Climate Change Over the Millennia

Here is a fun fact for trolls like duhgosa.

The TOPIC of this thread is about climate change over the millennia.

I wonder if the troll pos can comment intelligently on that?
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You are among the deniers who thinks every accredited university in the world is wrong, not me. You need help.
I’ve never said any such thing. So, aside from being a total asshole and a lying troll, can you consider posting something of value actually ON topic?
I’ve never said any such thing. So, aside from being a total asshole and a lying troll, can you consider posting something of value actually ON topic?
I did, twice. Now post any graph from any accredited climate research facility backing you. Any, anywhere. Just one.
I’ll make it easy for you. Any publication form any of the above. easier still, from any major corporation including the likes of fossil fuel industries. How about PUTIN’s govt. ? Any country ?
I did, twice. Now post any graph from any accredited climate research facility backing you. Any, anywhere. Just one.
I’ll make it easy for you. Any publication form any of the above. easier still, from any major corporation including the likes of fossil fuel industries. How about PUTIN’s govt. ? Any country ?
You did what twice?
I’ve never said any such thing. So, aside from being a total asshole and a lying troll, can you consider posting something of value actually ON topic?
Sure, you dimwits claim it’s a Chinese hoax.
It seems that even the gop has recently been taken in by this hoax.
I’m not. Mocking you isn’t a sign of being emotional. You bring nothing to the game. Any game. 😎
I don’t need to bring anything. Every university, govt agency, other country and every research facility in the world has for me. You can’t prove differently. Just name one who has not.
I don’t need to bring anything. Every university, govt agency, other country and every research facility in the world has for me. You can’t prove differently. Just name one who has not.
Prove what differently? Be specific.
Try Exxon. Nope.
Apparently morons like you are unable (or unwilling) to differentiate between the concept of “climate change” and AGW.

That “A” makes all the difference.

Climate has never been static. Let me try to make that understandable for a dimwit like you: Climate always changes. Always has.

Now, by contrast, the issue actually under discussion — and the one subject to actual dispute — is whether or not humanity Od responsible at all (or even to a significant degree) for the present status of our planet’s overall climate. (Noting that regional climates are different from one another and also ever changing).

Try to focus, you imbecile.

Have to told that to the scientists who discovered and taught you that?

Won't they be surprised!

Fkn morons
Your grade school (and later) English teachers must have detested you.

Meanwhile, whatever the fuck it might have been that you thought you were saying, the truth remains. Climate is never static.

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