CNBC and MSNBC are liars

How do you know Trump never said that?
You or the liars at NBC have to prove he did

and you cant find any evidence to back it up
He said the virus is "their new hoax." That makes you the liar.

It doesn't sound like a hoax.

Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus
Oregon, Washington state report suspected cases of unknown origin: The latest on coronavirus

What an idiot.

He said that the virus was the DEMOCRATS new hoax, not that the virus was.

Learn to comprehend what you read.

So, you have NOT found any evidence that Trump called the virus a hoax, have you?

Liars, every one of you.

What an idiot.

He said that the virus was the DEMOCRATS new hoax, not that the virus was.

Learn to comprehend what you read.

That is incomprehensible.

It's criticism. Nothing else.
Trump's response was grossly irresponsible for a president under such a circumstance.

That is just not an accurate statement. Trump was dealing with and making effective decisions while the left was blind to everything but their soft coup.
Hey it’s the lying dunk again. Hey asshole, its YOU and YOUR SIdE lying here. Official charts have been posted in multiple other threads showing the number at 15 when the speech was done. Try learning to read, and the difference between domestic and repatriated cases. Trump has spent more on the CDC than your god Obozo ever did. Another leftist lie debunked. YOU are a fucking drunk liar. That was easy.

lol... you have no proof i drink, but sure need to lie& keep lying to make yerself feel good. you seem to not have much else going for you.

it doesn't matter whether there are 15 or 22 'new' cases.... he's seems to be discounting the others & not making it clear there are more than that who are still ill. fudging the numbers doesn't make him look good.

you're just a fucking snowflake - god forbid yer dear leader gets called out on his lies. you just can't handle it.

One need just read your idiocy to know you’re on something. Now it doesn’t matter how many cases there are because you got owned again. But the way moron, the posted article stating 15 was from CNN. You are the fucking snowflake who screams and cries when called out on her bullshit. God forbid people call you what you are. A drunk, hateful moron who wants people to die so it hurts Trump at the polls. You’re pathetic.

:blahblah: there was no article - i heard the dotard say it more than once in very recent days...

poor you, having nothing in yer life worth a damn that you must carry around yer own trowel to spread it on really thick.


US coronavirus cases: What we know so far - CNN

Poor drunk lying asshole. So easy to prove you wrong. Seems that article itself says 15 confirmed cases. 1-5. Learn to read drunky. You are bitch slapped by truth again. :21::fu::asshole:

Dumbfuck, that article more than 2 weeks old when there really were only 15 cases in the U.S.. Why not just cherry pick an even older article which states there are zero cases confirmed in the U.S.?

If you stop eating lead-based paint chips, can the damage to your diseased brain be reversed?

Hey fuckwad, learn to read. Keep showing how stupid you are. The drunk clearly stated there was NO article. She was proved a liar and the here you come showing your illiteracy little yellow coward eunuch. You are bitch slapped again dumbestfuck.

From your link:

"Trump’s comment Friday night, characterizing Democratic criticism of the administration’s response to the virus as a “hoax,” lent weight to the perception"

So.....Because Trump called the Democrats out for their false representation of the administration's response to the virus suddenly, the media's 'perception' of what Trump actually said is now real 'news?' Then the little TDS lemmings post (right here in this thread) a heavily edited video of Trump's speech that completely cuts off what Trump was saying before he says the word 'hoax' and you guys swallow it like mother's milk. Frankly it's more like the Democrats and their sycophant MSM are hoaxing YOU.
Hey it’s the lying dunk again. Hey asshole, its YOU and YOUR SIdE lying here. Official charts have been posted in multiple other threads showing the number at 15 when the speech was done. Try learning to read, and the difference between domestic and repatriated cases. Trump has spent more on the CDC than your god Obozo ever did. Another leftist lie debunked. YOU are a fucking drunk liar. That was easy.

lol... you have no proof i drink, but sure need to lie& keep lying to make yerself feel good. you seem to not have much else going for you.

it doesn't matter whether there are 15 or 22 'new' cases.... he's seems to be discounting the others & not making it clear there are more than that who are still ill. fudging the numbers doesn't make him look good.

you're just a fucking snowflake - god forbid yer dear leader gets called out on his lies. you just can't handle it.

One need just read your idiocy to know you’re on something. Now it doesn’t matter how many cases there are because you got owned again. But the way moron, the posted article stating 15 was from CNN. You are the fucking snowflake who screams and cries when called out on her bullshit. God forbid people call you what you are. A drunk, hateful moron who wants people to die so it hurts Trump at the polls. You’re pathetic.

:blahblah: there was no article - i heard the dotard say it more than once in very recent days...

poor you, having nothing in yer life worth a damn that you must carry around yer own trowel to spread it on really thick.


US coronavirus cases: What we know so far - CNN

Poor drunk lying asshole. So easy to prove you wrong. Seems that article itself says 15 confirmed cases. 1-5. Learn to read drunky. You are bitch slapped by truth again. :21::fu::asshole:

except for the FACT that article YOU POSTED was weeks ago. note the date: FEB 13.

& the most recent numbers are higher but it was just a couple DAYS ago he was still reporting it as 15, you dumbfuck. your dotard president was going on OLD info.

While Trump tried to reassure America about the coronavirus, another case was reported

The novel coronavirus may now be spreading in California. No one at the White House press conference seemed to know about it.

By Kelsey Piper Feb 26, 2020, 8:00pm EST
Trump talked about how there’d been only 15 cases in the US so far, adding, “The threat to America is low.”

While Trump tried to reassure America about the coronavirus, another case was reported

looks like you contracted e coli from that trowel. you don't wash yer hands? EWWWWW.

Hey drunk asshole, you just did a complete 180 from your own claim moron. You clearly stated there was NO article. You were proven to be a liar, now you’re claiming something totally different. Look like I just shoved your face in your own shit pile, eat up drunky. Stupid bitch.
Trump and Pence will forever be remembered as The Science Ticket :rolleyes:
Only in lib la la land

Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him
There is no hell.
Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him
There is no hell.

Oh man, don't rain on Mackey's little parade. But if there IS a hell ... Billy Joel may have said it best.

“I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun.”

I mean seriously, would you want to be floating around on a cloud and playing harps with Mac and his hero Mike Pence?

I'd have to pass. :scared1:
lol... you have no proof i drink, but sure need to lie& keep lying to make yerself feel good. you seem to not have much else going for you.

it doesn't matter whether there are 15 or 22 'new' cases.... he's seems to be discounting the others & not making it clear there are more than that who are still ill. fudging the numbers doesn't make him look good.

you're just a fucking snowflake - god forbid yer dear leader gets called out on his lies. you just can't handle it.

One need just read your idiocy to know you’re on something. Now it doesn’t matter how many cases there are because you got owned again. But the way moron, the posted article stating 15 was from CNN. You are the fucking snowflake who screams and cries when called out on her bullshit. God forbid people call you what you are. A drunk, hateful moron who wants people to die so it hurts Trump at the polls. You’re pathetic.

:blahblah: there was no article - i heard the dotard say it more than once in very recent days...

poor you, having nothing in yer life worth a damn that you must carry around yer own trowel to spread it on really thick.


US coronavirus cases: What we know so far - CNN

Poor drunk lying asshole. So easy to prove you wrong. Seems that article itself says 15 confirmed cases. 1-5. Learn to read drunky. You are bitch slapped by truth again. :21::fu::asshole:

Dumbfuck, that article more than 2 weeks old when there really were only 15 cases in the U.S.. Why not just cherry pick an even older article which states there are zero cases confirmed in the U.S.?

If you stop eating lead-based paint chips, can the damage to your diseased brain be reversed?

Hey fuckwad, learn to read. Keep showing how stupid you are. The drunk clearly stated there was NO article. She was proved a liar and the here you come showing your illiteracy little yellow coward eunuch. You are bitch slapped again dumbestfuck.

You're such a dumbfuck twink. Imbecile, you posted an article that was more than 2 weeks old when there really were only 15 cases -- so you could say, see? There are only 15 cases.

Obama said the republucans were acting irresponsibly with Ebola.
That's basically what trump said about the democrats and corona.
Grow up, you dumb fucks.

No, that's not what trump said. He said

CNN AND MSNBC take things out of context, and So did you. Trump didn't say that, he said that Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response. That's it, in a nutshell. Einstein. Some people's kids. Edited because THIS is MY freeking opinion, NOT REALLY TRUMP'S EXACT WORDS VERBATIM.
Last edited:
Trump didn't say that, he said that "Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response".
Trump didn't say corona virus was a hoax kiddo. I paraphrased. Splitting hairs AGAIN, some people's kids.
Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?
Lets not play these little games, shan't we? You KNOW damned good and well what Trump (and I) was getting at.
Trump didn't say that, he said that "Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response".
Trump didn't say corona virus was a hoax kiddo. I paraphrased. Splitting hairs AGAIN, some people's kids.
Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?
Lets not play these little games, shan't we? You KNOW damned good and well what Trump (and I) was getting at.
I know what Impeached Trump was getting at.

Now answer the question...

Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?

Putting something in quotes is meant to represent the exact words spoken verbatim.
Trump didn't say that, he said that "Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response".
Trump didn't say corona virus was a hoax kiddo. I paraphrased. Splitting hairs AGAIN, some people's kids.
Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?
Lets not play these little games, shan't we? You KNOW damned good and well what Trump (and I) was getting at.
We know what trump was saying and so do the libs but they enjoy trolling us
Trump and Pence will forever be remembered as The Science Ticket :rolleyes:
Only in lib la la land

Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.
Go suck trumps cock. Everybody knows what that asshole meant by his remark. Why is it you Trumptards will never own or admit to trump's stupidity? Just admit he's a degenerate & live with it. Grow up.

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