies such as the one we are discussing?
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
I've seen "12 year old negro young men" behave as brutally and savagely as any other one three times their age.
It's the fatherless, gangbanger lifestyle they see around them all day from the time they are fatherless babies being raised by their grandmas.
But it's all too late for the negro race now world wide. They have become self ghettoised living like rats in every inner city shithole in the world.
They are a failed race. The other races have given up pouring trillions of dollars of 'MAKERS' money at them only to see them wasted. The other races have 'charity fatigue' and are far more concerned with their own economic/social survival to worry about a race that doesn't give a shit about it's own people.
Question: What's the smallest book in the world? Answer: The book listing all the donors in Asia of money given to negro charities.
If that doesn't foretell the future of the negro race nothing will.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
I've seen "12 year old negro young men" behave as brutally and savagely as any other one three times their age.
It's the fatherless, gangbanger lifestyle they see around them all day from the time they are fatherless babies being raised by their grandmas.
But it's all too late for the negro race now world wide. They have become self ghettoised living like rats in every inner city shithole in the world.
They are a failed race. The other races have given up pouring trillions of dollars of 'MAKERS' money at them only to see them wasted. The other races have 'charity fatigue' and are far more concerned with their own economic/social survival to worry about a race that doesn't give a shit about it's own people.
Question: What's the smallest book in the world? Answer: The book listing all the donors in Asia of money given to negro charities.
If that doesn't foretell the future of the negro race nothing will.
I smaller book would be a listing of all hispanics that donate to black causes.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.

I never went around basically pointing a gun at strangers for fun. Even though it wasn't an actual gun there was no way to tell when at a distance, and that's his problem, not everyone else's. I would also raise my children to respect fellow human being and not go and do incredibly stupid things like this. Where were his parents? Shouldn't they have taught him that you don't do this kind of incredibly foolish thing? He was a kid, he did something really, really dumb, and he died because of it.

The same has undoubtedly happened to other young kids that made horrible choices. Being a kid doesn't mean you can't screw yourself over with terrible choices. It's like being twelve, knocking down a beehive, and then kicking it around like a football. That's dumb. It's a bad choice. You might die. Oh, you died? Why'd you do that? Where were his parents to tell him to not kick around a beehive? Bees don't like being kicked around. They work hard enough as it is. Shouldn't there have been something in the kid's brain that said "hm, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all?"
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.

I never went around basically pointing a gun at strangers for fun. Even though it wasn't an actual gun there was no way to tell when at a distance, and that's his problem, not everyone else's. I would also raise my children to respect fellow human being and not go and do incredibly stupid things like this. Where were his parents? Shouldn't they have taught him that you don't do this kind of incredibly foolish thing? He was a kid, he did something really, really dumb, and he died because of it.

The same has undoubtedly happened to other young kids that made horrible choices. Being a kid doesn't mean you can't screw yourself over with terrible choices. It's like being twelve, knocking down a beehive, and then kicking it around like a football. That's dumb. It's a bad choice. You might die. Oh, you died? Why'd you do that? Where were his parents to tell him to not kick around a beehive? Bees don't like being kicked around. They work hard enough as it is. Shouldn't there have been something in the kid's brain that said "hm, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all?"
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.

Oh, I've certainly made mistakes as a child. I never did something foolish enough that put my own life at risk. It's unfortunate that he will not learn from this mistake. His parents should have taught him not to point a 'gun' at people for fun.
It's a tragedy.

You don't go around pointing a gun replica at people for funsies.

If you're bored there are so many other things to do.
For God's sake. He was 12 years old. A child. Do you have kids? Do you understand that no matter what you might tell them or think you taught them, they are sometimes not going to do what they should do? He was a kid.

I don't know if race was an issue in this incident, but I do know that the cops did not do their job correctly. There was no reason for this kid to die.
I wouldn't have pointed a fake gun at a cop when I was 12, especially not when hes yelling at me to drop it. He isn't a toddler, so he should have had more sense than that. Something tells me that he would have had more sense if he grew up in a different environment.
Who said anyone pointed a gun at a cop?
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.

Oh, I've certainly made mistakes as a child. I never did something foolish enough that put my own life at risk. It's unfortunate that he will not learn from this mistake. His parents should have taught him not to point a 'gun' at people for fun.
So you never played cops & robbers? Cowboys & indians? Never shot someone with a squirt gun?
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.

Oh, I've certainly made mistakes as a child. I never did something foolish enough that put my own life at risk. It's unfortunate that he will not learn from this mistake. His parents should have taught him not to point a 'gun' at people for fun.
So you never played cops & robbers? Cowboys & indians? Never shot someone with a squirt gun?

I've never taken an exact gun replica, tore off the orange safety strip that shows it's a fake, and then go into a public park and point it at people, terrifying the hell out of them.

Oh, I have played with brightly-colored squirt guns with my friend in the past, and wooden guns, too.
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.

Oh, I've certainly made mistakes as a child. I never did something foolish enough that put my own life at risk. It's unfortunate that he will not learn from this mistake. His parents should have taught him not to point a 'gun' at people for fun.
Your self righteousness is out of place, not to mention being intellectually dishonest. The child is not responsible for his death. The cops' response to the situation was completely incorrect. It's very likely they will pay severely. Hope so.
He's a kid. Kid's make mistakes; they do dumb things. That doesn't mean they deserve to be shot down by cops. It doesn't mean they deserve to die. Of course you never made any mistakes as a kid. I'd believe that except you make tons of mistakes of judgment here, and it is unlikely your judgment as a child was better than it is now.

Oh, I've certainly made mistakes as a child. I never did something foolish enough that put my own life at risk. It's unfortunate that he will not learn from this mistake. His parents should have taught him not to point a 'gun' at people for fun.
Your self righteousness is out of place, not to mention being intellectually dishonest. The child is not responsible for his death. The cops' response to the situation was completely incorrect. It's very likely they will pay severely. Hope so.

It has nothing to do with self-righteousness.

It's common sense.

People need to be held accountable for their action. If you take something that looks exactly like a gun and go around terrifying people with it, you alone are responsible for the consequences of your actions. Would you also dismiss the child who thought it was fun to set homes on fire, or deliver wrapped, dubious packages to certain businesses?

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