CNBC and MSNBC are liars

You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
l pointed out that the death rate in s korea is only .6%

not the 3.4% that anti trumpsters are basing their 11 million estimate on

and yes, the left would gladly accept 11 m if that drives trump out of office
Utterly absurd, which is pretty much all you post.
That the death rate in south korea is 5 times lower than your 3.4% number is utterly absurd to you?

I think you are just disappointed
I posted no such number. You're hallucinating again, con.
That is the number libs are using

if not you what number do you prefer?
This is where you apologize for wrongly ascribing something to me I never said and move on. I'm not giving numbers because it's way too early to know.
This morning I watched brian williams and michael moore on MSNBC tell America that trump called the coronavirus a hoax

Michael Moore: Trump calling coronavirus a 'hoax' is 'dangerous'

and so does the CNBC headline on the internet

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a 'hoax,' South Korea has record jump in cases

Coronavirus live updates: Trump calls outbreak a ‘hoax,’ South Korea has record jump in cases

but they are lying to liberals in America

Trump never said that

So let me get this straight.... Michael Mooron, who has lied in every single "Documentary" that he has ever made... is complaining that someone else said something untrue?

Really.... a known documented serial liar.... is who MSNBC is interviewing on the topic of other people lying.......?

Proving once again, the major networks are all fake news.
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
liars? these scum? lol shit....

you can say that again!

You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for
The only people hoping for mass deaths are YOU Nazi scum!!!!!
Why would I want mass deaths?

that makes no sense

trump haters are only ones with a reason to want an epidemic that kills lots of American between now and the election
We do not have 4.5% death rate
There are 22 known cases of coronavirus infection in the USA with 1 dead, I would say do the math yourself, but the Right can only do "fuzzy" math.
It comes to 4.545454545% in real math.
CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US - CNN

CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US
Thank you for proving Tramp is a LIAR when he said 22 at his PC today!!!!

Dotard was confirmed as a Big Fat LIAR somewhere around 12 years ago when he started in his Birfer Shit.
Confirmed by bigger liars no doubt.
Actually I'm not sure the Fake News Liars even have that.

Trump campaign sues Lying Slandering Fake News CNN for libel over piece alleging Russian help is ‘on the table’ in 2020

“The Defamatory Article does not even cite to any facts or reasoning in support of this claim.”

Lying CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published the lies but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process… the campaign filed this lawsuit against Fake News CNN and the preceding suits against The Lying New York Times and The Lying Washington Post to hold the publishers accountable for their reckless false reporting and also to establish the truth.

Trump’s legal team sent Lying CNN a request to retract and apologize last month but CNN lying executives refused. The Trump campaign now seeks millions of dollars in damages.

Lying Larry Noble’s CNN story, headlined “Soliciting dirt on your opponents from a foreign government is a crime. Mueller should have charged Trump campaign officials with it,”

The piece states that Trump’s campaign “assessed the potential risks and benefits of again seeking Russia’s help in 2020 and has decided to leave that option on the table” as a fact and was still on CNN’s website as of Friday afternoon. The Defamatory Article does not cite to any facts or reasoning in support of this claim. The Defamatory Article is false. The lawsuit also argues that the author should have known this claim was false because the campaign had “repeatedly and openly disclaimed any intention to seek Russian involvement in the 2020 election.”
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for
The only people hoping for mass deaths are YOU Nazi scum!!!!!
Why would I want mass deaths?

that makes no sense

trump haters are only ones with a reason to want an epidemic that kills lots of American between now and the election
You want mass deaths because you are a Trumpist and see an opportunity to blame for wanting what YOU want!
There are 22 known cases of coronavirus infection in the USA with 1 dead, I would say do the math yourself, but the Right can only do "fuzzy" math.
It comes to 4.545454545% in real math.
CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US - CNN

CDC has confirmed 35 cases of novel coronavirus in the US
Thank you for proving Tramp is a LIAR when he said 22 at his PC today!!!!

Dotard was confirmed as a Big Fat LIAR somewhere around 12 years ago when he started in his Birfer Shit.
Confirmed by bigger liars no doubt.
Actually I'm not sure the Fake News Liars even have that.

Trump campaign sues Lying Slandering Fake News CNN for libel over piece alleging Russian help is ‘on the table’ in 2020

“The Defamatory Article does not even cite to any facts or reasoning in support of this claim.”

Lying CNN was aware of the falsity at the time it published the lies but did so for the intentional purpose of hurting the campaign while misleading its own readers in the process… the campaign filed this lawsuit against Fake News CNN and the preceding suits against The Lying New York Times and The Lying Washington Post to hold the publishers accountable for their reckless false reporting and also to establish the truth.

Trump’s legal team sent Lying CNN a request to retract and apologize last month but CNN lying executives refused. The Trump campaign now seeks millions of dollars in damages.

Lying Larry Noble’s CNN story, headlined “Soliciting dirt on your opponents from a foreign government is a crime. Mueller should have charged Trump campaign officials with it,”

The piece states that Trump’s campaign “assessed the potential risks and benefits of again seeking Russia’s help in 2020 and has decided to leave that option on the table” as a fact and was still on CNN’s website as of Friday afternoon. The Defamatory Article does not cite to any facts or reasoning in support of this claim. The Defamatory Article is false. The lawsuit also argues that the author should have known this claim was false because the campaign had “repeatedly and openly disclaimed any intention to seek Russian involvement in the 2020 election.”
When pathological lying scum POS Tramp accuses someone of lying that in itself proves that they are NOT!
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
We dont want to introduce more virus carriers into the US until they have been tested and cleared

thats common sense
Last edited:
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
The total infected does not really matter in the end

all we will care about is how many die
You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.

according to ABC news:

As of Friday night, 19 passengers on the ship are confirmed to have coronavirus and 46 people have been tested, Vice President Mike Pence said at a press conference Friday.

The first two East Coast coronavirus-related deaths were reported in Florida Friday. The U.S. coronavirus death toll now stands at 17, with at least 325 cases confirmed in 26 states.
1st coronavirus case confirmed in Utah, NBA tells teams to prepare for empty arenas

CNN reported this morning that 21 passengers tested positive.
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.
Does that mean you think we are testing everyone who might have the virus?

I dont think libs will get the mass deaths they are hoping for

but if you’re willing to settle for an economic recession it may all work out for you after all
No it means Tramp is delaying testing to keep the numbers down so he can heroically claim he single handedly contained and defeated the virus/flu by closing the borders.
Thats illogical

unless your think trump is hiding dead bodies in cold storage till after the election there is nothing to be gained by not testing more people

besides trump doesnt do the testing

it takes place in the field all over America far from the white house

if you think there are more infected people then the death rate is lower than 9%

and only .6% in south korea where they are testing more people
Tramp has said he doesn't want the people on the ocean liner to come on land to keep the total USA case numbers down so we can logically assume he is doing everything he can behind our backs to keep the real total infected from us!!!
We dont want to introduce more virus carriers into the US until they have been tested and cleared

thats common sense

they have been tested & confirmed to be positive. he's lying about the numbers infected, he's lying about the numbers of deaths & he's only concerned about his PR.

You hope 11 million will die before election day and sweep trump out of office

but the death rate in south korea is .6%
YOUR hopes are NOT our hopes!!!!
And we are NOT S Korea!
According to Tramp we have 149 confirmed USA cases and 14 dead for a 9+% USA death rate.

according to ABC news:

As of Friday night, 19 passengers on the ship are confirmed to have coronavirus and 46 people have been tested, Vice President Mike Pence said at a press conference Friday.

The first two East Coast coronavirus-related deaths were reported in Florida Friday. The U.S. coronavirus death toll now stands at 17, with at least 325 cases confirmed in 26 states.
1st coronavirus case confirmed in Utah, NBA tells teams to prepare for empty arenas

CNN reported this morning that 21 passengers tested positive.
Except those two Florida residents weren't in Florida. They were in Washington state. They counted them as Florida death because they are residents of Florida. Question is did they count them as Washington state deaths as well.

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