CNN admits they are in hilary's pocket.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?

If they had their way, they'd use the 2nd to kill off the 1st.....

Not surprising that the libs here don't value freedom of speech and believe in biased media if it suits them... Not surprising at all, propaganda is their way of life.
Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything.
They are setting the stage so they have something to blame the loss on when it all comes down on their bigoted asses.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?
Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything.
They are setting the stage so they have something to blame the loss on when it all comes down on their bigoted asses.

Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic rightwinging teabaggers to admit anything."

"Don't hold your breath for the lunatic Leftwinging bedwetters to admit anything."

There I've corrected the mistakes you made in your above post, it's okay, you can thank me later :smoke:
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

The only admission I see here is westwall admitting he's a fucking idiot and can't understand a little fucking context because his head is filled with Trump's semen. His "we" was the media in general, and the "free ride" was in reference to the fact that the media has been all too happy to pick apart and highlight the flagrant stupidity of the Trump candidacy.
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?

If they had their way, they'd use the 2nd to kill off the 1st.....

If the progressives don't kill it off first.. What's funny is without the 2nd, there is no First. And here hilary's pet declares she wants to abolish the First. Must suck to be you...

Wasserman-Schultz Agrees: Repeal First Amendment; Supports Government-Financing Of Campaigns

Wasserman-Schultz Agrees: Repeal First Amendment; Supports Government-Financing Of Campaigns
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

The only admission I see here is westwall admitting he's a fucking idiot and can't understand a little fucking context because his head is filled with Trump's semen. His "we" was the media in general, and the "free ride" was in reference to the fact that the media has been all too happy to pick apart and highlight the flagrant stupidity of the Trump candidacy.

"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.
If the progressives don't kill it off first.. What's funny is without the 2nd, there is no First. And here hilary's pet declares she wants to abolish the First. Must suck to be you..

Convoluted and inane "logic".....
Have you ever wondered how and why the Founders numberef the Bill of Rights???
If the progressives don't kill it off first.. What's funny is without the 2nd, there is no First. And here hilary's pet declares she wants to abolish the First. Must suck to be you..

Convoluted and inane "logic".....
Have you ever wondered how and why the Founders numberef the Bill of Rights???

Hey I'm not the politician who is employing another politician who wants to abolish the First Amendment. That would be you and YOUR candidate. Schmuck.
Hey I'm not the politician who is employing another politician who wants to abolish the First Amendment. That would be you and YOUR candidate. Schmuck.

I'm not that cruel as to wrest away that little twig you're hanging on to in order not to drown....
Believe what you want and keep treading.
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

The wrongheaded idiocy of the thread premise is that if this were true – which it’s not – it would somehow ‘influence’ the election in Clinton’s favor.

This is just another ridiculous manifestation of the right’s inane myth of the ‘liberal media.’
Those media people are in their own little world.

It's a small world after all.
does my little world negatively impact everyone elses?

Could be! :lol:

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