CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

I see , this a an argument between fascists

the religionists vs the state supremacists

without them , they claim, we have no rights

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

So the FASCIST theocratic or secular state are the only ones capable of granting rights



In truth, a right which is readily granted, is worthless... as such rights can be just as readily revoked. Wich means that what the Left refers to as 'rights', as merely privileges, sustained by the whimsy of pop-culture.

I frankly have no use for such, but in fairness, I've no use for those who advocate for such, so... well, you know.

...The Fascist State organizes the nation, but leaves a sufficient margin of liberty to the individual; the latter is deprived of all useless and possibly harmful freedom, but retains what is essential; the deciding power in this question cannot be the individual, but the State alone....

The problem is that the American Fascist state is controlled by conservatives and liberals

I must pay for the war in AfPAk, Iraq, and for TSA, whether I like or not.

I must pay to feed , insure, clothe , educate the parasites whether I like it or not.

What would anyone expect from a brainwashed lefty who actually referred to the black terrorist in the Paris shooting as an 'African-American' because he's too brainwashed to say black, as though that's offensive. His colleague had to correct him and inform him that the black terrorist wasn't American.
What a lefty dope!
Is that true? He refers to all black humans as African American?
Wow. Talk about being truly brainwashed.
Its pathetic.
But African Americans are not black, they're brown, except for their hair, most often, so "black" is not as accurate as African American.

And why do you care you dillweed?

You don't even have any African American freinds to be offended by anything!
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

And it wasn't easy because it says in the bible slavery is ok
In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.
Southern Christians used the Bible as a justification for slavery. Apparently their right to own another human being was "God-given".


But let me remind you that Lincoln did not abolish slavery .

He merely transferred the practice to DC. ALL Americans are now slaves of the federal government and its welfare/warfare police state.


Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

In the end of slavery in christian america i dont believe it existed anywhere else in the world.

And if christianity were good or real they wouldn't have had slaves to begin with.

I have to say owning a human sounds very appealing. I'd buy nothing but hot women. Lol
He merely transferred the practice to DC. ALL Americans are now slaves of the federal government and its welfare/warfare police state.
The remarkably stupid statement of someone who thinks like a child, and profoundly offensive to those who actually were slaves, which you are nothing like.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.

How many white lynch mobs hung a black man on Saturday night and then went to church the next morning?
In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.
Southern Christians used the Bible as a justification for slavery. Apparently their right to own another human being was "God-given".

Absolutely it was. Granted to them by a bunch of Christians.

Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830, authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders. A few tribes went peacefully, but many resisted the relocation policy. During the fall and winter of 1838 and 1839, the Cherokees were forcibly moved west by the United States government. Approximately 4,000 Cherokees died on this forced march, which became known as the "Trail of Tears."

Indian Removal Act Primary Documents in American History Virtual Programs Services Library of Congress

The sheer audacity of Christians and their perceived "rights" has always been at the expense of others whom they could kill if not obeyed.
In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.
Southern Christians used the Bible as a justification for slavery. Apparently their right to own another human being was "God-given".


But let me remind you that Lincoln did not abolish slavery .

He merely transferred the practice to DC. ALL Americans are now slaves of the federal government and its welfare/warfare police state.



Then every citizen in every country is a slave.

The question is, how does our mater treat us?

We had a slave uprising when we formed unions but our slave masters slowly destroyed them. We had a good slave master FDR who gave us a new deal but now that's gone too. We use to get good food and affordabe healthcare from master but since Reagan and bush (our latest masters) we've been getting shit on.

We use to have a democracy where our slave masters had to deal with our government but they bought our government too.

Meanwhile the slaves in other countries have it better than we do now.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
What???!! now thats really reaching,we do live withing a real world with real people
That's why I say, if not for government "rights" would be nothing but wishful thinking. "God-given" doesn't mean much, if there's nothing to back them up.
If not for government, some god-given rights would actually be allowed. Like merely existing without a health care plan.
Ah yes, the God given right to get sick and die.
[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 10757505, member: 41423Science has put faith where it belongs, in the cornfield with the others who think the Earth is only 6000 years old....According to the Bible.[/QUOTE]


Imagine the 'faith' it takes to cling to that idiocy?




Science doesn't compete with faith.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.

Yes, they were not following the teachings of Jesus, and we're doing evil in the name of God....which is a violation of the 10 Commandments.......

Where as atheists have only themselves as guides to behavior, and murdered 100 million people...

and I just saw a video with Lester Holt....Muslims are practicing a slavery....sanctioned by their 1000 years ago......
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......
I'm calling it
[QUOTE="NoTeaPartyPleez, post: 10757505, member: 41423Science has put faith where it belongs, in the cornfield with the others who think the Earth is only 6000 years old....According to the Bible.


Imagine the 'faith' it takes to cling to that idiocy?




Science doesn't compete with faith.[/QUOTE]

Not in my book, but certainly many think faith trumps science.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Yes...teaching and expecting people to obey the Ten Commandments with the rules about not murdering people or stealing...and doing as Jesus taught to love your opposed to the atheist doctrine of murdering 100 million people.....yeah...I see your point.....
Many Brits laughed at the Declaration of Independence, with its pontificating about rights, authored by slaveholders.

They had a point.


Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Not hypocrisy...Sin....they are breaking Gods law...because they are human and is far harder to do what is right than to do what one feels,like doing....isn't that atheist what feels good...since you have only you to be held accountable to...

Imagine Britain ever thinking it was relevant.

In truth, black slaves were not considered human, therefore, the notion you enjoy regarding slavery is irrelevant, and made all the more so, by your advocacy that blacks are not human, thus require chronic subsidy, to help them seem more so, to make them more comfortable in a human world.

In truth, had it not been for Christianity, slavery would still be a going concern.

Christianity could have spoke up a lot sooner.

How many churches in the deep south took money from slave owners who made their money on the backs of slaves? The churches said nothing. They have blood on their hands.
But but but the Christians freed the slaves, from the other Christians who owned the slaves.

again....those who held slaves were in violation of the teachings of Jesus and he 10 Commandments.....though shalt not steal....though shalt not covet thy neighbors goods......

Therefore the hypocrisy, which is what I've already mentioned. The people who break the rules are in the vast majority over the entire history of this ridiculous religion. All religions are ridiculous, though.

Yes...teaching and expecting people to obey the Ten Commandments with the rules about not murdering people or stealing...and doing as Jesus taught to love your opposed to the atheist doctrine of murdering 100 million people.....yeah...I see your point.....
Tell us, if an atheist is allowed to kill, and does, and a Christian isn't allowed to kill and does, which one is worse?

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