CNN admits they are in hilary's pocket.

It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?

I agree. Gee, I wonder whose pocket Fox News is in?

Foxnews gets great ratings because rightwingers flock there FOR the bias.

Yep, NaziCons love it when it's all slanted their way. Hilarious.

What is funny is you would consider me a Nazi conservative but the reality is you have no clue what one look like... Do partisan whores love slanted news?

Yes, and if you deny this, well remember the term Partisan whore...
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?
Yes, they are free to be as bias, misleading, deceitful, one-sided, and dishonest as they want. It's a free country.

None of us are surprised. This isn't something we didn't already know. I am just personally shocked that they finally came right out and said it.

Personally, I don't care. I don't watch them specifically because of this...and their ratings are down near the bottom because of it. That's fine with me. More power to them. God bless America.
That is like OJ simpson admitting he was guilty after all of these years. It isn't a revelation because everyone already knew that.
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

With the Republican Chimpanzee as the nominee EVERYONE is in Hillary's pocket--LOL

You wanted Trump, now you OWN it.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

should only have to say that if you don't like cnn then switch it off, but that's not enough. it has to become an embarrassment for anyone to admit to working there. also, fox news and msnbc; all the 24-hour cable news, not just cnn. consider what can be done to at least attenuate their abuse of the 1st amendment. what kind of person wants to go on tv and tell a bunch of lies to the people, anyways? lies, half-truths, spin, misinformation, disinformation, deception, propaganda, etc. it's all wickedness. these are people who accuse others of being ''truthers'' or ''birthers'', and you can debate conspiracy theories all you want, but you should ask why the media would choose the word ''truth'' to use as a derogatory thing in a manner similar to how racists and sexists use the words ''******'' and ''faggot'', you see? these are not good people, they don't deserve your trust. maybe they have a right to the freedom of the press, that doesn't mean they have a right to be heard, and it doesn't mean they have a right to be believed.
Why does CNN keep hammering Hillary about the so-called FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation? I don't get it - since they are supposedly in Hillary's pocket. Can anyone please explain...?
Oh, yes, they're so HARD on her! It's all they can do to cram in a few soundbites in between the hours they devote to speculating if Trump was using dog whistle codes to get 2nd Amendment supporters to shoot ISIS-MVP Clinton.
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..
Your hitlery is pleased with your being a receptacle for democrats...:lol:
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..
Your hitlery is pleased with your being a receptacle for democrats...:lol:


Yeah, because I'm such a Hillary Clinton fan.
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..
Your hitlery is pleased with your being a receptacle for democrats...:lol:


Yeah, because I'm such a Hillary Clinton fan.
We know.....
"Context" What "context" is there to support "We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign" And you wonder why people call it the Clinton News Network.

The context that would be evident if you didn't have Trump's semen filling the space where a brain was supposed to go. It's painfully clear that they were talking about the fact that the media gives Trump nonstop coverage and it's always unflattering coverage because Trump himself is a fucking idiot. But you see what you want in an ink blot.

Why is this even in politics anyway? At best it should be in the media section, though rightfully it belongs in the the conspiracy garbage section..
Your hitlery is pleased with your being a receptacle for democrats...:lol:


Yeah, because I'm such a Hillary Clinton fan.
We know.....

You know, you come out of nowhere, you constantly wax poetic about Trump, you clearly hate Republicans, and in your first month you've posted enough spam that you've out posted everyone else around, and you always are staying insanely stupid shit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you USMB member Donald Trump!
Jealous I am smarter than you? Try an on-line degree.....:lol:
It's called freedom of the press. Why do conservatives want to deny the media freedom of the press?

"Freedom of the Press" a term that only a twisted person like you could fail to understand its true meaning. Here's a free education for you, dummy. When a media outlet only reports favorably for one side, while at the same time reporting unfavorably for the other side, that is called PROPAGANDA. Propaganda is an arm of government. Thus, if a media outlet is propagandizing for one side, they are in fact an arm of the government. Leave it to a brain dead person like you to not understand that simple fact.

Your butthurt is getting tedious. Go crybaby at someone else. Freedom of the press PROTECTS the right to be biased for one side or another,

in fact, that is probably its most important function.
Bullshit. The media is supposed to be a watchdog to government, especially those seeking the highest office. It used to be that media had a healthy skepticism for ALL politicians. When it's difficult to discern the news from opinion based talk shows, then they cease being the media.
Jealous I am smarter than you?

The day you can test above the 99.8 percentile on an IQ test (you know, actually do it and not just say you did it) you can ask me if I'm jealous of you. Until then, feel free to continue masturbating.
Wow. It's hard to make it any plainer than this.

most normal people think donald is nuts. and if you actually listened, chris cuomo said "the media" was helping her.

you realize that was before the campaign started right? they were talking about her shutting out other democrats.

they clearly held her feet to the fire and until donald showed himself to be insane, they were up her butt with a microscope and giving him all the free media his little heart desired.

you're not really trying to say the media is causing donald's problems, are you?

DONALD is causing donald's problems.
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Jealous I am smarter than you?

The day you can test above the 99.8 percentile on an IQ test (you know, actually do it and not just say you did it) you can ask me if I'm jealous of you. Until then, feel free to continue masturbating.
I knew you were a bridge, get over it....

Hitlery is counting on your support....

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