Climate Change Over the Millennia

Oh, what university agrees with you. Name one major corporation or climate science research group or one country, that agrees with you….
Oh, Tucker…..

You have no facts. Independent thinker ? You mean ignoramus.

Chris Landsea of the National Hurricane Center ... he points out that these values are statistically insignificant ... per the principles of basic meteorology ... he was expelled from the IPCC for these views, along with anyone else who has opposing views ...

If the IPCC doesn't allow dissenting views, then it's political, and not science ... if you say "everyone agrees with me", that's political, not science ...

In science, we divide into two ... each side takes an opposite view and performs experiments to prove their case ... for example, we have one group looking for a way to prove he existance of dark matter and others working to prove our gravity laws are wrong ... science doesn't care about silly human pride ...

hAvE you told tHE scIEnTiStS??!?!
Dissenting scientific opinions in the literature are not reflected in the various IPCC statements. Many researchers have noted that the drive to present a single “scientific consensus”has been achieved by suppressing dissenting views on any issues where there is still scientific disagreement (Beck et al. 2014; Hoppe & Rodder 2019 ¨ ; van der Sluijs et al. 2010; Curry & Webster 2011; Sarewitz 2011; Hulme 2013). As a result, an accurate knowledge of those issues where there is ongoing scientific dissensus (and why) is often missing from the IPCC reports.
I don’t need to bring anything. Every university, govt agency, other country and every research facility in the world has for me. You can’t prove differently. Just name one who has not.
The IPCC doesn't allow dissenting views.
The IPCC doesn't allow dissenting views.

Prestigious refereed scientific journals have a section for these dissents ... typically called "letters to the editor" ... I've had a few letters publishied in non-prestigious non-refereed non-scientific journals ... [sniff] ... what about yourself? ...
Prestigious refereed scientific journals have a section for these dissents ... typically called "letters to the editor" ... I've had a few letters publishied in non-prestigious non-refereed non-scientific journals ... [sniff] ... what about yourself? ...
Time is against them.
Oh, what university agrees with you. Name one major corporation or climate science research group or one country, that agrees with you….
Oh, Tucker…..

You have no facts. Independent thinker ? You mean ignoramus.
The ice ages are pretty well proven scientific fact.

Climate change is pretty well proven. 99% of all the species that have have been on earth have been made extinct by climate change. Even when it was an asteroid that caused the climate change.

What is unproven is man made climate change. All they have to prove it is one stupid unscientific correlation and a whole lot of shit in shit out computer models backed up manipulated and cherry picked input data.

Those idiots that claim climate change is man made have admitted that that they created false data. We constantly find Principle Scientists, research facilities and government agencies lying about their findings. All we get are manipulated and cherry picked data from people that have a financial interest in the outcome.

If this AGW scam was real then there wouldn't be constantly exposed manipulated data and we wouldn't have so many dire predictions that never come true, wouldn't we? The people that were made rich off the scam wouldn't be buying ocean front property, would they?

AGW is a scam. That is a fact. Remember what I said next week when you are freezing your ass off.
What is unproven is man made climate change.
What an ignorant statement. Science doesn’t even ”talk“ that way.
Unproven ? You’re obviously science illiterate
. Science has never been in the the business of proving anything.

Let’s just say in science terms, it’s 97% likely it is contributed to by man as agreed upon by the ENTIRE COMMUNITY OF CLIMATE SCIENCE, research facilities and every country, major corporation and military the world….but not you stoooopid people.

Name one accredited university, govt. or major related corporation that agrees with you and I will actually take the time to go to their website and look for their Climate change posts.
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Name one accredited university, govt. or major related corporation that agrees with you and I will actually take the time to go to their website and look for their Climate change posts.

Look for Chris Landsea in the scientific literature ... he works for the NHC ...

I don't have a problem with man-kind having some effect on weather ... but the data says the change is very small, so man's contribution is smaller still ... and we still have "internal variation" to explain all this data ...

Which do you think is more likely? ... more of the same weather ... or weather that has never happened before ...
Chris Landsea of the National Hurricane Center ... he points out that these values are statistically insignificant ... per the principles of basic meteorology ... he was expelled from the IPCC for these views, along with anyone else who has opposing views ...

If the IPCC doesn't allow dissenting views, then it's political, and not science ... if you say "everyone agrees with me", that's political, not science ...

In science, we divide into two ... each side takes an opposite view and performs experiments to prove their case ... for example, we have one group looking for a way to prove he existance of dark matter and others working to prove our gravity laws are wrong ... science doesn't care about silly human pride ...
Chris Landsea was NOT expelled from the IPCC. HE WITHDREW from participation in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report. Get your facts straight.

From the Wikipedia article:
In an interview on PBS, Landsea said "we certainly see substantial warming in the ocean and atmosphere over the last several decades on the order of a degree Fahrenheit and I have no doubt a portion of that, at least, is due to greenhouse warming. The question is whether we're seeing any real increases in the hurricane activity." He went on to say "with the Atlantic hurricanes in particular, they're due to changes both in the ocean as well as the atmosphere. Just changing the ocean where it's a little bit warmer isn't sufficient." As for climate change affecting hurricane strength, Landsea said that global warming theories and numerical modeling suggest only that "hurricanes like Katrina and Rita may have been stronger due to global warming but maybe by one or two miles per hour."[6]
Nah. You can’t bail out that easily. It takes a special devotion to follow a dedicated liar. By the way, that’s Humper.
that is your specialty in fact, again, one can recognize an opponent by the language they use, they are what they fire at you.
Chris Landsea was NOT expelled from the IPCC. HE WITHDREW from participation in the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report. Get your facts straight.

From the Wikipedia article:
In an interview on PBS, Landsea said "we certainly see substantial warming in the ocean and atmosphere over the last several decades on the order of a degree Fahrenheit and I have no doubt a portion of that, at least, is due to greenhouse warming. The question is whether we're seeing any real increases in the hurricane activity." He went on to say "with the Atlantic hurricanes in particular, they're due to changes both in the ocean as well as the atmosphere. Just changing the ocean where it's a little bit warmer isn't sufficient." As for climate change affecting hurricane strength, Landsea said that global warming theories and numerical modeling suggest only that "hurricanes like Katrina and Rita may have been stronger due to global warming but maybe by one or two miles per hour."[6]
page not found!!! so you made this up!!!!!

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