CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

The 2nd amendment protects us from government you dumb ass.
We are the government. So in essence we're getting protection from ourselves. Regardless, that has nothing to do with my position that, absent government to enforce rights, they're no more than wishful thinking.

You fail to understand even the Constitution's preamble, that's bad even for a liberal.

The second Amendment only protects you from government through giving the government the power to enforce the 2nd Amendment.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

What about a religion that doesn't oppose slavery?
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

yes...freedom of speech is a God given right....he says Don't Carry his name in can if you want...but there will be consequences....which the muslim terrorists will find out because they are Carrying his name in vain......

See how that works.....we have freedom, and we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, with plenty of warnings.....shows how stupid some people can be......

LOL that's the dumbest shit you've said in this thread and that was a high bar to clear.

A right is one that you can exercise without the consequence of punishment you idiot.

You've been reduced to claiming that murder is a right, but there might be consequences.
"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

yes...freedom of speech is a God given right....he says Don't Carry his name in can if you want...but there will be consequences....which the muslim terrorists will find out because they are Carrying his name in vain......

See how that works.....we have freedom, and we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, with plenty of warnings.....shows how stupid some people can be......

LOL that's the dumbest shit you've said in this thread and that was a high bar to clear.

A right is one that you can exercise without the consequence of punishment you idiot.

You've been reduced to claiming that murder is a right, but there might be consequences.

sorry, moron try again....
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

What about a religion that doesn't oppose slavery?

you mean Islam? They aren't following Gods law.....Though shalt not steal....

Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

What about a religion that doesn't oppose slavery?

you mean Islam? They aren't following Gods law.....Though shalt not steal....

I mean any religion. How do you know which God, if any, reigns Supreme?
That is the tricky part......isn't it.....that is what all the chatter about religion is about.....and I think Christianity and Judaism are the correct ones because they create the most good for humanity....without a I'll back them against the others.....
You said there should be no need for courts if God gave us our rights. Stop word parsing, the implication is clearly it's the job of the source of our rights to protect them. So since you support government protecting our rights, that means they were given to us by government.
Since we're the government, rights are what we mutually agree they are. Slaves have no rights, but +200 years ago we agreed that was alright.

No, we are not the government, comrade. The government is supposed to work for us.
You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what? Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I think you need to phone an English teacher, since I never said, if God gave us our rights, government couldn't protect our rights. My statement said, if rights are God-given why aren't they God-enforced? Since they aren't, how do you prove that the notion isn't just wishful thinking?

You said there should be no need for courts if God gave us our rights. Stop word parsing, the implication is clearly it's the job of the source of our rights to protect them. So since you support government protecting our rights, that means they were given to us by government.

No....God gave us these rights, and leaves us to protect do that we create government, that serves at our will and gives us nothing, we empower government to do our bidding, we don't do the bidding of least that is the way it is supposed to work, but if you are a lefty, you like the Borg Collective model....

I believe you're confused, we're arguing the same side. I believe you meant to address Comradv
You said there should be no need for courts if God gave us our rights. Stop word parsing, the implication is clearly it's the job of the source of our rights to protect them. So since you support government protecting our rights, that means they were given to us by government.
Since we're the government, rights are what we mutually agree they are. Slaves have no rights, but +200 years ago we agreed that was alright.

No, we are not the government, comrade. The government is supposed to work for us.

Sadly, the lefties dream of the Borg Collective......and how much easier their lives will be when they have absolutely no control over them.....all responsiblities given away to the collective....
You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what? Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I think you need to phone an English teacher, since I never said, if God gave us our rights, government couldn't protect our rights. My statement said, if rights are God-given why aren't they God-enforced? Since they aren't, how do you prove that the notion isn't just wishful thinking?

You said there should be no need for courts if God gave us our rights. Stop word parsing, the implication is clearly it's the job of the source of our rights to protect them. So since you support government protecting our rights, that means they were given to us by government.

No....God gave us these rights, and leaves us to protect do that we create government, that serves at our will and gives us nothing, we empower government to do our bidding, we don't do the bidding of least that is the way it is supposed to work, but if you are a lefty, you like the Borg Collective model....

I believe you're confused, we're arguing the same side. I believe you meant to address Comradv insult meant......posting on a lot of threads and confused...dealing with lefty atheists will do that to you.....
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He merely transferred the practice to DC. ALL Americans are now slaves of the federal government and its welfare/warfare police state.
The remarkably stupid statement of someone who thinks like a child, and profoundly offensive to those who actually were slaves, which you are nothing like.


But let me remind you that Lincoln did not abolish slavery .

He merely transferred the practice to DC. ALL Americans are now slaves of the federal government and its welfare/warfare police state.

Fascists, like paintmyhouse, proclaim that when the government is the slavemaster, then its not called slavery.

Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.

Yes, they were not following the teachings of Jesus, and we're doing evil in the name of God....which is a violation of the 10 Commandments.......

Where as atheists have only themselves as guides to behavior, and murdered 100 million people...

and I just saw a video with Lester Holt....Muslims are practicing a slavery....sanctioned by their 1000 years ago......

Just because your fairytale is better doesn't mean we shouldn't make fun of your religion too or make comparisons.

And if anything all the athiest rulers that killed got away with it because they manipulated religious people to fight for mother america germany Russia Islam etc. None of the countries that you claim were athiest were in fact very religious people. Keep em stupid not asking questions and subservient.

Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Not hypocrisy...Sin....they are breaking Gods law...because they are human and is far harder to do what is right than to do what one feels,like doing....isn't that atheist what feels good...since you have only you to be held accountable to...

Do you think people before moses knew it was wrong to kill? So we don't need religion to know right from wrong.
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
The term creator is used essentially as a figurative. Lefty freedom-stiflers and otherwise fascists want to apply it to a specific ideological entity so they have leverage to bitch and deny rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

any law written is to either reinforce rights or to correct situations

where rights have been violated
Yet those rights originally only applied to white men.

no not really

Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

What about a religion that doesn't oppose slavery?

you mean Islam? They aren't following Gods law.....Though shalt not steal....
Thou shall not steal iraqs oil. Funny we talk about all the people Saddam killed but then how many did bush kill?

In retrospect maybe Saddam was killing members of Isis back then. God I miss that guy. Also I miss Kim Jung il Castro and that guy in Venezuela. What was his name? Danny glovers boy? Chavez? God those guys were great. I also miss makmood amadenishad in Iran. I hear he might run again.
They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
The term creator is used essentially as a figurative. Lefty freedom-stiflers and otherwise fascists want to apply it to a specific ideological entity so they have leverage to bitch and deny rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

any law written is to either reinforce rights or to correct situations

where rights have been violated

Are you serious?

The Government no longer serves as a means to defend human rights, it serves as a protection racket, wherein it says, 'we'll let you exercise your right to own a business, as long as you pay us...'.

And the list goes on and on... .

no i am serious

i am not saying that the situation has gotten out of control
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

LOL! Now THAT is a lovely concession....

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He didn't concede anything. Government protects your rights. Government decides which rights it will protect.

Government protects your rights.

no that is not always the case

mandating that you purchase a product from a private business

or face serious consequences is not "protecting ones rights"

Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Yes...teaching and expecting people to obey the Ten Commandments with the rules about not murdering people or stealing...and doing as Jesus taught to love your opposed to the atheist doctrine of murdering 100 million people.....yeah...I see your point.....
All atheism is a disbelief in your god. We don't claim god doesnt exist. We just don't buy your bibles or take them as evidence or proof your god exists.

Do you believe what the Muslims say? Then you know how we feel about you.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

LOL! Now THAT is a lovely concession....

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He didn't concede anything. Government protects your rights. Government decides which rights it will protect.

Government protects your rights.

no that is not always the case

mandating that you purchase a product from a private business

or face serious consequences is not "protecting ones rights"

Eventually everyone calls 911 or goes to an emergency room. That shit cost money. Pay your taxes punk.

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