CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


She has no idea.

"What" she is talking is the fundamental reason that the Bill of Rights was OPPOSED!

Which is that 'future generations may perceive that this bill is designed as an instrument which provides rights and that the enumerated protections of the rights intrinsic to our beings are limited to those recognized...'.

They are feared that where the idiots deemed those rights are the extent of such, that it would not be long before they began removing rights from the list and adding absurdities wherein the Government provided rights... which of course leads the nation down the road to returning the people to serfdom ... .

We've clearly now experienced the prophetic demonstration of just that idiocy, through the addled professions of that dimwitted buffoon and her cousins throughout the cult.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


The Founders, in the Declaration of Independence, also said that Governments were formed to secure those rights.

So if our Government does not secure gay rights, then government must have decided that there is no right of a homosexual to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Thus the burden is on you to either admit that you believe Governments give us our rights, or else prove that God declared that gays do not have rights.

you should go back and read the Declaration of Independence
You should too:

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."
Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

yes a wise group of people did a few hundred years ago

wrote that all men are created equal

and among those rights

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

check it out sometime
You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

regardless if they are wrote on a piece of paper or not

they are natural rights

the 2nd amendment makes me and others aware of that fact
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It is the responsibility of Government to either

1) secure the rights of homosexuals, or,

2) declare that no such rights exist.

...same as for every right.

If God wants a say in the matter, He should speak up.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


The Founders, in the Declaration of Independence, also said that Governments were formed to secure those rights.

So if our Government does not secure gay rights, then government must have decided that there is no right of a homosexual to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Thus the burden is on you to either admit that you believe Governments give us our rights, or else prove that God declared that gays do not have rights.

you should go back and read the Declaration of Independence
You should too:

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

consent of the governed =the people not the government --LOL
Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

yes a wise group of people did a few hundred years ago

wrote that all men are created equal

and among those rights

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

check it out sometime
You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

Yes, they are natural rights.

Look... this is all extremely basic Americanism here. Its just that it appears to be beyond the means of your profound intellectual limitations.

Perhaps you should consider heading on back down to the "FIRE HOT!" discussion. Word is that you were doing great down there... .
What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

the government did not give me the right to own firearms
Yet, the government can take away that right -- which makes the part of it being unalienable, untrue.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It is the responsibility of Government to either

1) secure the rights of homosexuals, or,

2) declare that no such rights exist.

...same as for every right.

If God wants a say in the matter, He should speak up.

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

yeah so the people have the right of say not the government
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


The Founders, in the Declaration of Independence, also said that Governments were formed to secure those rights.

So if our Government does not secure gay rights, then government must have decided that there is no right of a homosexual to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Thus the burden is on you to either admit that you believe Governments give us our rights, or else prove that God declared that gays do not have rights.

What are gay rights?

If John and Peter live in a relationship , then after 7 years they decide to split - are you saying that courts nowadays will not consider the distribution of property issue if they are gay?

You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

regardless if they are wrote on a piece of paper or not

they are natural rights

the 2nd amendment makes me and others aware of that fact

But Governments of Men secure that right.

In the process Men have to decide whether or not to give you that security.
the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

the government did not give me the right to own firearms
Yet, the government can take away that right -- which makes the part of it being unalienable, untrue.
the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

the government did not give me the right to own firearms
Yet, the government can take away that right -- which makes the part of it being unalienable, untrue.

actually the government can not take your natural rights away from you

except in a very limited situation

do you think you can figure that out

just wondering

i have to go to work now

however i will be curious as to your answer

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

We had right to bear arms and to defend our lives BEFORE the Constitution and the second Amendment were adopted and a government created.

Homosexuals had the right to have sex with each other before the government was created .

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

regardless if they are wrote on a piece of paper or not

they are natural rights

the 2nd amendment makes me and others aware of that fact

But Governments of Men secure that right.

In the process Men have to decide whether or not to give you that security.

you really do not have a clue do you --LOL
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It is the responsibility of Government to either

1) secure the rights of homosexuals, or,

2) declare that no such rights exist.

...same as for every right.

If God wants a say in the matter, He should speak up.

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

yeah so the people have the right of say not the government

That's gibberish. A representative government is delegated the authority to have that say. And if the People say they're not going to give you right to bear arms, or the right to an abortion,

you won't have that right, except as the intangible of being your opinion that you have it.
What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

We had right to bear arms and to defend our lives BEFORE the Constitution and the second Amendment were adopted and a government created.

Homosexuals had the right to have sex with each other before the government was created .


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It is the responsibility of Government to either

1) secure the rights of homosexuals, or,

2) declare that no such rights exist.

...same as for every right.

If God wants a say in the matter, He should speak up.

deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

yeah so the people have the right of say not the government

That's gibberish. A representative government is delegated the authority to have that say. And if the People say they're not going to give you right to bear arms, or the right to an abortion,

you won't have that right, except as the intangible of being your opinion that you have it.

it is not gibberish it is a fact

do you have or not have a say in how your government operates
What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone

Of course it gives rights. It takes opinions and turns them into legal facts.

what the fuck are you talking about


If your opinion is that you have the right to own guns, implicitly without fear of the law, you can do that if the government gives you that right,

via something like the 2nd Amendment.

Your opinion about gun rights becomes a fact thanks to the Government.

We had right to bear arms and to defend our lives BEFORE the Constitution and the second Amendment were adopted and a government created.

Homosexuals had the right to have sex with each other before the government was created .


Their right to marry is an unalienable right unless you can prove God says otherwise.
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?

How then can marriage not be a right?

Don't confuse the issue.

You have a right to pursue happiness.

If being a homosexual is your cup of tea then more power to you, your right is covered by the US Constitution and the Ninth Amendment.

But I do not understand why a homosexual wants the government to find that his relation is moral and for it to recognize it and give it validity .


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed

It is the responsibility of Government to either

1) secure the rights of homosexuals

DONE! Homosexuals have the same rights are everyone else.... that was covered in the "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL" thing.

Meaning, that there are NO RIGHTS which anyone else has and can readily exercise, that the sexually abnormal cannot.

Where you're getting bogged down, is in the correlating responsibilities intrinsic to rights, wherein one cannot exercise a right to the detriment of another's means to exercise their own.

And where a homosexual demands not to just get married, but to marry outside of the natural standards that define marriage, where they fail to bear their responsibilities to not allow their shortcomings to affect the means of others to exercise their right to not have the sexually abnormal redefine standards critical to the viability of their culture.

You feel strongly about this, I feel strongly about this and where we cannot come to a compromise; and make no mistake, there is no potential for compromise here, we will simply have to destroy you and your cult, as we would any other virus... .

And you should know, that I am perfectly fine with that. All I am waiting on is for the moral justification which requires such action.
What other parts of the Constitution as written and ratified in 1788 are not considered "Natural Rights?"

the Constitution is a limitation on the federal government

it does not "give' rights to anyone
So the Right to bear arms, the right to petition, the right to a speedy trial...are not "Natural Rights"

Or are they?

regardless if they are wrote on a piece of paper or not

they are natural rights

the 2nd amendment makes me and others aware of that fact

But Governments of Men secure that right.

In the process Men have to decide whether or not to give you that security.

you really do not have a clue do you --LOL

You're not refuting anything I say.
The problem is that god doesn't speak to anybody except Sarah Palin and Pat Roberts. Otherwise, he does not seem to have a whole lot to say about Rights, one way or another. Further, god does not even have a law degree. I think that I will continue to look to the Supreme Court for info about rights....

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