CNBC and MSNBC are liars

This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

That's not what trump said. We all heard what trump said. He said this was their new hoax and the only one politicizing this is trump. You guys think trump getting away with crimes is something to brag about instead of the fact that it makes your party look like a bunch of criminals and thugs. Trump has not remained calm, his rally is evidence of this. He tells you idiots that it's the democrats and you don't even question the fact that he shut down and cut funding for agencies and programs that were designed to combat situations like the one we now face.

We know trump did not say the commie virus is a hoax

but this is getting us nowhere

You keep claiming nonsense and we keep correcting you

over and over

Except he did. And you aren't correcting anyone.

I must say you are persistent

but still wrong
i said that there was no article from which i HEARD trump say 15 people were infected. i said i HEARD.

not read.


the fact that you can't read & comprehend my words is on you.

you eternal dumbfuck.
I like you too, Trump didn't call Corona virus hoax, it was liberal media response to his do realize I love you despise your political handicap. XXOOO.

too bad you defending trump means you are full of it - but i do appreciate the effort however ridiculous it is.
Dude, its not trump that needs defending .

oh ya he does. otherwise y'all wouldn't be here doing just that.

you think i'm a dude? lol....
Unlax, its a term of endearment. Kiddo. Better? Trump didn't cause/ create corona virus , the Chinese did. Perhaps we need to focus on how to better deal with it?

sure m'k uh-huh alrighty then.

as for dealing with it better - start by not spreading bullshit conspiratorial crap & donny can help by keeping his orange anus shaped pie hole shut - case all he seems to be doing is lying.
CNN sayz that smiley faced kid in the MAGA was a vile hater Trump supporter confronting an purely innocent Indian man after going to a anti woman's rights rally...CNN. That isn't what really happened at all, CNN and the liberal media miss- characterizes and creates artificial narratives. McNeil-Leher or the Huntley/ Brinkley report, they NEVER did this ever. EVER.

CNN sayz that smiley faced kid in the MAGA was a vile hater Trump supporter confronting an purely innocent Indian man after going to a anti woman's rights rally...CNN. That isn't what really happened at all, CNN and the liberal media miss- characterizes and creates artificial narratives. McNeil-Leher or the Huntley/ Brinkley report, they NEVER did this ever. EVER.


You lost me, Democrats unilaterally create sanctuary cities that do major harm to American workers, without our lost me...Orange man bad, Accept he's way better than anything democrats deal out.
Lets go to San Francisco. People that used to have jobs and homes in yesteryear are now camping downtown. Because of this Liberal Globalist , THEY are minimized and are NOW ITS ACCEPTABLE to live in and shit on our streets, that's the "new" normal", THAT is what liberal progressives bring us. Hence Trump, kids. XXOO.
He said its a possibility just like the common flu

except he shouldn't have suggested that at all.
Well, except the virus has the same symptoms as the flu, and the virus itself looks like a flu virus.


Flu virus


And now a second death! America's aging Boomer population makes us at greater risk!
Kinda acts in the same manner as the flu, huh? I hope your in good health, Ed.
Spreads like the flu, but the kill rate is MUCH higher!
I'm a Boomer with cancer so I'm one of the vulnerable Tramp doesn't care about!
You're stuck on the percentage, huh? Look at the total number of deaths from the flu...not the percentage. Incredible difference
What exactly do you want Trump to do? Stay up nights in his lab until he finds a cure for it?
Close the borders from certain countries...oh wait, he did that.
Ed, I really do believe that this is all political with you, because this is an election year, and your stable of caniddates
aren't looking to well.
The reason I say this is because you said nothing when Obama dragged his feet with the H1N1 virus.
You chumps are really transparent and are too ignorant to recognize that.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America
Trump never said that
Trump never said that

Trump said the democrats are treating the virus as a hoax by irresponsibly spreading fear and panic

Dems are going to look foolish - again - in a few months when the epidemic is over

The dems are doing no such thing, dope.
Trump is the only one who spoke of the pandemic as a"hoax". There's no getting around that.

You keep going back to Trump calling the virus a hoax, he was calling what the democrats were doing a hoax.
I know, I know, it doesn't have the political impact in the media when you have to use the pesky facts.
He said its a possibility just like the common flu

except he shouldn't have suggested that at all.
Well, except the virus has the same symptoms as the flu, and the virus itself looks like a flu virus.


Flu virus


And now a second death! America's aging Boomer population makes us at greater risk!
Kinda acts in the same manner as the flu, huh? I hope your in good health, Ed.
Spreads like the flu, but the kill rate is MUCH higher!
I'm a Boomer with cancer so I'm one of the vulnerable Tramp doesn't care about!
Sorry for your affliction, Ed, but, you should be focusing your anger towards China and how they handled it.
You can point your anger at the media for not reporting it when it first came to light...why? Because,
they were too busy spending their time with the Trump impeachment.
While Trump was being impeached is when he stopped flights from countries with the known virus to cross our borders.
Too bad the media can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
You keep going back to Trump calling the virus a hoax, he was calling what the democrats were doing a hoax.
Tramp didn't change his story until he was called out for calling the coronavirus a hoax. Up until then he was calling it nothing more than the flu which would end when the warm weather came.
Even you know that!
You can point your anger at the media for not reporting it when it first came to light...why?
The media first reported it in Dec 2019 and guess what the first cases were found in Dec 2019.
Typical Trumpist, always blaming the media for Tramp's inaction. Tramp didn't ban flights to and from China until Jan 31, 2010, why did he wait so long to take action?????
The kill rate is no higher than the common flu
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
Why are you claiming that the Coronavirus is a hoax?
I'm NOT Tramp, you LIAR!
The kill rate is no higher than the common flu
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
I was just watching a clip of Friedo Cuoumo on CNN complain that we are not doing enough testing and he speculated there could be 10,000 people in America with the commie virus that are unreported

if so that makes the fatality rate very low
And IF pigs had wings they could fly.
Corona virus was in all likelihood a accidental release by a badly run Chinese biological research facility
More Tramp BULLSHIT!

In December 2019, a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause was linked to a seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China. A previously unknown betacoronavirus was discovered through the use of unbiased sequencing in samples from patients with pneumonia.
Corona virus was in all likelihood a accidental release by a badly run Chinese biological research facility
More Tramp BULLSHIT!

In December 2019, a cluster of patients with pneumonia of unknown cause was linked to a seafood wholesale market in Wuhan, China. A previously unknown betacoronavirus was discovered through the use of unbiased sequencing in samples from patients with pneumonia.
Le'ts see here, how many people died from the flu last year? I am not scared.
He didn't immediately impose travel restrictions, or undertake any of the other actions
That's right, Tramp didn't impose travel restrictions immediately, he waited more than a month because he believed it to be a hoax. Coronavirus was first reported in Dec 2019 and Tramp did not restrict travel from china until Jan 31, 2020
The kill rate is no higher than the common flu
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
Why are you claiming that the Coronavirus is a hoax?
I'm NOT Tramp, you LIAR!
Why are you claiming to be Tramp?
What exactly do you want Trump to do? Stay up nights in his lab until he finds a cure for it?
Well he did claim GENETICALLY he is a scientific genius, so let him prove it and save the world, you know he's going to take credit for whoever finds a cure!
TrumpVirus USA kill rate now at 14%, 6 dead out of 43 USA infections, just announced by Veep Pants at today's PC.
The more people die from the virus, the more lefties celebrate.
TrampVirus has now tripled the USA deaths from the Ebola virus.
Why are you claiming that the Coronavirus is a hoax?
I'm NOT Tramp, you LIAR!
Why are you claiming to be Tramp?
thank you for admitting you are a liar!

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