"Clock boy" update: He's going to Saudia Arabi for Mecca; Being coached by sister in interviews

Liberals bamboozled by a 14 year old Jr. Jihadist and his agitator father.
What a bunch of ignoranuses.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.

Does attacking 14 year olds make you feel like a man?

Since when has age been a factor when it comes to Jihadist or kids shooting up a school?

Link to Achmed's connection to "Jihad" is where?
Link to him "shooting up" anything, even a gun range target, is where?

Exactly. Because USMB does not allow a link to your own sphincter.
Actually I can corroborate one aspect of Cuban's story. I heard an interview with Achmed on CBC yesterday. At least it was supposed to be an interview; ended up very short. After about two questions he says, "I'm going to put my sister on now" and she takes the phone and says "we're going to have to call you back, he's got a lot of calls to take" or words to that effect. Same sister? I dunno. But clearly there's a script management going on for whatever reason and it seems to be consistently from a sister.

Sister is code for pops.
Muslim females can be three times that antagonist males are. Females are second class in the society and if they are unwed and not a virgin they are not worth the food to feed them. Some Muslim females try to show their worth by being hyper-Muslim. Either that or being a Muslim female just makes them mad at the world. Islam is a destabilizing system on all levels.
Again -- and this still hasn't changed in the last few hours -- you're talking about cultural values, not religious ones. And you don't know theirs.
In Islam the only values are religious values. Islam dictates everything.
So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.

They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.

Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

Yep. Kids also used to have their hunting rifles in the truck at school and you could carry a box cutter on a plane. And shit like 9-11 and Columbine happened. And some Muslims bombed a marathon with a meat cooker.

Times have changed. If you do something that is seen as suspicious by some....you're probably being investigated.

--- All of which is fine.

The problem comes when you've done your cursory investigation, have easily established that there is no threat -------------- and then you go on pretending there is. What in the fuck is up with that?

Now if they asked him "what's in the case" and he replied "a bomb", THEN you have a case.
But .......... he didn't.


So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?

That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.
You liberals are a laugh riot.
This is so a set up
Liberals bamboozled by a 14 year old Jr. Jihadist and his agitator father.
What a bunch of ignoranuses.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.

Does attacking 14 year olds make you feel like a man?

Since when has age been a factor when it comes to Jihadist or kids shooting up a school?

Link to Achmed's connection to "Jihad" is where?
Link to him "shooting up" anything, even a gun range target, is where?

Exactly. Because USMB does not allow a link to your own sphincter.

We know your mouth meets your sphincter every time you post.
And your brain obviously hooks to CNN when it comes to ME topics.
Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.

And where do you get the idea he did that?

Do you clowns just not bother to read the stories, or what?
They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.

Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

Yep. Kids also used to have their hunting rifles in the truck at school and you could carry a box cutter on a plane. And shit like 9-11 and Columbine happened. And some Muslims bombed a marathon with a meat cooker.

Times have changed. If you do something that is seen as suspicious by some....you're probably being investigated.

--- All of which is fine.

The problem comes when you've done your cursory investigation, have easily established that there is no threat -------------- and then you go on pretending there is. What in the fuck is up with that?

Now if they asked him "what's in the case" and he replied "a bomb", THEN you have a case.
But .......... he didn't.


So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?

That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.

Dude I'm sorry but you're either an idiot or a hopeless partisan.
The picture you posted is of the aftermath of the attack in Garland Texas last May.

Now, I will ask again: What does that have to do with a kid bringing a clock to school?
Well, I am guessing that the Ahmed family took that cartoon drawing convention pretty personal. What do you think?

What makes you "guess" that?
You don't know?

Actually, I've got a pretty good idea of what you're going to say. But I'm not going to argue against my assumptions.
Does your pretty good idea have some relation as to why there are thousands of "Je suis Charlie" stickers around the world?
Oh...it's getting better. What does THAT have to do with a freshmen science geek bringing a clock to school?
Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

Yep. Kids also used to have their hunting rifles in the truck at school and you could carry a box cutter on a plane. And shit like 9-11 and Columbine happened. And some Muslims bombed a marathon with a meat cooker.

Times have changed. If you do something that is seen as suspicious by some....you're probably being investigated.

--- All of which is fine.

The problem comes when you've done your cursory investigation, have easily established that there is no threat -------------- and then you go on pretending there is. What in the fuck is up with that?

Now if they asked him "what's in the case" and he replied "a bomb", THEN you have a case.
But .......... he didn't.


So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?

That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.

Dude I'm sorry but you're either an idiot or a hopeless partisan.


Because I don't buy into your fantasy narrative about "gun-grabbing"?

You'll have to do better than that.
well, it's pretty obvious why he is hated by RWrs here.

Oh puleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze. Come on bod. This is scripted. I have no idea on the why. Or where this is supposed to go but when you have an activist (self admitted) father and a campaign against the mayor and then you have a kid taking the guts out of a Radio Shack clock identified as being from the mid 80's and making like a hoax bomb there is more than meets the eye here.

Yyyyeah the only problem with that is, it wasn't a "hoax bomb". Achmed never said or indicated it was anything but a clock.
Well, good luck convincing them now...."someone" said that Achmed said it....so it's the god's truth to them now.
Well, I am guessing that the Ahmed family took that cartoon drawing convention pretty personal. What do you think?

What makes you "guess" that?
You don't know?

Actually, I've got a pretty good idea of what you're going to say. But I'm not going to argue against my assumptions.
Does your pretty good idea have some relation as to why there are thousands of "Je suis Charlie" stickers around the world?

Probably not in the way you mean.
You know what that Paris attack and the earlier Texas attack had in common? They used guns. Guns.

Discussion over.
Yep. The more i read...the more it seems that way. They send their kids to be suicide bombers.

Sufis do this?

In this picture Ahmed is actually looking at his sister.

And you know what that look is? Him thinking "You (sister) never told me it would cause THIS to happen"!!

His family put him up to this. It's getting more clear by the day. The more clear it becomes...the more I really think Ahmed didnt realize what he was doing....but his family did.

Just like in the Middle East when Muslims send their children up to troops wearing a suicide vest and blow them up. His dad and sister sent Ahmed to do this stunt...and I'm really thinking he didn't know what would happen. THAT makes more sense than anything.

Again --- Sufis do this?

Fucking wacko. :cuckoo:

Looks like a setup to create a victim. The kid was most likely used by his family and didn't even know it, just like the suicide bombers they train at their camps. I hope the entire family moves to Saudi Arabia and doesn't come back.

Again .... Sufis do this?

I always get crickets on this question. If you need help, your line is this:
"They all look alike to me".
It's like thinking Episcopals are fire-breathing Southern Baptists. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You don't know?

Actually, I've got a pretty good idea of what you're going to say. But I'm not going to argue against my assumptions.
Does your pretty good idea have some relation as to why there are thousands of "Je suis Charlie" stickers around the world?

Probably not in the way you mean.
How could it not be in the way I mean? What other way is there to mean it?

I'll put it this way:

I'm sure that in your argument, you may attempt to connect and relate "Je suis Charlie" stickers to why you believe that Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed and his family took the cartoon drawing convention "pretty personal".
Well, the females in Ahmed's family do cover themselves from head to foot, minus the face and hands.
What do you think would happen if a kid brought a toy gun to school?
Wouldnt you think a fake bomb would be even worse?
The kid did not make the clock,he admitted he knew it would cause a stir,and he set the alarm to go off in the middle of class after being told by a teacher to put it away and dont show it to anyone else.
This whole thing is such an obvious set up you'd have to be blind not to see it.

So you now support kids getting in trouble for bringing fake guns to school? I thought that you guys were outraged over that, the number of threads about pop-tart guns could have fooled me.

If it was all a "set up" to reveal closeted bigots, it seems to have worked pretty well on you, although from your posts here I would say that you left that closet a long time ago.

Dont blame me for your liberal policies I didnt make em.

"My liberal policies" made you so sad and pathetic that you felt the need to attack a child for his religion, wish death upon him, and declare him a terrorist?

No, I don't think so.

First of all I never wished death on the little shit.
And second,admitting he brought a fake bomb to school does in fact make him a terrorist.

And where do you get the idea he did that?

Do you clowns just not bother to read the stories, or what?

Sure he did. He admitted that his fake clock creation might generate some suspicion.
You liberals are a laugh riot.
This is so a set up

It very well may be. And if it was you and your ilk not only were the target, not only did you completely fall for it hook, line and sphincter, but .... you're still getting played by it now, voluntarily, even after figuring out you got played.

Talk about imbecilitude... this is like RW's Obamgas satire thread, where y'all get told straight out what the joke is ....... and then still continue to fall for it. :rofl:

Played like a Banjo.


Liberals bamboozled by a 14 year old Jr. Jihadist and his agitator father.
What a bunch of ignoranuses.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.

Does attacking 14 year olds make you feel like a man?

Since when has age been a factor when it comes to Jihadist or kids shooting up a school?

Link to Achmed's connection to "Jihad" is where?
Link to him "shooting up" anything, even a gun range target, is where?

Exactly. Because USMB does not allow a link to your own sphincter.

We know your mouth meets your sphincter every time you post.
And your brain obviously hooks to CNN when it comes to ME topics.

Actually I don't have a TV.
Know what I use instead?
--- A brain.
Ahmed "The most evil practice run bomber with no bomb the Right has ever seen"

Put him in GITMO right now, its obvious that his name is up to something

The thing about these clowns is that there's no one in law enforcement today to subpoena their ISP to obtain their identity, so that when this comes back on us, they can be held to account for their complicity in it.

At least not at the moment... perhaps after the 2016 election that will change. Let's hope so. I've copied all of these threads so that in the event that 'circumstances change'.

Of course.... its unlikely that the Left's reign of moral terror will ever change and they'll continue to own the Federal Government and the Media. BUT... perhaps when the Left itself or one of their Muslim Cousins get around to bombing a school... things will swing back toward reality and we will have a chance to clean things up around the fringe.
That's right....let's give up some freedom....right now!
So you think it was a "scam" designed to out closeted bigots?

Looks like it worked on you guys.

They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.

Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

Yep. Kids also used to have their hunting rifles in the truck at school and you could carry a box cutter on a plane. And shit like 9-11 and Columbine happened. And some Muslims bombed a marathon with a meat cooker.

Times have changed. If you do something that is seen as suspicious by some....you're probably being investigated.

--- All of which is fine.

The problem comes when you've done your cursory investigation, have easily established that there is no threat -------------- and then you go on pretending there is. What in the fuck is up with that?

Now if they asked him "what's in the case" and he replied "a bomb", THEN you have a case.
But .......... he didn't.


So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?
You DO know that the kid had several run ins with administration for disruption, right? You DO know that it's the enabling parents who made a big thing out of the "gun" pop tart, right? Again....you guys are easy.
You liberals are a laugh riot.
This is so a set up

It very well may be. And if it was you and your ilk not only were the target, not only did you completely fall for it hook, line and sphincter, but .... you're still getting played by it now, voluntarily, even after figuring out you got played.

Talk about imbecilitude... this is like RW's Obamgas satire thread, where y'all get told straight out what the joke is ....... and then still continue to fall for it. :rofl:


Liberals bamboozled by a 14 year old Jr. Jihadist and his agitator father.
What a bunch of ignoranuses.

Go fuck yourself, you disgusting piece of shit. Seriously.

Does attacking 14 year olds make you feel like a man?

Since when has age been a factor when it comes to Jihadist or kids shooting up a school?

Link to Achmed's connection to "Jihad" is where?
Link to him "shooting up" anything, even a gun range target, is where?

Exactly. Because USMB does not allow a link to your own sphincter.

We know your mouth meets your sphincter every time you post.
And your brain obviously hooks to CNN when it comes to ME topics.

Actually I don't have a TV.
Know what I use instead?
A brain.

Yeah....the ones calling them out on their fake outrage are the ones who lose.
What a first class dumbfuck you are.
They would have done the same with any kid who brought a fake project clock to school that resembled a bomb.
And the fact that you're giving the kid a pass because he's a muslim is disturbing to say the least.

Giving him a "pass"? What does he need a "pass" for? He didn't do anything wrong.

I would give that same "pass" to any kid that brought that clock to school and got into trouble for it - it's just a fucking kid and their hobby project. I used to do that same shit when I was a kid - taking apart old electronics, re-wiring them, putting things together. That's something that we should encourage kids to do, not wish death on them for it.

Yep. Kids also used to have their hunting rifles in the truck at school and you could carry a box cutter on a plane. And shit like 9-11 and Columbine happened. And some Muslims bombed a marathon with a meat cooker.

Times have changed. If you do something that is seen as suspicious by some....you're probably being investigated.

--- All of which is fine.

The problem comes when you've done your cursory investigation, have easily established that there is no threat -------------- and then you go on pretending there is. What in the fuck is up with that?

Now if they asked him "what's in the case" and he replied "a bomb", THEN you have a case.
But .......... he didn't.


So just how far did they go in the investigation to determine the poptart was harmless?

That kid wasn't suspended because the poptart was harmful, he was suspended because he was running around the classroom being disruptive, as he had on many previous occasions. He would have gotten the same punishment if he'd chewed the poptart into the shape of a bunny rabbit.
Or....gasp!....a clock!

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