CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?

Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....
I don't believe we're created to serve government. That notion just highlights your biases. I believe we create government to serve ourselves.

And yet you say government gave us these rights....and if government can give those rights it can take them many leftists want to do with our Bill of Rights.....
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?
The 2nd amendment protects us from government you dumb ass.
We are the government. So in essence we're getting protection from ourselves. Regardless, that has nothing to do with my position that, absent government to enforce rights, they're no more than wishful thinking.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?

Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.
"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

Bible says many things, not everything it does is also legal. So who do we defer to? Religion or government? If religion, don't we then risk wrath from the government? If we defer to government how absolute or real is our supposed belief in religion?

That is why in a free society we vote....and try our best to get it right....but being humans....we can only get so close.....God gave us freedom of action after all.....

I'd agree God didn't give us freedom of action, choice, or will at all if in exercising some choices we go to hell. That's not having a choice. That's having a selection. :)

You know it is interesting that to avoid hell, you simply have to not do things specifically mentioned in the 10 Commandments...per se....pretty simple rules....don't really inhibit any activity that normal people normally engage in....and yet...even with the warnings...people still do those a funny creature.....

But maybe some fringe religion, neither mainstream Judaism nor Christianity say you go to heaven if you follow the 10 commandments. For one thing there's over 600 commandments, not merely 10. The famous 10 are more properly thought of as categories of numerous related commandments. Plus, while it's straight-foward and natural not to murder, steal, etc. some of the others are harder to follow. Whereas still others are literally impossible, or would result in your being put in prison for obeying.

In Judaism even if you don't follow all 613-622 (depending on your particular tradition) you can still go to "heaven." And Judaism has no concept of hell, that came about later after Catholicism came along. If God's upset with you enough you don't go 'up' you simply don't go anywhere. When you die that's it, end of experience. But He didn't think punishing imperfect beings for the rest of eternity makes much sense asw ith creating a place for that punishment. You simply end at the end instead of continue someplace nice.
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.
Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

Prove he didn't.......
I don't believe we're created to serve government. That notion just highlights your biases. I believe we create government to serve ourselves.
And yet you say government gave us these rights....and if government can give those rights it can take them many leftists want to do with our Bill of Rights.....
Could you cite where I said government gives us rights? I've always said rights are something we give ourselves. Government is merely the instrument we create for enforcing them.
This is where I have to say I agree with Ayn Rand about where human rights come from:

But the theory that rights come from God is hopeless. To begin with, there is no evidence for the existence of such a being, much less for the existence of rights that somehow emanate from his will. Whether one believes in God is beside the point here. Either way, the fact remains that there is no evidence for God’s existence, which is why it is supposed to be accepted on faith—in the absence of evidence. Rights in support of which there is no evidence are not rights but fantasies.

Further, what would it mean for an all-powerful, infallible, and all-good being to give man rights? Surely, if God existed and possessed such qualities, he could at any time repeal those rights and kill people at will (as he does in the stories of the Old Testament) or command or permit certain people to kill, enslave, or rape others (as he does in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam). And if God—who is supposed to be infallible, all good, and the maker of moral law—did commit or permit such acts, then such acts would, by definition, be morally good. “Rights” that can be revoked are not rights but permissions. And a “theory” of rights that permits murder, enslavement, and rape is not a theory of rights but a mockery of them."""
Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

God didn't write the Bible, nor does any theolgian claim he did. Only thing God personally wrote was the firsts et of commandments given to Moses at Mt. Sinai. Moses then destroyed these when he got back and saw the golden calf orgy going on. Commandments he got the second time he himself wrote claiming it was on instruction from God.

The Bible as we have it now was NEVER written to any extent. Rather, individual texts were combined becomming what they took to calling bibles.
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

yes...freedom of speech is a God given right....he says Don't Carry his name in can if you want...but there will be consequences....which the muslim terrorists will find out because they are Carrying his name in vain......

See how that works.....we have freedom, and we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, with plenty of warnings.....shows how stupid some people can be......
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.

"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

yes...freedom of speech is a God given right....he says Don't Carry his name in can if you want...but there will be consequences....which the muslim terrorists will find out because they are Carrying his name in vain......

See how that works.....we have freedom, and we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, with plenty of warnings.....shows how stupid some people can be......

Would say believing anything written thousands of years and on the other side of the planet is stupider. :)
"Rights" are whatever your government says you can do. Rights from a religion are what we infer we have because a commandment doesn't say we can't. There are no rights granted by reliigon. They're simply infered due to a lack of text saying we can't do something.

We have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness simply because that terminology was written down. But we also have the right to wear ugly clothes because nothing says we can't. But that right is infered just as many "rights" are in religions. A Christian, Jew, or Muslim has the right to an abortion because it doesn't say anywhere you don't, and in fact gives multiple examples of what we'd now term abortion.

It says so in the Ten Commandments...that whole...Though Shalt do no Murder....thing........

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

Excellent example.

The Ten Commandments say you must not take the Lord's name in vain. The Bill of Rights says you have freedom of speech.

So is freedom of speech a God given right or not?

yes...freedom of speech is a God given right....he says Don't Carry his name in can if you want...but there will be consequences....which the muslim terrorists will find out because they are Carrying his name in vain......

See how that works.....we have freedom, and we have a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing, with plenty of warnings.....shows how stupid some people can be......

Would say believing anything written thousands of years and on the other side of the planet is stupider. :)

We'll both find out when we get to the other side....good luck....
Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

Prove he didn't.......

I don't have prove a negative. Since you cannot even establish as fact that God wrote the Bible, nor can you establish as fact that God even exists,

it is therefore impossible to establish as fact that rights are God given.

We can however see where rights do in fact exist in law, and we can in fact trace their origins to Men, who decided which actions would be declared rights and which would be given protection under the law.
Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....

And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

Prove he didn't.......

I don't have prove a negative. Since you cannot even establish as fact that God wrote the Bible, nor can you establish as fact that God even exists,

it is therefore impossible to establish as fact that rights are God given.

We can however see where rights do in fact exist in law, and we can in fact trace their origins to Men, who decided which actions would be declared rights and which would be given protection under the law.

And the rights conveyed by hitler were just as legitimate...right? or mao....or stalin?
I don't believe we're created to serve government. That notion just highlights your biases. I believe we create government to serve ourselves.
And yet you say government gave us these rights....and if government can give those rights it can take them many leftists want to do with our Bill of Rights.....
Could you cite where I said government gives us rights? I've always said rights are something we give ourselves. Government is merely the instrument we create for enforcing them.

You can't separate rights from their protection in any meaningful manner. Rights are an opinion until the government gives them protection, then they become a fact,

at as much a fact as the government has the ability TO protect them.
And where did God write that down? Where is the proof that whatever God is, he is against abortion?

The place where he wrote down...Though Shalt do No Murder....pretty much covers that....

Prove God wrote the Bible.

Prove he didn't.......

I don't have prove a negative. Since you cannot even establish as fact that God wrote the Bible, nor can you establish as fact that God even exists,

it is therefore impossible to establish as fact that rights are God given.

We can however see where rights do in fact exist in law, and we can in fact trace their origins to Men, who decided which actions would be declared rights and which would be given protection under the law.

And the rights conveyed by hitler were just as legitimate...right? or mao....or stalin?

Are you conceding that you cannot prove God gave us rights?

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