CNBC and MSNBC are liars

Trump didn't say that, he said that "Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response".
Trump didn't say corona virus was a hoax kiddo. I paraphrased. Splitting hairs AGAIN, some people's kids.
Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?
Lets not play these little games, shan't we? You KNOW damned good and well what Trump (and I) was getting at.
I know what Impeached Trump was getting at.

Now answer the question...

Why the fuck would you put a paraphrase in quotes?

Putting something in quotes is meant to represent the exact words spoken verbatim.
I altered my previous post "CNN AND MSNBC take things out of context, and So did you. Trump didn't say that, he said that Democrats are spreading a hoax about his (Trumps) lack of response. That's it, in a nutshell. Einstein. Some people's kids. Edited because THIS is MY freeking opinion, NOT REALLY TRUMP'S EXACT WORDS VERBATIM." Happy?
The kill rate is no higher than the common flu
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
Why are you claiming that the Coronavirus is a hoax?
You got me, I am a Russian bot here to brainwash people for Trump. Please. Oh, when did you stop beating your wife?
We should do a poll. Whoever agrees Trump's virus is a hoax, raise your hand.
You got me, I am a Russian bot here to brainwash people for Trump. Please.

Maybe...but more likely a garden variety Trumper troll

And yea he did say it was a his rally in South Carolina
Only in lib la la land

Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.
The kill rate is no higher than the common flu
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
I was just watching a clip of Friedo Cuoumo on CNN complain that we are not doing enough testing and he speculated there could be 10,000 people in America with the commie virus that are unreported

if so that makes the fatality rate very low
Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.

We know trump did not say the commie virus is a hoax

but this is getting us nowhere

You keep claiming nonsense and we keep correcting you

over and over
If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.[/QUOTE]
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has[/QUOTE]

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.[/QUOTE]
Malcom X
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.

We know trump did not say the commie virus is a hoax

but this is getting us nowhere

You keep claiming nonsense and we keep correcting you

over and over
Corona virus was in all likelihood a accidental release by a badly run Chinese biological research facility, and TRUMP had nothing to do with it. Trump isn't saying its a hoax, it the liberal media that says Trump call its hoax is a hoax...please lets actually move on and fix this?
Last edited:
Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.
Malcom X
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.

We know trump did not say the commie virus is a hoax

but this is getting us nowhere

You keep claiming nonsense and we keep correcting you

over and over
Coroa virus was in all likelihood a accidental release by a badly run Chinese biological research facility, and TRUMP had nothing to do with it.

We LOVE conspiracy theories. Got any more? :D
Pence will have the last laugh - on Judgement Day

Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.

If there is a hell, both Donnie and his fellow faux Christian sidekick have the hottest spot reserved.
He is equating their narrative, which has been utter bullshit aimed at scoring political points and outright dangerous, to their bullshit on Roooshins! As their latest attempt to undermine him. He is calling these actions and criticisms a hoax.

And he's right.

You disengenuous pricks and the loons at MSNBC implying he is calling the virus a hoax after all the steps taken which prove he is taking this seriously should be pointing fingers at the lying scumbag dems that have been dealing the outright lies and misinformation that is indeed perpetrating the latest hoax on people for their own despicable reasons.

The dems have gone too far on this one. Way, way, way too far. The rest of the stuff they've done pissed me off, but I wasnt surprised by any of it really. This crap actually does surprise me. Why I dont know, but they've made me sick on this one. Fucking pricks.

Grow up morons. This is not the time for this shit.
Go suck trumps cock. Everybody knows what that asshole meant by his remark. Why is it you Trumptards will never own or admit to trump's stupidity? Just admit he's a degenerate & live with it. Grow up.

Go fuck yourself moron.

Anyone with an IQ beyond that of a toddler knows a few things.

1. He didn't immediately impose travel restrictions, or undertake any of the other actions over a hoax. Duh-duh-derp.

2. Fuckheads just like you are so slobberingly eager to paint anything he says or does in such a way as to gain a political advantage that the truth is irrelevant even when it is right in front of your idiotic noses. Even if your spin has the potential to mislead people during a crisis that he declared a national health emergency over a month ago you partisan shitstains don't care as long as you can say your daily quota of #orangemanbads.

Now I know I said "a few things", but two is enough, given that you've exhibited no ability to incorporate multiple things into a logical conclusion, so I don't want to confuse you.

You are wrong. Period. Now go back to fucking youself....
Last edited:
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.
Malcom X

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.

We know trump did not say the commie virus is a hoax

but this is getting us nowhere

You keep claiming nonsense and we keep correcting you

over and over
Coroa virus was in all likelihood a accidental release by a badly run Chinese biological research facility, and TRUMP had nothing to do with it.

We LOVE conspiracy theories. Got any more? :D

I never had one to begin with wise guy. YOU?
Trump says coronavirus will die off in warmer weather. Is he right?
Experts say it’s a comforting thought, but there’s no evidence that will happen.
By Anthony DiFlorio / Video by Greg Hudson
Trump says coronavirus will die off in warmer weather. Is he right?
He said its a possibility just like the common flu

except he shouldn't have suggested that at all.
Sez Mr Gloom and Doom We’re All Gonna Die

please post where i said 'we're all gonna die'. you can't; in fact just a few posts ago i said i know of no one who is panicking. so you failed there, jr.

oh & i'm a ms.

you failed again.... jr.
Your hysteria represents that level of fear - and hope that it will hurt trump politically

there's no hysteria on my part, jr.

fail #3.
You got me, I am a Russian bot here to brainwash people for Trump. Please.

Maybe...but more likely a garden variety Trumper troll

And yea he did say it was a his rally in South Carolina
No he didn't, we agree to disagree, I am a really a fed up ex Democrat liberal And you will be, one day too.
Yes Mary, he did call the virus a hoax. And I doubt if you were ever really ever a liberal or a democrat.
Is that when Pence will be laughing in hell? :)
I hope Pence is a true Christian

and I have no reason to think he isnt

if you mock God and Christians you are liable to find yourself in Hell someday not him

If Pence was true, he does not become trumps VP.
Why not?

God can work through sinners and often has

Generally the sinner doesn't continue the sin when that happens. Pence hasn't done that and his overall record of works is not Christian. Professing to be a Christian loud and in public does not count with God and that's all Pence does. Faith without works is dead. Pence is without works.

If there is a hell, both Donnie and his fellow faux Christian sidekick have the hottest spot reserved.

They both have some serious repenting to do and trump doesn't believe he needs to repent.

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