CNN Anchor: ‘Our Rights Do Not Come From God’

They don't come from God. They come from us. The only right that God grants is life. If he's in the mood.
The term creator is used essentially as a figurative. Lefty freedom-stiflers and otherwise fascists want to apply it to a specific ideological entity so they have leverage to bitch and deny rights.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

any law written is to either reinforce rights or to correct situations

where rights have been violated

Are you serious?

The Government no longer serves as a means to defend human rights, it serves as a protection racket, wherein it says, 'we'll let you exercise your right to own a business, as long as you pay us...'.

And the list goes on and on... .
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

LOL! Now THAT is a lovely concession....

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.
what sort of idiotic post is that
Isn't it the one that can't comprehend plain English that's the idiot? Answer the question or leave the forum to people with the IQ to understand the discussion.

LOL! Now THAT is a lovely concession....

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

He didn't concede anything. Government protects your rights. Government decides which rights it will protect.
If God gave us our rights, including the right to free speech,

why did God also command that one not take his name in vain?

Isn't swearing an exercise of free speech?
If your rights are violated, do you just pray or go to court? There should be no need for courts, if the OP is correct.


The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
The U.S. Constitution

The United States Constitution serves as the law of the land for America and indicates the intent of our Founding Fathers. The Constitution forms a secular document, and nowhere does it appeal to God, Christianity, Jesus, or any supreme being. The U.S. government derives from people (not God), as it clearly states in the preamble: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union...." The omission of God in the Constitution did not come out of forgetfulness, but rather out of the Founding Fathers purposeful intentions to keep government separate from religion.
The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.
But which god?

Not defending Palin as she is a fucking moron, but all the super far left haters on these boards seem to have pictures of well known republicans as avatars.... I dono if you're aware but it really does come across like you all receive the same news letter and talking points. Just food for thought coming from a non Republican.
The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?

Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I'm often asked why I cite the Moderator of this very Site who recently noted:


Asking further if I agree... At which time I inform them that of course I agree... given that God prohibits the possibility for someone to simultaneously adhere to both the thesis and the antithesis.

They then usually ask why I feel that Leftists can't or don't adhere to the American thesis and I point out that that is because they wouldn't be Leftist if they did.

But every now and again a jack-ass Liberal gets honest in public and provides a WONDERFUL example of what Anti-Americanism IS, what it looks like and how pitiful they are trying to sell it.

So here's another New York Leftist runs to misinform the Intellectually Less Fortunate, that they have no inalienable rights:

CNN Anchor Our Rights Do Not Come From God CNS News

(The video is embedded in that article I could not find an independent link to the video, so you can watch it there.)

You can get a fantastic discussion of it here, with the most relevant context included:

Mark Levin Chris Cuomo is WRONG Our rights do not come from man and HERE 8217 S WHY The Right Scoop -

In truth, absent God, Inalienable human rights cannot exist.
But which god?

Not defending Palin as she is a fucking moron, but all the super far left haters on these boards seem to have pictures of well known republicans as avatars.... I dono if you're aware but it really does come across like you all receive the same news letter and talking points. Just food for thought coming from a non Republican.

Yes, it does. Well stated. I personally don't understand the whole concept of using one's enemy as an avatar. I think avatars should indicate what you are, not who you hate.
The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?

Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?
You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what? Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I think you need to phone an English teacher, since I never said, if God gave us our rights, government couldn't protect our rights. My statement said, if rights are God-given why aren't they God-enforced? Since they aren't, how do you prove that the notion isn't just wishful thinking?
The OP and the voices in your head are actually not the same. So government cannot protect our rights unless government gives us our rights? That's just stupid. Government does not give us our rights, but government is a vehicle to protect them.
What does that have to do with the notion that rights are God-given? Take the government out of the equation, how are rights defined, much less enforced? Did God change his mind? In the Old Testament slavery was tolerated, but today most religions condemn it. If rights are God-given, where are they listed and what's God's method for advising us of a change?

Logic test for liberals.

You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights

So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what?

Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...

Rights come from the People who decide through their Government what rights they will have. The Government then protects them.

If you think rights come from God, why do you argue that abortion is not a right? Or same sex marriage?

Did GOD tell you that?

Abortion is not a right because it is murder....I think even atheists who kill muslims would understand that.....
You argued: If God gave us our rights, then government cannot protect our rights So, if government can protect our rights, that implies our rights came from...what? Feel free to phone a friend or ask your teacher for help...
I think you need to phone an English teacher, since I never said, if God gave us our rights, government couldn't protect our rights. My statement said, if rights are God-given why aren't they God-enforced? Since they aren't, how do you prove that the notion isn't just wishful thinking?

They are enforced by man.....he tells us what he expects and it is up to us to do the work........and if man gave us rights they can be taken away by man.....since God gave us those rights, no man can take them.....without being subject to God when the time comes....

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