CNN admits they are in hilary's pocket.

You don't know what freedom of the press means.

Freedom of the press protects the right to be as objective OR as biased as a media outlet chooses.
Jackasses like you fail to understand the Press was given a right that no other institution enjoys in the Bill of Rights. The Press is using that right to propagandize for the Democrat Party because they want the liberal agenda implemented. That's not why the Founders gave them that right. The people are not being served properly. #repealFOTP
Your butthurt is getting tedious. Go crybaby at someone else. Freedom of the press PROTECTS the right to be biased for one side or another,

in fact, that is probably its most important function.
You're a fool. This is propaganda. They suppress all bad news about Clinton and spend days attacking Trumpor any republican. If Rubio was the nominee, nothing would be different. #repealFOTP
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

most normal people think donald is nuts. and if you actually listened, chris cuomo said "the media" was helping her.

you realize that was before the campaign started right? they were talking about her shutting out other democrats.

they clearly held her feet to the fire and until donald showed himself to be insane, they were up her butt with a microscope and giving him all the free media his little heart desired.

you're not really trying to say the media is causing donald's problems, are you?

DONALD is causing donald's problems.

Yes, I listened to his entire spiel. And he says quite clearly that the MSM and CNN in particular (in this case) were her biggest supporters. That is not arguable. That is a fact.
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Well, I'm just thankful that Fox News is "fair and balanced"...
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Well, I'm just thankful that Fox News is "fair and balanced"...

I'm still waiting for you to post up an exchange between ANY MSM outlet hammering shrilary like Megan Kelley hammered the trumpster. Till you produce one you're just as full of shit as CNN clearly is. So c'mon dearie. Put up, or shut up.
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Well, I'm just thankful that Fox News is "fair and balanced"...

I'm still waiting for you to post up an exchange between ANY MSM outlet hammering shrilary like Megan Kelley hammered the trumpster. Till you produce one you're just as full of shit as CNN clearly is. So c'mon dearie. Put up, or shut up.

Oh, so now you're "rephrasing" it slightly. Well, based on your original request - I posted TWO yesterday even though you only asked for one (post #48). You never responded. So, where will you move the goalpost next?
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Well, I'm just thankful that Fox News is "fair and balanced"...

I'm still waiting for you to post up an exchange between ANY MSM outlet hammering shrilary like Megan Kelley hammered the trumpster. Till you produce one you're just as full of shit as CNN clearly is. So c'mon dearie. Put up, or shut up.

Oh, so now you're "rephrasing" it slightly. Well, based on your original request - I posted TWO yesterday even though you only asked for one. You never responded. So, where will you move the goalpost next?

Where's the link to them. I didn't see them.
The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..

That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Well, I'm just thankful that Fox News is "fair and balanced"...

I'm still waiting for you to post up an exchange between ANY MSM outlet hammering shrilary like Megan Kelley hammered the trumpster. Till you produce one you're just as full of shit as CNN clearly is. So c'mon dearie. Put up, or shut up.

Oh, so now you're "rephrasing" it slightly. Well, based on your original request - I posted TWO yesterday even though you only asked for one. You never responded. So, where will you move the goalpost next?

Where's the link to them. I didn't see them.

Post #48.
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.

Where did I "whine" I didn't report my post and demand that it be moved to Conspiracy Theories like you did. I merely stated that they were making a very plain statement that they were hilary's biggest supporters. THEY SAID THAT. Not me. Thus, the only "whiner" is you, the douchebag who try's and censor information that you don't like.

So, you can piss off.
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.

Where did I "whine" I didn't report my post and demand that it be moved to Conspiracy Theories like you did. I merely stated that they were making a very plain statement that they were hilary's biggest supporters. THEY SAID THAT. Not me. Thus, the only "whiner" is you, the douchebag who try's and censor information that you don't like.

So, you can piss off.

It's cute when you get angry at being reduced to a moron.
That is the most convoluted, back asswards interpretation of what was actually said that I have ever heard. Congratulations, you are now the most intellectually dishonest poster I have ever seen on this Board, and that's hard, progressives as a herd are either the stupidest, or most unethical group on the planet, so for you to rise to the top of the bottom of the shitpile is impressive.


Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

It's in Politics because it is a political subject, it is a major media source declaring their ever lasting support for a particular candidate. A MSM outlet that has claimed to the high heavens that they are non biased. We now know that that claim is bullshit.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.

Where did I "whine" I didn't report my post and demand that it be moved to Conspiracy Theories like you did. I merely stated that they were making a very plain statement that they were hilary's biggest supporters. THEY SAID THAT. Not me. Thus, the only "whiner" is you, the douchebag who try's and censor information that you don't like.

So, you can piss off.

It's cute when you get angry at being reduced to a moron.

Oh, I'm far from angry with you dearie. I am laughing at you! Twerps like you can't make me angry. Only my computer can do that when it breaks!

Theatrics will not make your bullshit any more valid.

Translation: Because you're a mod you feel entitled to spout any absurd bullshit and have it treated as if it were meaningful. You're dismissed.

How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.

Where did I "whine" I didn't report my post and demand that it be moved to Conspiracy Theories like you did. I merely stated that they were making a very plain statement that they were hilary's biggest supporters. THEY SAID THAT. Not me. Thus, the only "whiner" is you, the douchebag who try's and censor information that you don't like.

So, you can piss off.

It's cute when you get angry at being reduced to a moron.

Oh, I'm far from angry with you dearie. I am laughing at you! Twerps like you can't make me angry. Only my computer can do that when it breaks!

That's all right because I love the way you lie.
How is it not political? Riddle us that batman....

All you're whining about is a TV station allegedly being controlled by someone. That's conspiracy theory. Even if we took your blather seriously, it's a thread for the media section. Considering all of the pointedly political threads that I've posted, which you yourself have moved out of politics for not being politics-enough, this thread is clearly in the wrong section.

Where did I "whine" I didn't report my post and demand that it be moved to Conspiracy Theories like you did. I merely stated that they were making a very plain statement that they were hilary's biggest supporters. THEY SAID THAT. Not me. Thus, the only "whiner" is you, the douchebag who try's and censor information that you don't like.

So, you can piss off.

It's cute when you get angry at being reduced to a moron.

Oh, I'm far from angry with you dearie. I am laughing at you! Twerps like you can't make me angry. Only my computer can do that when it breaks!

That's all right because I love the way you lie.

The only person I have seen lie in this thread is you sweetheart. Now, if you have a comment about the OPO then by all means post it.. This BS trolling you are doing though, well, that pig don't hunt.

So, how is CNN admitting that they are supporting hilary to run, all while claiming to be unbiased, not political? I'm curious to see what silly reason you come up with.

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