CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

LOL! Now THAT is a lovely concession....

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He didn't concede anything. Government protects your rights. Government decides which rights it will protect.

Government protects your rights.

no that is not always the case

mandating that you purchase a product from a private business

or face serious consequences is not "protecting ones rights"

Eventually everyone calls 911 or goes to an emergency room. That shit cost money. Pay your taxes punk.

when the corporate world and the union world got a free pass from obamacare by obama

which stuck the tab on those who least could afford it

you can go fuck yourself


what tax you talking about you nincompoop

the premium for insurance is not a tax fuckstick
Rights only exist if others believe they do. They are social contracts, not divine proclamations
Tell that to the Native Americans and African slaves who were not permitted by those Men to have those same rights framed above. So they can use the "Creator" all they want but somehow they thought that God's rights didn't apply to the aforementioned people.

Unfortunately, in order to form the Republic, certain concessions had to be made, Slavery was the major concession,,,, BUT 700,000+ MEN lost their lives during the Civil War to rectify that and bring Freedom to all.... but a black racist isn't smart enough to understand that sacrifice...or perhaps, it' just doesn't fit his agenda!
That's a crock of shit, see the "Black Codes", Jim Crow, and other de jure and de facto laws and mores that very much limited those "freedoms". According to some people (Griffith) the South wasn't fighting for slavery.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

What about a religion that doesn't oppose slavery?

you mean Islam? They aren't following Gods law.....Though shalt not steal....
Thou shall not steal iraqs oil. Funny we talk about all the people Saddam killed but then how many did bush kill?

In retrospect maybe Saddam was killing members of Isis back then. God I miss that guy. Also I miss Kim Jung il Castro and that guy in Venezuela. What was his name? Danny glovers boy? Chavez? God those guys were great. I also miss makmood amadenishad in Iran. I hear he might run again.

Yeah...not seeing all that oil we are supposedly stealing......and we didn't kill innocent Iraqis unless they got caught in the middle of fighting the bad guys....who hid among the innocent violation of the rules of war....

Do you guys ever check your moral compasses....because yours is seriously broken......time to get it replaced....
I didn't say you were stealing oil. Are you an international oil company? Too cute you think they went to Iraq for you.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Not hypocrisy...Sin....they are breaking Gods law...because they are human and is far harder to do what is right than to do what one feels,like doing....isn't that atheist what feels good...since you have only you to be held accountable to...

Do you think people before moses knew it was wrong to kill? So we don't need religion to know right from wrong.

Actually, no.....why would they think it was wrong to kill if they weren't the ones being killed....seems like they killed lots of people quite freely before the 10 Commandments said it was wrong.......slavery....rape.......people were quite horrible to each other before God made things more clear on how he wanted us to behave....look at the primitive societies before Christianity came.......human sacrifice, slavery.....all kinds of bad look at us today....a lot better than it was...thanks to Christian and Jewish teachings.....

People knew murder was wrong before the 10 commandments. You answered incorrect.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Yes...teaching and expecting people to obey the Ten Commandments with the rules about not murdering people or stealing...and doing as Jesus taught to love your opposed to the atheist doctrine of murdering 100 million people.....yeah...I see your point.....
All atheism is a disbelief in your god. We don't claim god doesnt exist. We just don't buy your bibles or take them as evidence or proof your god exists.

Do you believe what the Muslims say? Then you know how we feel about you.

actually that depends on the atheism...or the agnosticism....that you believe.....but you do follow the laws and traditions that have made our country great....from JudeoChristian beliefs.....

You mean like eye for an eye or the law that said separate is not equal or the law that said abortion should be legal?
You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what? Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I think you need to phone an English teacher, since I never said, if God gave us our rights, government couldn't protect our rights. My statement said, if rights are God-given why aren't they God-enforced? Since they aren't, how do you prove that the notion isn't just wishful thinking?

You're like a Christian Scientist. If God wants to heal us, then God will do that. We shouldn't intervene by taking medicine and stuff.

My answer to that is that maybe God did want to heal us ... by giving us doctors ...

You don't get it, do you? Liberals never get simple analogies. If you can explain what I just said I'll thank you and respond with kudos.
Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

God didn't write the Bible, nor does any theolgian claim he did. Only thing God personally wrote was the firsts et of commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. Moses then destroyed these when he got back and saw the golden calf orgy going on. Commandments he got the second time he himself wrote claiming it was on instruction from God.

The Bible as we have it now was NEVER written to any extent. Rather, individual texts were combined becomming what they took to calling bibles.

You're word parsing. God is supposed to have inspired the bible through the holy spirit. That he didn't write it down is a silly argument, but then you are a silly man.
Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

God didn't write the Bible, nor does any theolgian claim he did. Only thing God personally wrote was the firsts et of commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. Moses then destroyed these when he got back and saw the golden calf orgy going on. Commandments he got the second time he himself wrote claiming it was on instruction from God.

The Bible as we have it now was NEVER written to any extent. Rather, individual texts were combined becomming what they took to calling bibles.

You're word parsing. God is supposed to have inspired the bible through the holy spirit. That he didn't write it down is a silly argument, but then you are a silly man.

They say the Devil's in the the details. I don't think appreciating people write Bibles is insignificant at all.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
Gee, is taking things out of context one of your hobbies.. Or is it just you cannot prevent your stupidity from coming to the surface...
How is what I said, taking things out of context? You're going to have to elucidate a bit. We're not mind readers out here.
You're like a Christian Scientist. If God wants to heal us, then God will do that. We shouldn't intervene by taking medicine and stuff. My answer to that is that maybe God did want to heal us ... by giving us doctors ... You don't get it, do you? Liberals never get simple analogies.
The simple analogy I get from your post is "maybe God gave us government". That may be true, but it doesn't change my contention that, absent government, rights are merely wishful thinking.
Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

yes a wise group of people did a few hundred years ago

wrote that all men are created equal

and among those rights

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

check it out sometime
You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"
Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-

Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

yes a wise group of people did a few hundred years ago

wrote that all men are created equal

and among those rights

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

check it out sometime
You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

the declaration predates the Constitution

the framers did what they could to preserve the states

they had to make a deal with the southern democrats

slave states did not get a chance to become overly represented in the house

by counting slaves as citizens

and ending international slave trade in 20 years

many from the north simply wanted to abolish the practice
Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

Has anyone provided an list of what are our Natural Rights?

yes a wise group of people did a few hundred years ago

wrote that all men are created equal

and among those rights

Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

check it out sometime
You mean the people who signed the Constitution that protected and preserved slavery?

Was slavery a "Natural Right"

Was slavery a "Natural Right"


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